The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1207: Rescue (one more)

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Suddenly someone was in control of his life, of course, the owner of the dog tooth house could not accept it for a while.

Unlike Helen Manchu, the owner of Junya Mansion is an extremely rotten hedonist. He has been living such a life of extravagant desire after being promoted to the completion of Dongtian Realm. Yuan Feng's uniform meant that he would no longer be able to enjoy this extravagant life from now on.

However, to this day, he obviously cannot continue to think about this, because at this moment, his main purpose is to keep his own life, as for the rest, he can keep in his heart for the time being, and leave it to the opportunity Think again.

Although it was difficult to accept, in the end, the owner of the dog tooth government reluctantly accepted this cruel fact, and became the second person to be conquered by Yuan Feng after the master of Helian House.

"Two, thirty-six houses, and now two prefectures have been completely conquered by me, and this small step is definitely a big step for my success !!"

In the pink space, Yuan Feng looked at the two men in front of his face with relief, but there was unspeakable satisfaction under his heart.

The owner of the 36th house, he has now controlled two of them. Although the number of the two is not much compared with the number of 36, but with these two people as the basis, he next The road to subdue other people will inevitably be smoother. He believes that in the end, the owners of the thirty-six houses will be at his feet and let him direct.

"Houndstooth, from now on, like Helian, you will call me and my mother by the title of young master and master, and from now on, only what I ask you to do, you can do it. It's something I don't allow. If you dare to do it once, then I will send you to hell. "

Yuan Feng's words became more and more straightforward. In his eyes, although the owner of the dog tooth house is very strong, anyway, he has already controlled the life and death of the other party, of course, he must say everything Count.

"My subordinates know that from now on, I will obey the young master's orders and will never do anything against the young master."

The hair of the owner of the dog teeth house has been erected. Yuan Feng obviously will not joke with him, and even if he is joking, he must not dare to try it. After all, blocking with life is too big. .

"Just know, now, tell me how many female warriors are in this pink country? And how many of them were arrested by you and forced them to stay and serve you?"

When he waved his hand, Yuan Feng's eyes couldn't help but look around, and sensed the situation in those buildings, but found that in this pink world, there are many energy fluctuations, and these energy fluctuations are strong. The weak and strong ones have almost reached the cave heaven, while the weak ones are only about the dandan realm.

"Ahem, dare not hide the young master, and his subordinates don't know how many people are here."

Hearing Yuan Feng's question, the owner of Dogfang House couldn't help but look at it, and replied embarrassedly. He has been only concerned about catching more women back, where has he counted how many women there are? In short, the women here can definitely be described as uncountable.

"Well, no matter how many women there are, let them go now!" Yuan Feng couldn't help but be speechless when she heard that the other woman didn't even know how many women she had caught. But at this time, he didn't bother to care so much. In short, as long as the owner of the dog teeth government released these women to freedom.

"Subordinates obey!"

Gritted his teeth fiercely, the owner of the dog teeth government really did not want to let these people go, but for Yuan Feng's order, he had no courage to refuse.

"Please also ask the young master to wait a moment, and his subordinates will call them all out, and then put them into the realm of law."

The owner of the Dog Tooth House did not dare to hesitate. Between the movements of his mind, all the women in the palace were recruited by him. Soon, Yuan Feng and others were full of various things. The role of women is probably no less than tens of thousands.

"Uh, this ..."

When she saw tens of thousands of women in front of her eyes, Yuan Feng couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth, speechless. He knows that there are many, many women here in the owner of the Dog Tooth Mansion, but he really doesn't know that there are so many of them.

"Young Master, it's all here."

While observing Yuan Feng's face, the owner of Dogfang Mansion reported it with some restraint.

"Hey, make evil!" Shaking his head, Yuan Feng's gaze swept across the tens of thousands of women, but it was found that almost all women have a look of shame and some women have faces Fear is obviously tortured enough.

"Mother, can you calm them down and restore their spirit?"

After watching for a moment, Yuan Feng couldn't help but turn around and dance to Jiang Qingwu aside.

