The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1217: War of Good Fortune (three)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wuling World!

The quiet city of portals in the chaos domain is as quiet as usual, even more silent than before, because the portal city has been completely emptied as early as the time when the chaos domain changed hands, the portal city of today is as early as There is no longer an ordinary person.

At this moment, in the middle of this not-so-large city, a huge pillar stands there. At the top of the pillar, two precious stones are placed on top of it, exuding a dazzling light.

The whole city is quiet and terrible, and this quietness also seems to indicate something happening. It looks more like the tranquility before the storm.

In such a quiet time, for a whole seven days, it slipped away in a blink of an eye. On this day, the quiet city of the portals of the Chaos Demon Realm completely broke the tranquility with a loud noise.

"Well !!!"

Outside the gate of the portal city, a huge space crack suddenly appeared, and then a slightly older man walked out from the space crack.

When a man emerged from a crack in space, the first time he looked at the pillar in the center of the portal city, to be precise, he naturally looked at the two brilliant crystals at the top of the pillar.

"Shenjing !!! Two, there really are two !!!"

When seeing the two **** crystals at the top of the stone pillar, Hong Haitian's face was suddenly filled with excitement, and the whole person seemed to be crazy at once.

"Mine, all the **** crystals are from Hong Haitian, come here for me !!!"

After a short excitement, Hong Haitian no longer hesitated, and suddenly raised his hand, he grasped the **** crystal above the stone pillar.

"Boom !!!!!! Hey !!!"

The huge handprint was grabbed at the two **** crystals. However, just as his handprint entered the city of the portal, a seal enchantment suddenly appeared, making his large handprint directly blocked by the enchantment. Out there. However, this time he obviously used a lot of energy to actually shatter the enchantment.


Almost at the moment when the enchantment of energy broke apart, the stone pillar in the center of the city disappeared like ice and snow, and disappeared at the same time. There were also two dazzling crystals above the stone pillar.

"Hong Haitian, you finally came, I thought you wouldn't come !!!"

The stone pillar disappeared, and the fluttering voice immediately resounded in the entire portal city. Then, the position of the original stone pillar, a woman's figure slowly emerged. Who else is Jiang Qingwu?

At this moment, Jiang Qingwu smiled with a smile on her face. The whole person seemed to be in good shape, and in her hands, the two shining **** crystals were like being charged, obviously. Become more eye-catching.

"Jiang Qingwu, you really are a ghost, I know that God Crystal is here, you must want to attract this palace."

When he saw Jiang Qingwu appearing in front of himself, Hong Haitian's face could not help but change slightly, his eyes were full of anger, but in the depth of his eyes, it was full of fiery.

He had long guessed that someone had used God Crystal to deliberately lead him out, but no matter whether the other party intended it or not, for whatever purpose, he could not control himself when the breath of the two God Crystals came. In the footsteps, almost the first time he felt the breath of Shenjing, he found it along the breath.

Looking at the two **** crystals in Jiang Qingwu's hand, Hong Haitian was already red-eyed at this moment. Everyone knows that once the three **** crystals can be gathered, then the existence of the last two **** crystals can be sensed by the three **** crystals. And if you can gather all the five elements of the five elements, then it is really not far from becoming a god.

Therefore, in his heart, no matter what, he must grab these two **** crystals.

"Oh, knowing that, are you still here?"

With a slight smile, Jiang Qingwu shook her hands, and the two **** crystals in her hand were put away by her. The effect of the bait has been reached, and the next time is to really determine the time of belonging of the **** crystal.

"Ha ha ha ha, Jiang Qingwu, do you think you can eat this house? Take two **** crystals to seduce me. This will be the biggest mistake you make. After a while, I will make you unable to eat. Go for a walk !!! "

Hearing Jiang Qingwu's words, Hong Haitian couldn't help laughing. In fact, he also understood that Jiang Qingwu did not hesitate to take out both of the **** crystals. He should be ready to fight against him, but he really didn't fear it.

Although Jiang Qingwu's qualifications are not bad, and I am afraid that his strength is not lower than him, as the star of the palace, he is not so easy to defeat. Moreover, he has some cards, which Jiang Qingwu cannot match.

