The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1215: Come to an end (one more)

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In the kingdom of the Sapphire Mansion, the Thirty-Fifth Mansion Mansion is still like an obedient soldier, standing there honestly. Without Yuan Feng's order, this time they didn't even dare to speak.

Opposite the Thirty-fifth Mansion, the Sapphire Mansion, who has been shaken by the shock, has calmed down slowly. However, although the calmness has been restored, the Sapphire Mansion ’s attitude towards today What happened was still an incredible attitude, and it would be hard for a while to get him to accept this fact.

"Hey, Yuan Feng, now the owner of the thirty-sixth house in the French Realm, except me, has been taken over by you. Ask a more realistic word. What are you going to do with me next?"

The words have already been said, and the master of the blue jade house does not need to be euphemistic. This is the case. Yuan Feng has conquered thirty-five house lords, and now he is the only one who has not. A powerful man at the prefecture level must also have a saying.

No one wants to be a vassal of others. When he saw the 35-figure master obey Yuan Feng's words and obey Yuan Feng, he certainly didn't want to be the same as these people. However, he knew more clearly that Yuan Feng would be able to subdue the 35 people, so he would certainly be able to subdue him.

Other than that, just the 35 subordinates of Yuan Feng alone can definitely take him down easily.

"Master, the lord, the junior will charge them all the income, but it is actually helpless. As for the lord, the junior did not think of you to surrender. What I need the lord to do is to close the country, regardless of world affairs. You can help me, of course. If you ca n’t help, at least the younger people do n’t want the master of the government to stand on the opposite side of me. ”

The masters of Lanyu Mansion have already spoken so directly. Of course, Yuan Feng has no need to hide it, and frankly, this is indeed his purpose here.

"Ha ha ha, okay, it seems that the government really did not read you wrong."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the owner of the Blue Jade House couldn't help laughing, but his heart was indescribable.

Seriously, he was really worried that Yuan Feng would treat him as if he was treating other people, and even if he was taken over, it would not be a big deal, after all, everyone else had already surrendered. However, if he can maintain the current independence, he certainly does not want to become a vassal of Yuan Feng.

"Rest assured, this government can swear that it will not stand on the opposite side of you anyway, and if you really need our help, you can always say to this government, as long as I can help Yes, of course I won't quit. "

For the owner of the Blue Jade Mansion, this is undoubtedly the best result. However, such privileges are only possible for him. The rest are obviously envious.

"Thank you Lord Lord."

Yuan Feng was very satisfied with the answer given by the owner of the Blue Jade House. The attitude of the blue jade houseowners made him comfortable, and to be honest, the thirty-five house-owners and the thirty-six house-owners were actually similar.

"Master Fu, you have been harassing for a long time today, and the juniors have other things to do, so they will not stay. If there is something in the future, the juniors will harass again."

After solving the problem of the owner of the Blue Jade Mansion, Yuan Feng was also considered as a mind, and the next time, he obviously did not need to stay. In fact, when he was facing the owner of the Sapphire Mansion, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

"Okay, you can do your business. If you have a chance, I hope you can have a drink with Yuan Feng's little brother and listen to the legendary experience of the little brother."

The host of Lanyufu smiled slightly, and the title of Yuan Feng also naturally turned into peer discussion, and there was no sense of anything wrong.

"That being the case, the junior will leave first and there will be a period later !!!"

Nodded, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated, and arched his hands against the host of the Blue Jade House. He directly included the thirty-fifth house owner into his cave world, and then left the place in a flash.

He is now in control of the thirty-fifth major government of the French phase. He is now in control of thirty-five. This situation is obviously enough. In the next time, whatever he wants to do, he can do it at will, at least in the French phase. In the world, no one can bring him any trouble.

After Yuan Feng left, the face of the owner of the Blue Jade Mansion fell into a dullness and complexity again.

Before, he forced himself to accept the facts told by Yuan Feng, but after Yuan Feng left, when he remembered the bits and pieces before, everything felt so incredible.

The owners of the thirty-six courts have all become vassals of Yuan Feng. Although his situation is a bit special, it is also because Yuan Feng has not shot at him. If Yuan Feng shot at him, then he may be as impossible. Can escape.

