The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1182: Arrangement

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wuling World!

Xiao Ya's practice is that he jumped from Dongtianjing Wuzhongtian to Dongtianjing Yazhongtian, but this time, he has been promoted to the level of three levels in a row. This speed of progress is definitely appalling.

Reached the eighth day of Dongtianjing Yaetian, this time did not disappoint Yuanfeng again, but was finally able to produce the real Dongtianjing World of Warcraft. From now on, the level of World of Warcraft in Dongtianjing is in Yuanfeng's eyes. It's nothing!

As long as Xiaoba is replenished with enough energy, it can process the energy into a World of Warcraft, and frankly, this can really be regarded as an anti-sky skill.

In the current situation of Yuan Feng, with the help of Jiang Qingwu, he would never lack such a thing as energy. With such a big boundary between France and France, where can't he get higher energy? Moreover, even if the French phase world has been excavated almost by him, there are still many worlds that are equal to the French phase world. There are so many medium-sized worlds like the French phase world and the Mo Luo world.

Right now, as long as the energy provided to Xiaoba is enough, this little guy can produce a huge team composed entirely of Dongtianjing Warcraft, and it is an absolutely obedient team.

"Is this the magic beast after the evolution? The original magic beast, even the cultivation of the realm of the environment, is nothing more than the production of some low-level Warcraft, even the Warcraft that is extinct is difficult to produce, but now, After the evolution of Xiao Ba, even the World of Warcraft can be produced, is this too exaggerated? "

When he saw Xiao Ba producing a World of Warcraft with a hole in the sky, Jiang Qingwu couldn't help but feel lost for a long time.

She knows the skills that the magical beast can produce Warcraft, but in her memory, the magical beast that the magical beast can produce is nothing more than some annihilation. She has never seen it before. The magic chapter beast produces the World of Warcraft.

Obviously, at that time, the magic beast was absolutely unable to produce the cave world of warcraft, after all, if the magic chapter beast can produce the cave world of warcraft, then the heaven refining magic palace may have been filled with countless cave heaven world of warcraft Now, if there are tens of thousands of caves in World of Warcraft, how can the Tianlian Magic Palace be destroyed by the Star Palace?

The ten-headed Dongtianjing and the two-day-old Warcraft may have a smaller threat, but once there are tens of thousands of Dongtianjing Warcraft, no one can ignore or ignore it.

If the tens of thousands of caves in World of Warcraft exploded together, then the entire French realm, the Moro Realm, would disappear directly. As for the celestial palace, it would be the first time that Warcraft The bomb exploded into ashes.

"Mother, Xiao Ba is capable of producing Warcraft, and the mother should also understand it. Before Dong Tian Jing Wu Zhong Tian, ​​Xiao Ba was already able to produce a quasi-dong Heaven Realm. Now he is promoted to Dong Tian Jing Ya Zhong Tian. It can Thoroughly produce a world of Warcraft in the cave world! "

Looking at his mother's face changing, it seemed that he did not know Xiao Ba's ability, Yuan Feng hurriedly explained.

"Fenger, your companion of Warcraft is just as incredible as you. It seems that I didn't kill the magic beast directly at first. It was a really correct decision."

Listening to Yuan Feng's explanation, Jiang Qingwu shook her head and smiled bitterly, but in her heart she was indescribable. Frankly speaking, the main reason why the magic beast was released was because the magic beast turned in the **** crystal of the Tianlian magic palace, but no matter what the reason, she did not kill the magic beast This is the most correct decision.

"Haha, my mother said and laughed." Hearing his mother's emotions, Yuan Feng couldn't help but laugh aloud, and then continued, "Mother, Xiao Ba can now produce the World of Warcraft in Dongtian Realm, the meaning of the baby is to provide her with enough energy "Let it produce more World of Warcraft, what's your mother's wish?"

The so-called ant bites more, and quantitative changes can lead to qualitative changes. Although Xiaoba currently produces Warcraft, it only has the level of Dongtianjing, which is almost nothing in front of the powerful creatures. However, once Warcraft ’s If the number is large enough and the scale is large enough, even the powerful creatures will have a headache.

What's more, the world of Warcraft in Dongtianjing is really very strong.

"Well, Fenger is right. I will help you later. Let's find a source of energy for Xiaoba together. If possible, let this little guy produce more Warcraft. Then when the Warcraft army comes out, it will be good fortune. Those who are strong can also hate them. "

Jiang Qingwu obviously also understands the reason for this. If she changed her mind, she would be surrounded by tens of thousands of caves, and surrounded by the World of Warcraft, and they would all explode. Already.


Listening to Yuan Feng's and Jiang Qingwu's plans, Xiao Ba on the side cried excitedly. Obviously, he also hoped that he could form a huge army of cave heaven. By then, it could help Yuan Feng to do more. Things up.

