The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1191: Public anger (one more)

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Above the sky, a light breeze blew gently, blowing out a piece of blood mist, and soon, the red blood flew into the air, and the whole sky instantly recovered a clear and clear.

When the blood and mist disappeared, a young figure slowly appeared in front of everyone, but when everyone present again saw the young man who appeared in shape, the eyes of everyone were already Completely changed color.

"This ......... this is dead? A mission in Dongtianjing Sixth Heaven disappeared like this?"

"Too ... too exaggerated? Is this the power of Yuan Feng's brother now? It's just terrifying!"

Behind Yuan Feng, the four members of the Divine Sword Law Enforcement Team were closest to him. In the scene just now, the four people saw it exceptionally clearly. In their eyes, Yuan Feng was just facing the figure of the cave heavenly sixth heaven. If you grab it, you just grab the opponent directly, and then you make a simple fist gesture. Just these, a strong man in the cave and the sixth heaven, just hung up.

"Okay ... awesome, it's only been a long time before I see him. He, he has become powerful!"

Captain Liexin was looking away at the moment, and his eyes were shocking. She really knows that Yuan Feng is very strong, and she knows that Yuan Feng's qualifications are rare in the world, but she really doesn't know that in a few years, Yuan Feng has become so powerful that Dongtian Realm is the strongest in the world. In Yuan Feng's eyes, he was as small as an ant, and said that he was pinched to death.

This is the real pinch, without any adulteration, except that the realm of the annihilation of the Sixth Heaven, can anyone really pinch? The answer is of course no.

The guy who had just been pinned to death by Yuan Feng had also played against him before, although this person was definitely not her opponent, even if she was, it was difficult to get the other side.

"Killing, the people of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team actually killed the strong Dragon Enforcement Team !!!"

"A major event has happened! The rule formulated by the Yunlong Law-Protector has been dared to destroy. Where did the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team get such a strong one? Is this going against the sky?"

"Retreat and retreat quickly. This person dared to kill even the members of the mad dragon law enforcement team. Everyone hurried back to avoid being caught in a pond fish."

"It's too domineering, it's just too domineering. There is no weak person in the Kuanglong Law Enforcement Team. Those who have just been killed. I am afraid that there are also five realms of annihilation. They were slaughtered casually. ... "...

When Yuan Feng exploded the strong of the Kuanglong Law Enforcement Team, the entire space immediately became noisy. Everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them, and no one knew what had just happened. What happened, everyone only saw Yuan Feng beckoned, and then, a guy who was in the annihilation level of five or six was hung up directly.

"Ah, you ... do you really dare to kill people? Don't you be afraid that Master Fa Fa will kill you?"

On the Kuanglong law enforcement team, the remaining six or seven men were pale, and everyone looked at Yuan Feng and the Excalibur law enforcement team behind them in horror. At this moment, they realized that It turned out that the arrival of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team was really not just to get back some face.

Frankly, they really did n’t think about the other party ’s dare to kill. After all, Yunlong ’s law of protection has stipulated that they dare to kill their own people are all committed the crime of death without pardon, and the fool will do it for his life. .

"Hahaha, you group of waste, I said that today's Excalibur Law Enforcement Team will act for the sky, let alone Yunlong Protector, even if the owner of the Blue Jade House comes, the Crazy Dragon Enforcement Team must also I've been extinct as many as possible, now it's your turn, and all come to me !!! "

Regarding the yelling of the mad dragon law enforcement team, Yuan Feng didn't bother to bother. During the speech, he raised his hand again and scratched the remaining six slightly.

"Om !!!"

Although it was just a simple grab, after Yuan Feng grabbed it, the remaining six people only felt a strong attack. When they reacted and tried to escape, they were shocked to find that at this moment They can't even move.

"Ah, how could this be, how could this be !!!"

"No, this is not, this is not the power of annihilation, this is definitely not the power of annihilation !!!"

"Stop, sir, please stop, we know something wrong, and ask you to raise your hand, we know something wrong !!"

Yuan Feng was caught in his hands. The six strong men were all scared and indifferent, one by one shouting as if they were crazy. They were really frightened, because just now, they saw one of their own people being squeezed into a mist of blood by Yuan Feng, and of course they didn't want to be like the previous one.


Yuan Feng didn't pinch the six guys for the first time, but caught the six men on the side of the Excalibur law enforcement team, and then looked coldly at the six men.