When he was fighting with Luo Luojie and Tian Lian Mo Gong, he actually guessed that the crystal of God at the moment of Tian Lian Mo Gong might have fallen into Jiang Qingwu's hands, which is why he secretly calculated Jiang Qingwu and sealed it for one of the reasons. Now it seems that his guess is indeed correct. The magic crystal of Tianlian Demon Palace has been really lightly danced by Jiang.

"Where's your helper? Before, you surrendered so many people secretly. Why, are you hiding them now? Are you planning to use secret hands? I think they were called out earlier and let this palace be slaughtered together. Forget it. "

Looking around, Hong Haitian could feel that at this moment, the portal city of the Chaos Demon Domain definitely has a trap, but to be honest, for the layout of some simple people in the cave, he I really didn't take it too seriously.

"To help you where you need any help, Hong Haitian, today's battle, if you win, my two **** crystals belong to you, but if you lose, your **** crystal will belong to me, how?"

Jiang Qingwu's face was right, and then she was very serious. In any case, the most important thing today depends on her performance, and this battle, she is ready to be seriously injured.

"Hahahaha, this proposal is good, but I have a better proposal." After hearing Jiang Qingwu's words, Hong Haitian laughed again and then continued, "Qiaowu, I know you are nothing Ambitious, you give me the **** crystal and help me find the other two. After I become a god, I will find a way to make you a god. In this way, everyone can become a god, without the need to move and fight. Is it better if you die? "

Although Hong Haitian believes that he can win this battle, it is obvious that even if he finally wins Jiang Qingwu, he wants to grab the crystal from the opponent's hand, which is not easy, so, If he can do nothing, he certainly hopes that this battle will be avoided.

"The proposal is good, but I have two **** crystals, and you only have one. So, if you hand over the **** crystal, it should be the one you handed over to help me become a god."

There was a mocking smile on the corner of Jiang Qingwu's mouth. At this time, Hong Haitian could still have such a thought. It can be seen that the other party was not as confident as it seemed. As for asking her to surrender Shenjing, this is obviously unlikely.

"Well, isn't it negotiable?"

When Jiang Qingwu's words fell, Hong Haitian couldn't help but look dark, and the whole person was indescribably angry.

He really didn't know that Jiang Qingwu had even become the way he is now. If these words were put before, he would never say it from Jiang Qingwu's mouth.

Unfortunately, where does he know that Jiang Qingwu had no desire and no interest in the fighting, but now she has her own child, of course, everything must be considered for her child.

"Stop talking nonsense, take away the two **** crystals in my hand, and if I win, let me say it!"


Jiang Qingwu stopped talking, and her voice fell, and suddenly there was a terrible momentum rising from the sky. The huge breath rushed into the sky, but the desire to fight was extremely strong.

"Hum, this is your own death, then you can't blame me !!! Kill !!!"

Hong Haitian didn't say much anymore. He drank aloud, and his body was suddenly killed by Jiang Qingwu, talking, a huge fist shadow, which directly tore the entire space, straight Ben Jiang Qingwu bombarded away.

"Hum, I'm afraid you can't do it? Go !!!"

Jiang Qingwu was not afraid of it. Seeing Hong Haitian's attack coming, she raised her hand, and a golden palm print greeted the opponent's attack directly. The momentum was not weak at all.


The huge fist shadow intersects with the palm print, sending out a loud bang, and with this encounter between the two, the entire portal city shudders, and the buildings on the ground collapse instantly.


After a simple one-punch tentacle, Hong Haitian took out his full strength directly and raised his hand, and he took out his own spiritual soldier. This time, the spiritual soldier he took out was a simple shape. Long black sword with a very evil breath.

The black long sword is full of ghosts, and the sword is flashing, just like there are thousands of evil spirits biting at Jiang Qingwu. When hurting the enemy, it will inevitably bring a deep impact on the opponent. influences.

"Lingjian sword !!!"

Seeing that the other side started using the Ling soldier, Jiang Qingwu didn't dare to neglect. When she raised her hand, she took out a long and slender green sword, and the sword body shook to make the other side stand in one place.

This battle will surely be a test of endurance. Jiang Qingwu knows very well that even if she can't defeat the other party, then she must at least lose the other party and get hurt. Once she can seriously damage the other party, she believes that her son will be able to Do a good job of finishing the work, so that the owner of the star palace, see what is powerful! !!

ps: The amount of alcohol is not in place. !! !!

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