"What the **** is going on? How can a small person who has become a dandan realm suddenly become a strong man in Dongtian Realm? And he also convinced the thirty-five provincial strong men to be convinced. ? "

Even if he wanted to break his head, he couldn't figure out what happened. Moreover, Yuan Feng said that he had already destroyed the Star Palace, which made him even more unbelievable.

The behemoths such as the Star Palace are among those who have created a strong realm. The owners of the 36 palaces obeyed the Astral Palace because they were afraid of their strong realms. But now, Yuan Feng said that the Star Palace has been destroyed, which is obviously unrealistic.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter anything. It doesn't matter what the other thirty-five prefectures, or the celestial palace, has nothing to do with me. From today, the government will close the country and live my own pastimes. As for the others, Just go with him !!! "

There are a lot of doubts under my heart, but the owner of Lanyu Mansion does not intend to figure it out, because no matter what Yuan Feng said is true or false, it has nothing to do with him, as long as he can ensure that he is aloof and not involved. Just in the middle of the dispute.

"The teleportation Xuanzhen cannot be left, and the kingdom will also be transferred. From now on, the thirty-six palaces of the French Realm will truly cease to exist !!! Extinction !!!"

The mind was turned, and the owner of the Blue Jade House no longer hesitated. As soon as he raised his hand, a huge palm print was directed at the teleportation array in front of him.


The huge teleportation disk was directly turned into ashes, cutting off the only way to enter this place from the outside world. Now, if anyone wants to enter his country, it can only be torn apart the space barrier and forced into it. However, it is certainly not easy to want to break into his country.

"It's not safe here anymore, let's move the country to another place and wait. When everything is stable, it's not too late for me to re-emerge."

The teleportation mystery was destroyed, and the owner of the blue jade mansion controlled his country and began to move in the space of the French phase. Transferring such a huge country is certainly not an easy task, but for security reasons, no matter how difficult or troublesome he is, he has to do it.

This is not to blame him. There is such a big thing happening in the French realm. No matter who is changed, it is impossible to prepare nothing. Although he promised that Yuan Feng would provide help at any time, it was nothing more than politeness. . Yuan Feng now has 35 government subordinates. Where can I help him?

"Om !!!"

The huge country was shaken slightly. The owner of the blue jade mansion directly started the big relocation. After this relocation, I am afraid that it is really difficult to find him again in the French realm. Dig him out.

With the control of the 35th Mansion by Yuan Feng, and the Sapphire Mansion directly closing the country and hiding it, the realm of law today can be said to be completely different.

No one knows what the future of the phase of law will be. Maybe, this change is a disaster for the phase of law. Maybe, this change is a rebirth of the phase of law, no matter what kind of result. The great changes of the French phase have already occurred, and this change will reach the maximum degree when Yuan Feng's final action unfolds ...

When the thirty-fifth largest government owner was conquered by himself, and one was considered a perfect solution, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated, and embarked directly on his journey to the world of magic.

When he went to the Mo Luo world, he was obviously not fighting. In fact, the Mo Luo world had a ancestor who created a realm. He would never provoke the super strong for no reason. His purpose is only one, that is, Find Dahei.

From the realm of law to the realm of Mo Luo, this is even more difficult for Yuan Feng's deity. Soon, his figure appeared on the land of Mo Luo realm.

To be on the safe side, he completely sealed the light dance palace in the cave world, and will not let the atmosphere of the light dance palace be leaked at all. As for his mother, he even let him stay in Qingwu Palace. He would never show up easily when it was absolutely necessary.

With these arrangements in place, Yuan Feng began to join the ranks of looking for Dahei, mobilizing all the power he could call, and the whole world found it.

The demon went into battle together, Yuan Feng used the maximum power he could use, but unfortunately, even if he used all the available methods, in the end, he still could not find the place of the big black, that kind It feels like Dahei has really disappeared into the magic world.

In the end, Yuan Feng also had to give up. Perhaps, the fate between him and Dahei has really come to an end!

After letting go in search of Dahei, Yuan Feng returned directly to the French Realm, and this time, he obviously had to arrange it carefully. It is also time for the final solution to the matter of Hong Haitian, the main star of the Star Palace.

ps: Brothers and sisters, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! !! !!

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