The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1166: Successive shocks (three more)

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The star star of the starry palace broke away from the starry star and did not know where to go, while the starry star of the starry palace Hong Haitian even abandoned the palace and fled, and did not know where to go. As for those surviving cavemen who are in the sky star house, who dares to come to find excitement after feeling the movement of the sky star side?

All of a sudden, the entire astronomical palace collapsed and there was no longer the glory and fiber of the past.

The stars of the Star Palace have fled as many as possible, but the large Star Palace still stands alone in the purple starry sky. This huge palace is undoubtedly a rare treasure. Now, this treasure has lost its owner. .

"Mother, since you are from the Star Palace, then you have a way to control the Star Palace? Such a rare treasure palace, if you just throw it here and waste it, it would be a shame!"

Without the threat of the superpowers, Yuan Feng's tense nerves were almost relaxed now, and right now, he is most interested in making a huge palace in front of him.

The control of Tianlian Demon Palace has made him taste a huge sweetness. Therefore, of course, he doesn't want to miss this Star Palace.

"The way to control the star house? Your child wants to be beautiful. The star house is too large and heavy, and it cannot be controlled at all. If I try my best, I can move it elsewhere. "

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Jiang Qingwu shook her head and then touched the road above Yuan Feng's head.

As the five-star master of the Star Palace, she naturally knew the Star Palace, a huge palace, and it was very difficult to move this giant, let alone control the palace.

"In this way, even the sky refining magic palace can be controlled. Why don't those powerful people in the star palace design some methods to control the star palace?"

Yuan Qingwu was certainly not satisfied with the answer given by Jiang Qingwu, so she could not help complaining.

"Do you know that Tianlian Demon Palace can control it? It seems that there is really nothing you don't know!" Hearing Yuan Feng's complaint, Jiang Qingwu was really surprised this time.

Yuan Feng knew that everything else was normal, but he knew that Tian Lian Mo Gong could be controlled. At this moment, she had to look at her son.

"Fenger didn't know that Tian Lian Mo Gong and Tian Xing Gong had the same strength when there was no delusion, but because Tian Lian Mo Gong was a family force that grew up in a large family, and Tian Xing Gong It is a force formed by different strong men. From the point of cohesion and sense of belonging, the star palace is to defeat the heavenly refining magic palace. "

She really didn't believe that Yuan Feng knew everything. Obviously, Yuan Feng might not be able to know these situations.

"That's the case. In that case, Tian Lian Mo Gong's combat power should be stronger than that of Xing Xing Gong!" He nodded, and Yuan Feng could immediately accept the situation.

When he was in control of Tian Lian Mo Gong before, he already knew that in order to enter Tian Lian Mo Gong, he must have the blood of people directly connected to the Shao family. The inheritance of the family of the palace.

"The Tianlian Demon Palace is controlled by a large family called the Shao family. The people in this family hope to build their Tianlian Demon Palace into a super fortress. It is said that they want to make the Tianlian Demon Palace omnipotent. Magic tools, unfortunately, until they died, they didn't seem to have done it. "

Speaking of which, Jiang Qingwu's face flashed with emotion. There is no so-called immortality in this world. Even those who have great potential in Tianlian Demon Palace, and all of them are masters who use means to go to the sky, eventually left with regret.

"It turned out to be that way, that mother thought, wasn't the idea of ​​those who refined the magic palace really nonsense?"

After listening to Jiang Qingwu's explanation, Yuan Feng raised her eyebrows and asked a little strangely.

"Your child is quite curious, but then again, the people who practice the magic palace of heaven are good at creating. Maybe if they give them enough time, they may succeed!"

Jiang Qingwu didn't think much about it, only thinking that Yuan Feng asked casually, but he didn't go too far.

"Fenger, this celestial palace has now been destroyed, and in terms of the materials of this world, it may be very difficult to repair, so let's leave it alone and leave here for now!"

Although Hong Haitian had been taken away, the other party didn't know where they were hiding, which made her unable to completely feel relieved. At the moment, the two of them still find a safe place for the time being, and then they can discuss it from a long term.

"Mother, if you combine Tianlian Demon Palace and Tianxing Palace into one, does mother think it is possible?"

Hearing Jiang Qingwu's departure, Yuan Feng did not move, but continued to ask curiously.

