The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1186: Low investment and high return (five more)

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"Boom boom boom !!!"

In the space of mysterious array, a loud explosion sounded one after another, and in the center of the mysterious array, a young man behind his hands was quietly looking at a silver World of Warcraft in front of him. At this moment, the body of Warcraft was rippling. The violent energy fluctuations, and the sound of the explosion, are also transmitted from it.


At one point, the silver Warcraft suddenly transmitted a more violent energy wave, and then everything was returned to peace, and there was no sound at all.

"Om !!!"

With the disappearance of the sound, Silver Warcraft had a short period of calm, but only a moment later, its body was trembling slightly, visible to the naked eye, and its appearance color became more silver.

"Well !!!"

With the deepening of the color of Warcraft, the quaint and powerful energy fluctuations, with its long cry, once again filled the entire mysterious space, and seeing such changes in Warcraft, the young people on the side could not help showing a hint of Come with a smile.

"Okay, Dongtianjing triple sky, finally reached Dongtianjing triple sky!"

Yuan Feng's face finally showed a happy smile, and after waiting for so long, he finally waited for the result he wanted to see the most. The repair of Jin Mao Rat finally reached the realm of the triple heaven of the cave heaven.

"Finally, I did not waste my resources. Dongtianjing Triple Sky should be almost enough!"

Looking at the changes at this moment, Yuan Feng is obviously very satisfied. He spent a lot of time and resources to help the Jinmao rat to improve his cultivation. He said that he was actually reluctant to say something. However, in order to be able to tap more resources of the French Realm, he had to pay some.

The Jin Mao Rat is a treasure hunter born in nature. His role, even his mother Jiang Qingwu, can never be replaced. After all, Jiang Qingwu is strong in cultivation, but the baby is buried in the ground or hidden. In the secret place, she had no way to investigate. Only a natural treasure hunter such as the Jin Mao rat could find the treasure that was deeply hidden.

"Little guy, hurry up and stabilize your current practice, converge your breath into your body, and get the benefits. Next, you have to work."

With a slight smile at the Jin Mao Rat, Yuan Feng directly ordered to reach its middle mind.

"Well !!!" Naturally, Jin Mao Rat understood Yuan Feng's meaning, and yelled at Yuan Feng a few times, that is, he started to adapt to his new strength and tried to condense his own breath.

Speaking of which, Yuan Feng's so-called work is actually a kind of enjoyment. At present, its strength is greatly improved, and its treasure hunting ability has naturally been greatly improved. This is the most important thing for it. The happiest thing ever.

Adapting to the new strength is certainly not a problem for Jin Mao Rats. Soon, it is fully adapted to its strength at this moment, and the pulsating breath has converged into the body as much as possible. The means to converge the breath like this is also the means it is better at.

After generations of metamorphosis, Jin Mao rat is more and more suitable for treasure hunting. Of course, if you want to be suitable for treasure hunting, you must hide your breath well. Otherwise, you will be found every where you go. They don't need to hunt for treasure, they just change to escape.

After the Jinmao rat converged, Yuan Feng simply lifted the Jiuqu Yellow River array directly, so that the Jinmao rat was completely exposed to the world between the French and the realm of the French Realm. After doing this, he turned his gaze on The other side waited quietly for the latter's response.

The Jinmao naturally knew Yuan Feng's thoughts. When the large array disappeared, it lay directly on the ground, and its small nose sniffed at the surrounding. The bright silver color on the body faintly enlarged.

Yuan Feng didn't bother each other, so she looked at the Jin Mao Rat without saying a word, but the whole scene became extremely quiet.


After about three or five minutes, the Jin Mao rat, who couldn't say a word, suddenly screamed, while screaming, an excited emotion was quickly passed into Yuan Feng's mind.

"Eh? I discovered it so soon? It seems that after the strength is improved, this efficiency will also be greatly improved!"

Hearing the excitement of Jin Mao Rat, Yuan Feng raised her eyebrows, and she was inevitably excited.

It seems that this time, it cost a lot of money to improve the improvement of Jinmoo. This is a very correct decision. The investment in this guy should soon pay off.

"set off!!"

Picking at the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng waved his hand violently. Then, the Jin Mao Rat turned into a streamer and flew out in one direction. After the little one flew out, Yuan Feng also looked right. Going out with the Jin Mao rat together.

After reaching the triple sky of Dongtianjing, the speed of the Jinmao rat was countless times faster. Between a few flashes, the little one appeared tens of millions of miles away. Wait until it stops again. At that time, the surrounding environment has become a lush mountain, but this lush mountain seems to be somewhat barren.


