The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1202: Surrender (four more)

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The owner of the Helian House was very careful, but his care was slowly broken down under the perfect interpretation of Dou Tianxiao, and by the time he realized the danger again, everything was late. Already.

Dou Tianxiao's acting skills have absolutely nothing to say, and this time, his interpretation was performed with his own life. Once the Helian House Lord did not want to torture him, but wanted to kill him directly, then he Not even a trace of escape.

You know, here is the home of the Helian House. Here, everything is the final decision of the Helian House. Even if Dou Tianxiao fights his life, the hope of escape is almost zero.

When the golden sword was lit, the owner of the Helian government knew that he had eaten Dou Tianxiao's losses once again. At that moment, he really wanted to kill Dou Tianxiao directly. It is a pity that with the golden swordman attack, all of his limbs were detached from the body, and it is obviously impossible to kill Dou Tianxiao again.

"Buzz !!!!"

The limbs of the body were detached from the body, and the Lord of Helian House could naturally reassemble the broken limbs, and even grow new limbs. However, just when he was about to spell a new limb, a terrible energy came directly, sealing his stump of the broken arm and his torso.

"The power of good luck, this is the power of good luck! How could it be, how could a strong power of realm want to sneak up on me !!!"

When the powerful forces invaded the body and sealed everything off, the Lord of Helian House was horrified.

As a great man in Dongtian Realm, he certainly knows what the power of creation means, but it is a level of power stronger than the power of Dongtian. Not to mention the other side is hiding in the dark and attacking him, even if the other person is openly attacking him. There is absolutely no chance of him escaping.

"Well !!!"

Between the flow of energy, the Lord of Helian House gave up resistance directly, because at this time, resistance was useless at all.

The talented Golden Swordman definitely has the power to kill him, and the reason why the other party did not kill him directly must be because he wanted to keep him alive. At this time, if he tried to resist, he angered the powerful creatures in the dark. If that's the case, then it's just trouble for yourself.

Therefore, when he felt that the whole body was sealed, he simply settled there and thought nothing.


Almost as soon as the idea of ​​Lord Helian was born, a ray of light came on in his eyes. Then, a woman in white clothes held the sword with one hand and a smile appeared on his face. Right now.

"His, this is ..."

When seeing a woman in white holding a golden sword in front of her eyes, there was only one torso of Helian House, her face suddenly changed slightly.

He didn't know the woman in front of him, but although he didn't, the tremendous coercion from the opponent's body and the terrible threat of the golden sword in the opponent's hand made him feel deeply horrified.

Of course, besides that, the woman's appearance and temperament also made him feel sincere admiration. For so long in the French realm, he was the first time to see such a beautiful woman. If he changed his situation at this moment, he should enjoy this scene very much.

"Hehe, you are very acquainted. If you have just the slightest disobedience, then you have fallen under my sword."

Jiang Qingwu's voice spread gently, and it sounded very beautiful, but no matter how beautiful the sound was, hearing it in the ears of Helian House Lord, he felt a little chill in his back.

He just really wanted to resist, but fortunately, he felt the strength of the attacker in time, and realized the terribleness of the spirit soldier in the other hand, so he gave up the idea of ​​resistance. Now think about it, if he has just rebelled, then his whole life, I am afraid it will be over!

"I don't know where your sacred person is? It is a great honor to use this method to deal with my little cave man."

Taking a deep breath, the owner of Helien House instantly calmed himself down.

Although he has always regarded himself as a super strong, he knows more in this world that there are people outside the world, and there are more powerful people than him. In front of the strong, he naturally has to play a small role Psychological preparation.

The words of the Helian House Lord were not too unpleasant, anyway, in front of him was a superpower of good fortune. If the other party was upset, no one would care about him.

"Oh, if you are honored or not, I know what you mean, but the so-called dignity of the strong is worthless to me."

Jiang Qingwu didn't care about the run-in of the other person's words. As she said, the dignity of a strong person is a joke to her. Only by helping her son to become strong is this the most realistic thing.

"Master of Helian House, I came to you this time with only one purpose, that is, to submit you to me, otherwise, I will kill you! You can choose one of these, you can do it yourself!"

