The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1199: Big action (one more)

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For a talented person like Yuan Feng, the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team is destined to be a passenger in his life. This time, he returned to the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team to help the four of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team improve their cultivation and He left enough training resources for the four. To be honest, he has done his best. As for the next step, everyone in the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team can only go on his own.

To achieve the eighth level of annihilation and have a lot of cultivation resources, it can be said that as long as the four members of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team practise with their hearts, one day they will achieve something, even if it is difficult to reach the cavernous state, but Definitely the perfect state of annihilation.

Of course, these are not things he needs to consider. In terms of his current strength, he can only help a few people, and really only these.

After leaving the Sword Enforcement Team, Yuan Feng quickly adjusted his mind, and then began to continue his treasure hunt.

The Jin Mao Rat has been impatient. For more than a month, it was so stingy. After Yuan Feng released it, the little boy was immediately devoted to the work of finding the baby. , But it is much faster than before.

For the Jin Mao rat, treasure hunting is his greatest pleasure. If he is not allowed to hunt for treasure, it is not much different from letting it die.

Of course, Yuan Feng is so happy. He needs a lot of energy for Xiao Ba to devour, to create more and more Cave Heaven Realm to form a true cave heaven realm army.

In any case, a living Warcraft is definitely more useful than piles of heaven and earth treasures, and if this advantage of letting Xiaoba go is not used, it is simply an act of violent heaven.

One by one, the provinces flashed under Yuan Feng's feet. Countless heavenly treasures were dug out from the ground by Yuan Feng. If you perceive it carefully, you will find that when a lot of heavenly treasures are taken by Yuan Feng After being considered as their own, the entire legal realm has obviously lost its spirituality.

It might be an exaggeration to say so, but in fact, the countless treasures of heaven and earth were collected by Yuan Feng, which really made the heaven and earth in the realm of law a little barren.

Yuan Feng didn't expect that her mother's practice recovery this time would take so much time, but since the other party couldn't wake up for a while and a half, he could only act outside alone.

Time passes, and another half a year quietly flows at the fingertips of Yuan Feng. During this half year, Yuan Feng has walked through the 36 houses of the French Realm and even the junctions between the major prefectures. , Have walked again, a lot of treasures that could not be excavated before, this time after all failed to escape his excavation.

During the great search of the entire French phase, no one could imagine how much resources he had mined. Among them, only the veins of Xingchen Jing, he did not know how many were mined.

Xingchenjing ’s veins are definitely the most lacking in Yuanfeng. At his current state of cultivation, even if you arrange a large array of Jiuqu Yellow River, you will probably need tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of stars. However, if you want to arrange a large array to deal with the formidable powerhouses, there will not be too many stars.

Coming out of the underground kingdom of the Chaos Demon Realm, Yuan Feng has been hunting for treasure for more than a year. Although this has been delayed for about a month with the Sword Enforcement Team, it is obviously nothing.

After a large circle, Yuan Feng finally went back to the underground kingdom of Chaos Demon Realm, and once again let Xiao Ba begin to create the Warcraft army from the cave world.

After collecting more than a year of resources, Xiaoba this time let go of the amount of food to eat, and with a lot of resources, Yuan Feng's Warcraft Legion also began to grow slowly.

Although it is a one-by-one increase, everything can't hold back the accumulation of time. After months have passed, the resources collected by Yuan Feng and Jin Maoshu have basically been consumed by Xiao Ba, and the World of Warcraft under Yuan Feng's hands The army, from just over a dozen heads, has become an appalling over 3,000 heads.

About three thousand heads of the cave world of Warcraft, this is definitely an unimaginably huge number. When such a group of Warcraft army was slowly made by Xiaoba, Yuan Feng's heart could not help but have more confidence.

"Woohoo, finally it has begun to take shape. Three thousand heads of Cave World of Warcraft, if this is released collectively, it should be enough for anyone to drink a pot?"

In the boundless inner space of Qingwu Palace, Yuan Feng stood quietly on his back, and across from him, the neat and tidy army of Warcraft was lined up into several neat squares. The momentum, even if Yuan Feng saw it, he felt a kind of blood boiling.

It has to be said that this is an unimaginable pioneering work. The 3,000-headed cave world of Warcraft formed a huge army of Warcraft, which is probably a situation that never occurred in the entire French realm. However, the appearance of Yuan Feng was an accident. With him, any situation that has never happened may happen.