The moment Jinmo stopped, Yuanfeng walked out of the space. The feeling was as if he had just taken a step and went directly to Jinmo.

The power of Dongtianjing's eighth heaven, a flash, has to catch up with the four or fiveth heaven of Dongtianjing for a long time. This is the result after Yuan Feng was assisted by Xiao Ba, and the effect is obviously significant.

"Well? So desolate mountains, little guy, you won't tell me, do you feel the smell of baby here?"

Standing still, Yuan Feng couldn't help but glance around, but when he saw the desolate scenery around him, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, only to think that the Jin Maoshu's treasure hunting system was wrong.

Judging from the surrounding barren landscape, you can't see what baby can be here. Moreover, this place is so close to the center of the territory of a Dongtianjing strongman. If there is any treasure, I am afraid that it has already been discovered by the Dongtianjing man.

"Well !!!"

Regarding Yuan Feng's doubts, the Jin Mao Rat could not help but reveal a touch of anxiety of humanity, as if he felt very aggrieved because of Yuan Feng's distrust, while yelling, it went straight to the mountains. Go up.

"Brush brush !!!"

When he came to the mountain, the Jin Mao rat said nothing, but he found out his two front paws, and it was a dig to the mountain. With the power of the triple heaven of the cave heaven, between the qi and the spit, the entire cliff is like tofu dregs, and in a moment it was dug out a deep hole.

"Is there a baby in this barren hill? Little Eight, give it some help."

Seeing Jinmao rat making holes in the mountains, Yuan Feng directly gave orders to Xiao Ba in his body. Then, a few special World of Warcraft were screened out by Xiao Ba and released through Yuan Feng. come out.

Yuan Feng directly released more than a dozen World of Warcrafts, although they are all in the realm of Dongtian Realm. It sounds like it is not so powerful anymore. You can let the World of Warcraft in Dongtian Realm to punch holes, which will make anyone listen, I am afraid Will be stunned!

Dongtianjing is definitely a super strong state standing on the top of the French realm. People of this level, or Warcraft, should be high above and worshiped by countless people. Now, these Dongtianjing Warcrafts are actually only Yuan. The digging machine that Feng uses to dig, frankly, it sounds luxurious enough.

"Brush brush !!!"

Extravagance is not extravagant. For the time being, the cave of World of Warcraft burrows, and the cave World of Warcraft specifically used to dig holes, the efficiency is not at all ordinary people can imagine, and soon, this barren mountain is just ten A few heads of cave world of Warcraft hollowed out more than half, almost became an empty mountain.


When the mountains were almost hollowed out, the leader of the Jinmoo suddenly called out a few times. Then, it stopped first, and when it saw it stopped, Yuanfeng also hurriedly faced a dozen caves. World of Warcraft ordered to stop.

"Why? Let me set up a mysterious array for isolation? Is it so exaggerated?"

Through the blood connection, Yuan Feng naturally heard the meaning of Jin Mao Rat. The little guy was clearly asking him to set up a mysterious array and cover the mountain almost to be hollowed out. For the purpose, it is not necessary. Say more.

"Let's listen to you, I'll see what treasure you can make."

Yuan Feng himself tried to explore the surroundings, but in the end no abnormalities were found, but this is also normal. If he can detect the anomalies himself, then there is no need for Jinmao rats.

"go with!!!"

In the middle of her mind, Yuan Feng arranged a large array of Jiuqu Yellow River around. Anyway, just to isolate the breath, so this time the Xuan array, Yuan Feng was not too hard, almost set up a small Xuan array, he just stopped.

"Well !!!"

After the mysterious array was supported, the Jin Mao rat no longer hesitated. When Yuan Feng looked at it expectantly, it suddenly blasted a blast of anger into the hole in the mountain.


With the blast of bright air above the mountains, a huge hole appeared directly in front of Yuan Feng, and as the hole appeared, a ray of light projected directly along the hole. Fortunately, Yuan Feng had previously arranged a mysterious array for isolation. Otherwise, at this point, the location of this mountain would be noticed by many strong men.

"His, there really is a baby !!!"

Feeling that Bao Guangyi was falling apart, Yuan Feng couldn't help but take a sigh of relief, only then realized that the treasure hunting ability of Jin Mao Rat was really not covered at all, and this investment was really cost-effective. Already.

ps: One month unfortunately, the flowers list is not satisfactory, and work hard next month, hehe! !! !! Thank you brothers and sisters for your support! !!

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