Jiang Qingwu didn't go around the corner with the other person either, he went straight to the theme road when he opened his mouth.

"Submit? Death?" When Jiang Qingwu's two choices exited, the owner of Helian House could not help but twitch his lips, and the whole person was a little uneasy. Although he also thought that the visitors were not good, the lovely woman in front of him suddenly gave him two choices when he opened his mouth, which really made him feel cold.

"You don't have time to think about it, now tell me your options."

Jiang Qingwu always kept a smile, but every sentence was sloppy, just like a piece of lifeline.

"Hey, Qin Helian has practiced for so many years just to pursue a stronger realm. I didn't want to die like this before I reached the realm of creation."

With a sigh of regret, the Lord of Helian House found an unusually noble reason for himself, but the reason he gave was, after all, to choose to surrender, and did not want to die like that.

"Very good. In this case, give up your mental resistance. I will stamp you."

Hearing that the other party had chosen to surrender, Jiang Qingwu suddenly stepped forward, and he patted it with a single palm, directly on the forehead of the Helian Mansion.

"Om !!!"

The Helian House Lord did not dare to resist, although he did not know what the other party was going to do, but no matter what the other party did to him, he did not worry about being really controlled by the other party. It is the master of the French realm, and the hidden master of the Star Palace has no way to conquer him.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

There was a constant rumbling in his mind, and the owner of the Helian House tried to maintain a trace of clarity. Unfortunately, under the bombardment of a powerful creature, even if he persisted, he could not escape the fate of being confused and turned.

"It's almost ...... Fenger !!!"

Jiang Qingwu's eyes have been paying attention to the reaction of the owner of Helian House. When she saw that the other party had apparently lost her head, she said nothing and released her son directly from the body.


Yuan Feng could see the outside scene through Jiang Qingwu's Dongtian World. After being released by his mother, he said nothing, and came directly to the body of the Lord of Helian House.

"Brush brush !!!"

With both hands, at this moment, he borrowed the power of Xiao Ba as much as possible, and he never gathered the spirit, and began to conquer the Helian House master.

It is absolutely false to say that you are not excited about the first time to conquer the prefecture level. However, at this time, he must not have any emotions that he should not have, because in terms of his current strength, it is quite difficult to conquer the powerful man who has achieved great success.

With peace of mind, Yuan Feng completely entered a realm of ecstasy. In this realm, his blood curse and magical powers were almost used by him to the point of being enchanted. Soon, the owner of Helian House had A **** light and shadow slowly floated out of his body.

"Om !!!"

When the **** shadows floated out, the owner of the Helian House clearly realized the seriousness of the problem, and the confused consciousness started to become sober at this moment, and wanted to stop all this from happening.

"Hmm, I want to resist, dreaming !!!"

However, at this time, how could he have a chance to resist? With a cold hum, Jiang Qingwu was so angry that he rushed directly into the body of the Helian Mansion, and Yuan Feng also gritted his teeth suddenly, grabbed the other's blood, and then earned himself indiscriminately. In the palm of your hand.


Blood-colored light and shadow entered the palm of his hand, Yuan Feng exhaled a long breath, and then, his entire face was instantly filled with excitement.

"Successful, I really succeeded. Dong Tianjing's great superpower, from now on, I finally have Dongtianjing's subordinates! Hahahaha!"

After lingering for so long, Yuan Feng can finally laugh out loud. The breakthrough of the third level of the blood curse skill allowed him to reach this extremely powerful state. Now, it is by virtue of the great achievement of the magic skill that he is eligible to receive the blood of a person who has achieved great success in the cave world. For the most part, it has epoch-making significance.

"The first step, I finally successfully took this first step. Next, the owners of the other thirty-five provinces, I want to recruit them one by one, and let them become my solid foundation."

With a breakthrough, the next action will undoubtedly be much easier. The owners of the thirty-six houses are connected to each other. Through this Helian man, he can definitely have more ways to count the other thirty-five people. Moreover, with the help of the Helian man, the remaining thirty The five of them will be invincible, and will eventually fold in his hands.

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