"Combining Tian Lian Mo Gong and Tian Xin Gong into one? Oh, you child really dare to think, unless the strong men in Tian Lian Mo Gong can really design and create a method to control Tian Lian Mo Gong, otherwise, How could the two palaces merge into one? "

Seeing Yuan Feng had no intention of leaving, Jiang Qingwu couldn't help but feel helpless.

She did not expect that her son is not only very powerful, but also has such a rich imagination. It seems that the other party's ability to reach this state at this age should be related to its strong curiosity!

"Well? Mother is saying that if someone can control the Tianlian Demon Palace, then it is possible to merge the two palaces into one?"

The speaker was unintentional and the listener intentionally, what Yuan Feng wanted was Jiang Qingwu's answer.

"It should be okay, whether it ’s Tian Lian Mo Gong or Tian Xing Gong, both are super powers of the two major forces, made of special materials without delusion, if anyone can control Tian Lian Mo Gong , It should be possible to integrate the celestial palace into the sky refining magic palace. By then, the sky refining magic palace will be even stronger. "

Speaking of which, the material for refining this palace is also very rare in the world of no delusion. It is actually very rare to be able to collect so many materials to make the palace.

"Hahaha, okay, even my mother said that this is feasible, so you have to try it!"

Jiang Qingwu's voice dropped, this time, Yuan Feng couldn't help but laugh a long time. He had already thought of eating the star house at the beginning, but felt that there might be trouble at this time, but at this moment, he had such a super strong help, so devouring the star house, he Just try it anyway.

"Fenger, you ... you mean ..."

Jiang Qingwu's complexion changed slightly, and her heartbeat involuntarily accelerated. From Yuan Feng's words, she heard some unusual tastes, but for these, she was afraid to be certain.

"Mother and see !!!"

Seeing Jiang Qingwu's surprised look, Yuan Feng didn't say much. He smiled suddenly and raised his hand. Then, he was thrown out of a palace with a height of almost one person.

"this is………"

When he saw the small palace in front of him, Jiang Qingwu suddenly opened his mouth wide, and the whole person felt a sense of dizziness.

As a person who has worked with Tian Lian Mo Gong for countless years, she can not know anything else, but she can never fail to know Tian Lian Mo Gong. However, the scale of the Tianlian Demon Palace in the impression is larger than that of the Starry Palace, but at this moment, this super giant has turned into a small palace with a height of one person, so shockingly appears in front of her.

"Mother should know what this is?"

He took out the Tianlian Demon Palace and displayed it in front of Jiang Qingwu. Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile and asked knowingly.

"You ... Fenger, you ... how did you do that?"

Jiang Qingwu swears that she has never been as shocked as she is today. The experience of this day has made her unbelievable. Frankly, she can't help but worry about her dreaming.

"The child went to Mo Luo Jie before, where he just conquered a survivor of the Tian Lian Mo Gong, and was also the direct blood of the Shao family. Then, the child entered the Tian Lian Mo Gong and put Tian Lian The control system made by the demon's predecessors was perfected, and in the end it was the result. "

For a long time, Yuan Feng did not feel that it was a big deal to control the Tianlian Demon Palace, but after listening to these situations described by his mother, he found out that he had control of the Tianlian Demon Palace. This is such an amazing thing.

"Vastly ..."

Throwing out the Tian Lian Mo Gong, Yuan Feng's thoughts were to let the detached mind sink into the control center of the magic palace. Then, the entire Tian Lian Mo Gong began to grow crazy, not for a long time. The huge sky refining the magic palace is the size of the star palace completely compared.


At this moment, Jiang Qingwu couldn't describe her feelings in words. When she thought she knew her son well, the other party told her the actual situation. What she saw was just an iceberg. Just a corner.

Seeing Tian Lian Mo Gong's rapid growth, she finally reached a larger scale than Tian Xing Gong. At this moment, she was very impressed by the five bodies of her son.

"A miracle. This is definitely a miracle. My son was able to create such a miracle!"

Jiang Qingwu's complexion was a little dull, but it was a long time to be shocked by the scene in front of her!

"Mother, please also ask my mother to help me. I want to integrate this celestial palace as much as possible into the refining magic palace, so that this palace will grow stronger. From now on, this palace will be my home base . "

Yuan Feng's mood is also a little excited. Tian Lian Mo Gong was already very powerful. If she eats the star, it will definitely become more powerful. By then, the entire Mo Luo world will be good, and the French phase world will be both Worship before the new palace.

ps: please break 300, brothers give it a try! !! !! Roar! !! !!

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