"Squeak !!!"

Aside, Xiaoba and Yuanfeng stood in a row, reviewing the Warcraft army in front of them, and when they saw the satisfaction of Yuanfeng's eyes, Xiaoba screamed proudly, as if to Xiangyuan Feng The invitation is the same.

"Hahaha, little guy, this time you really did a great job. These three thousand heads of Cave World of Warcraft are enough to make any enemy drink a pot, but the number of three thousand heads still seems not to be It's enough! "

Hearing Xiao Ba's invitation to himself, Yuan Feng couldn't help laughing and patted the other side's body.

Army of Warcraft, of course, the more the better, the better he said, the reason he made these Warcraft is basically to be used as a human flesh bomb. Control those who are strong in the cave heaven to carry out self-detonation, frankly, if there is no last resort, he really can't help.

Before, in order to rescue his mother, he set his heart to detonate a lot of Dongtianjing powerful people, but afterwards, I think that these people in Dongtianjing are not easy to cultivate, so they detonate others. In fact, it is really very cruel.

"Squeak !!!"

Hearing Yuan Feng said the quantity was not enough, Xiao Ba could not help but screamed. Its meaning is very simple, as long as there are enough energy resources, then how many Warcraft he wants to make out, how many Warcraft can be made.

"Cut, do you think those resources are brought by the gale? The French Realm is so big, and so many resources can be collected. After I collect more resources, it is not too late for you to continue to produce Warcraft. "

Yuan Feng, of course, also wants to make this Warcraft army stronger. Unfortunately, the resources of the French Realm are limited, and it is not easy to be able to make up the energy of 3,000 heads of World of Warcraft.

"It seems that it can only be done from the hands of those who have achieved great success in Dongtianjing. After the mother has finished her cultivation and recovery, it is almost time to go and conquer all the house-level powerhouses in the realm of law, and then prepare to fight with Hong Haitian Male and female. "

It is imperative for him to subdue the governor of the thirty-six provinces of the French Realm. If they can subdue the thirty-six guys, explain that even if they do not use their strength, but only borrow their momentum, they can actually make Hong Haitian startled.

Moreover, these thirty-six people are definitely the richest guys in the French realm. If the resources on them are added together, they can almost match his harvest this year!

"Hey, I just don't know when my mother can wake up, and after she wakes up, is she willing to put down her body and plot the house-level figures ..."

The strong man at the main level of the conquering government, even if it is the person who creates the realm, it is absolutely impossible to harden it directly. That is very likely to make the grass scare and make other house owners escape in advance.

Therefore, for the sake of insurance, it is best to use the sneak attack method to calculate the most cost-effective method, but it is really a price-dropping thing to let the powerful realm to cover the hole in the heavens.

"Oh, Fenger, it seems you should have waited a long time!"

When Yuan Feng was thinking and talking to himself, he chuckled, but suddenly he rang beside him, and then Jiang Qingwu in a white dress was smiling. Appeared before his eyes.

"Well? Mother, are you out of customs?"

When he saw his mother appearing in front of him, Yuan Feng suddenly overjoyed, and hurried forward, excitedly asked Jiang Qingwu.

Frankly, after waiting so long, he has already been anxious for a long time. At this moment, he finally waited for his mother to leave the customs, and finally he can carry out his next actions.

"Oh, the previous consumption has been restored, and the injury has basically eased, but it is not a big deal."

Jiang Qingwu looked at his son lovingly, and reached out and touched Fu Yuanfeng's head with a pampered expression. When I saw Yuan Feng again, she looked more and more and felt that Yuan Feng was too good. She even had a hunch that one day, she would become an admirable existence because of her son.

"It's great, my mother is out of the customs. Now, we can flex our muscles and prepare for the final battle with Hong Haitian!"

After hearing Jiang Qingwu's explanation, Yuan Feng suddenly looked happy, and his eyes were full of anticipation. After preparing for so long, it's time to dig out the owners of the thirty-six provinces and then conquer them one by one.

"Oh, it seems that your child is really well prepared. In this case, I will work with you for the time being to control all the government-level figures."

The eyes swept across the team of Warcraft troops, Jiang Qingwu could not help but flash her eyes. Speaking, she was already eager to try. As for what to lower her posture, regardless of her identity, for her, No big deal. For her son, she can do everything.

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