"Well, what do I ask you now, and you answer me honestly, otherwise, the guy's end just now is your next end, have you heard?"

Killing these six people is simply too simple for him. However, if they are simply slaughtered, it seems that for the people of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team, it will not completely dispel hatred.

"I said, I said everything !!!"

"I also said, if you ask me, I will answer honestly, please don't kill me."

"Me and I too. I can say everything. Before that, Feng Qinglong and the young master of the Pei family worked together to calculate the Sword Enforcement Team, which killed Mr. Yan Yan of the Sword Enforcement Team. It has nothing to do with me! "

"Yes, yes, it's the idea of ​​Feng Qinglong and Pei Family Master Pei Zhifeng. They found that there is a baby in the black mud, but they were worried that they were not the opponents who guarded Warcraft. Everything is calculated by the two of them. It really has nothing to do with us. "

"Yes, yes, they are also worried that the people of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team will talk outside, so they also want to kill people, but unfortunately they did not succeed." ...

In the face of the threat of death, these people's hard bones have long become curved and soft, and before Yuan Feng asks the questions, the six of them are all involved in everything.

"What? The crazy dragon law enforcement team even colluded with the Pei family and secretly killed Mr. Yan Yan of the Excalibur law enforcement team?"

"It is no wonder that Yan Yan, who had not seen the Sword Enforcement Law Enforcement Team, had been in trouble for a long time, and was actually assaulted by the Kuanglong Law Enforcement Team and the Pei family. Unfortunately, it is really a pity!"

"Mr. Yan Yan has realized the realm of the heart and sword, and was actually assaulted by a group of **** black people, which is a pity."

"Well, the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team guards the demon guarding the road for so long. I don't know how many problems have been solved for everyone. The **** Dragon Law Enforcement Team and the **** Pei Family Pei Zhifeng must make them pay. Only. "

All the people present were all ear-conscious, and they were too late to consider why Yuan Feng had such a powerful problem, because the rhetoric of the mad dragon law enforcement team had provoked anger.

Everyone knows that the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team is modest and helps everyone to solve big and small problems at all times, and even such a team must calculate, whether it is the crazy dragon law enforcement team or the so-called Master Pei Family, it is simply Inexcusable.

"Have everyone heard? Feng Qinglong, the leader of the crazy dragon law enforcement team, colluded with Pei Family Master Pei Zhifeng and secretly killed my Yan Yan brother of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team. Everyone said, should these people be killed?"

When the truth of the facts spread from the mouths of several mad dragon law enforcement teams, Yuan Feng's voice passed again, facing all the humanities gathered in all directions to watch.

It is not the purpose to kill these six people. He also wants everyone to understand that the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team is not bullying, but it is completely for revenge. The reason they want to destroy the Dragon Law Enforcement Team is because of this Dragon Enforcement Team. Everyone colluded with outsiders and calculated the strong men under Yunlong's protection seat, which is why they killed them today.

"Kill, kill, what use is left of this garbage? Kill them, kill them."

"Yes, yes, the mad dragon law enforcement team has mad nostrils one by one, and today they have slaughtered them all to see what they look like! Kill !!!!"

"Masters of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team, let's do it, slaughter these six guys, and take revenge on the extinct power of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team!"

The indignation crowd couldn't control that much, they didn't like the crowd of the crazy dragon law enforcement team, and then experienced such a thing again, they could not wait to see these people die soon. Of course, there must be some fooling around here, no matter what the reason is, all the members of the crazy dragon law enforcement team are extremely unpopular, but this is what needs to be doubted.

"Don't, don't kill me. I'm willing to surrender to the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team. No matter what I want to do, I'll be the first to rush forward to do it. Please don't kill me."

"I'm willing to surrender too, please don't kill me !!"

Listening to the crowd around him, the six members of the crazy dragon law enforcement team were scared. At this time, if someone begged them, it would be okay, but these guys all want to kill them. In this way, as long as Yuan Feng kills them a little, then they are afraid they will be very It's dangerous.

"Well, where does the Excalibur law enforcement team need your garbage? A few of your waste, let's be alive again in the next life! All will die for me."

"Well !!!"

With the last word of Yuan Feng falling down, the six strong men, like six bursting balloons, exploded in the sky as many as possible. From the side, the six blood flowers were so gorgeous and charming.

ps: ask for flowers and motivation! !! !!

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