"Ah, they are all poor people!" Jiang Qingwu's eyes have been looking at the women in front of her, and they are all women, and her heart cannot express her sympathy until Yuan Feng's words fall. , She could not help but take a step forward, and then raised her hand to everyone, and gave a warm atmosphere, covering everyone.

"Om !!!"

When this warm atmosphere covered everyone, everyone was instantly awake from the murmur, and the fear under his heart was also directly dispelled.

Most of them are in the face of being abused by the owner of Houndstooth Mansion, and have almost no hope for the future. The breath of Jiang Qingwu is to replant hope in their hearts and give them from Unprecedented sense of security.

"Everyone listen, now you are free, and I will send you home later."

Jiang Qingwu's voice spread gently among all the women, and as her voice sounded, everyone below was a little stunned, but then they became excited.

"Go home? Can I go home?"

"This ... is this true? Can we really go home?"

"I'm not dreaming, right? We don't have to endure torture, we really don't have to endure torture !!"

Just now, they were still worried about what would be waiting for them, and now they told them that their freedom had been restored and they could go home immediately, and they were really unbelievable.

Happiness came too fast and suddenly, which made them unable to react at all for a moment.

"Thank you, Gong, for your life-saving grace."

"Thank you for your kind help !!!"

After a short shock, I didn't know which woman came out first, and bent down deeply towards Jiang Qingwu and Yuan Feng, and then thanked them. And as some people started, others learned everything, and all bowed down and thanked.

"Well, you don't have to be polite anymore. You can wait in my cave for the time being. I'll ask everyone's provenance later and send you back."

Jiang Qingwu waved his hand. All of them suddenly stood up involuntarily, without waiting for everyone to say. Jiang Qingwu was directly thinking about it, bringing all the women into their cave world.

These women are really pathetic. Fortunately, they met her, otherwise, they do n’t know when they will live in this inhuman life.

"Fenger, take a break here for the time being. I'll send these poor women back to their respective homes, and they will return soon."

Jiang Qingwu is also the master of resolute popularity. When talking, it is necessary to act directly.

"Mother go and do it, just leave it to the baby."

Nodded, Yuan Feng naturally had no opinion. At this moment, the owner of Inuyafu had been subdued. In addition to the former owner of Helianfu, he had two strong masters of the Dongtianjing Great Success level for his deployment. Naturally, there was no danger at all.

"Be careful." Jiang Yuanwu no longer said a word to Yuan Feng, and his body disappeared in a flash.

When Jiang Qingwu took all the women away, the whole pink country was left with only three Yuanfengs, and the atmosphere suddenly became deserted.

"Well, Houndstooth, my Yun Shen tree, do you still want to swallow it privately? Get it out soon."

After sending away his mother, Yuan Feng turned around and said to the main face of the dog-faced dog teeth house. In order to gain the trust of the other party, he temporarily lent Yun Shenshu to the owner of Helian House, and now of course, he wants to take back the baby.

"Um, dare not subordinate !!"

The mind was shocked, and the owner of the dog tooth house no longer thought about his beautiful past, but he hurriedly recovered his mind, without saying a word, he took the maple tree of Yuan Feng first.

"Hey, no matter what level of people, seeing the baby is not a step forward!"

When Yun Shenshu appeared before his eyes, Yuan Feng suddenly raised his hand and directly put away the baby. There was no way before, so he had to lend this thing temporarily to the owner of Helian House, and frankly, he also likes this tree of Yun Shen very tightly, of course, he doesn't want to let this thing have any trace Damage.

"Well, Houndstooth, turn in all the resources you have collected. Before, Helian had given me all his treasures, and now it's your turn."

After collecting the Yunshen Tree, Yuan Feng didn't hesitate. He directly began to exploit the owner of the dog teeth in front of him.

Although the resources on the other side can't catch up with the Helian House owner, if you want to accumulate for so many years, it should not be much worse. Even if it is not enough to make thousands of holes in the World of Warcraft, making a few hundred heads should be fine.

"This ... subordinates obey!"

Hearing that he wanted to turn in all his own treasures, the owner of the dog tooth house was naturally reluctant. Unfortunately, Xiao Minger was in the hands of Yuan Feng. What could he do besides executing the order?

As soon as he raised his hand, his treasures were taken out by him one by one and placed in front of Yuan Feng.

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