"Mother, with the power of Xiao Ba, the child should be able to simply control the strong and powerful man in Dongtian Realm. The mother thinks that the child should control the strong masters in the French realm? Any time for us to dispatch ? "

Today, although he is not a great achievement, Xiao Ba's existence has really made him too much and too much. It seems that it is not difficult to control the great and powerful man in Dongtian Realm.

"The strong man who controls the main level of the government?" Hearing Yuan Feng said, Jiang Qingwu's complexion flashed, his face was full of thoughtful expression.

The house-level powerhouse is very different from the world-class Warcraft of Dongtianjing. If Yuan Feng can really control the house-owners of the thirty-six houses, it is really against the sky. And once they can control the words of the 36 masters of the house, the next action will be smoother for both of them.

At the beginning, the Star Palace also thought about the perfect control of the 36 house governors, but in fact, the 36 people are actually verbally willing to surrender, if they really reached the critical point of life and death, they will Will not rush forward!

"This matter is feasible. If you want to deal with Hong Haitian, in fact, relying only on a group of low-level Warcraft, I am afraid that it will not be able to catch it, but if it can be shot by 36 main government officials, then it should be safe."

People do n’t take it for themselves, and they are destroyed by nature. Although the owners of the 36th House did not provoke them, at the moment, they do need such a force to deal with Hong Haitian, so it is not necessary to temporarily borrow the power of these people. .

Having said that, beheading and killing Hong Haitian is for the benefit of those in the French realm. These government-level figures should also contribute their own strength, and Yuan Feng's conquest of them will undoubtedly make them work harder. .

"Well, since my mother also thinks this is feasible, then after a short rest, let's go and meet the governor-level powerhouses to see if they can get all their income."

With the approval of Jiang Qingwu, Yuan Feng was naturally rejoicing. The owner of the 36th House has always been a terrible existence in his eyes. But now, with the help of his mother, he already has The ability to bring these people under control is unpredictable, but that's it.

"Mother, these things are not in a hurry, but at present, the child still has a matter to seek his mother's opinion."

Suddenly his face turned slightly, Yuan Feng became very serious.

"You ... you say it!" Mother and son reunited, Jiang Qingwu had a faint guess about what Yuan Feng was about to tell, and her face was a little more complicated.

"Mother, now that the mother has got out of trouble and has recovered her freedom, but she doesn't know when she wants to return to Montenegro? Without hiding her mother, my father has always missed you very much, and I hope that my mother can go back as soon as possible. It's time to reunite. "

Yuan Feng didn't hesitate, and after a moment of groaning, she expressed her thoughts one by one.

Frankly, the gap between my father and mother is really a little too big. Her own mother is a high-powered creature of good deeds, who can control the lives and deaths of countless people between raised hands. In the eyes of ordinary people, she is like a god.

However, looking at his father, although with his help, he now has the strength of Dandan Realm, in the eyes of Jiang Qingwu, Dandan Realm and Innate Realm, and even an ordinary person who does not understand martial arts, In fact, there is not much difference at all.

He didn't know how his father and mother felt. The original union may be a mistake in his own mind. In his heart, he was really worried that his mother would no longer recognize his father.

"Return to Montenegro?"

Jiang Qingwu's face was a little tangled. To tell her heart, she didn't want to go back to the country of Montenegro, but she always felt ashamed of her husband and her children when she left without saying goodbye. If she goes back now, she really Some are worried that they won't get the feeling they used to.

Moreover, at present Hong Haitian is hiding in the dark, maybe she is monitoring her whereabouts at all times, and she does not want to let the other party know about the existence of Montenegro. In that case, it will inevitably bring great danger to Montenegro.

Therefore, at this moment, she wanted to go back, but did not dare to go back, but her mood was indescribable.

"Mother, are you worried about Hong Haitian hiding in the dark?"

Yuan Feng watched and watched, and seemed to be aware of Jiang Qingwu's concerns, so he suddenly interrupted and came in.

"Well, Hong Haitian means everything. If he is let me know that there is a connection between Montenegro and Montenegro, then it is likely to cause great trouble for Montenegro."

Nodded, for this reason, Jiang Qingwu did not hide.

"Also, since my mother is worried about Hong Haitian, let's not go back for the time being. After the solution of Hong Haitian, my mother will accompany me back to the country of Montenegro directly. Let ’s have a family of three to have a real reunion it is good?"

Yuan Feng doesn't know where Hong Haitian's reason is, at all, a small part of it, so after Jiang Qingwu's voice fell, he hurriedly took the opportunity to say something to death.

"This ...... hey, you child, even your mother counts!" Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Jiang Qingwu shook her head and smiled, and then she realized that she was in the trap of Yuan Feng.

"Also, according to Fenger's meaning, when Hong Haitian is resolved, we will return to the country of Montenegro and reunite as a family!"

ps: try to code and forget the weekend! !! Brothers and sisters, can you kill the top four on the last day of the month? Whoo! !!

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