The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1164: The betrayal (one more)

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The star of the Great Palace of the Star Palace never dreamed that the person who secretly shot at the Star Palace was the Jiang Qingwu who was sealed by him in the deep of the Star Palace. When he realized this, everything, but It's already late.

On the sky, the star of the star palace, Hong Haitian and the star of Samsung, stand in a row, and opposite them, Jiang Qingwu and Yuan Feng are almost standing side by side. If speaking from the momentum, Jiang Qingwu and Yuan Feng's overall strength is much weaker, and the momentum is naturally less than the other two.

However, behind Jiang Qingwu and Yuan Feng, there are still hundreds of super-strong men in Dongtianjing, although Hong Haitian doesn't understand how these people are gathered together, and they can remain peaceful. , But for these crazy guys, he has really learned before.

It is conceivable that if these 700-odd guys blew themselves up together, then even he would be blown to pieces.

"Hong Haitian, your agency has done everything. You never thought it would end up like this. Now you should be injured. It seems that God is fair."

Jiang Qingwu's expression was very indifferent, but she felt very relieved about Hong Haitian's anger. And when she felt the physical condition of the other side, her heart was more faintly stable.

Originally, she was worried that Hong Haitian's injury was almost better. In that case, she may not really be the opponent of the other party. The injury was even worse. Such a fellow, she naturally did not need to be afraid.

"Qiwu, how can you talk to the main palace owner like this and not apologize to the main palace owner?"

When Jiang Qingwu's words fell, he did n’t wait for the main star of the star palace, Hong Haitian, to open his mouth.

As the star of the star of Samsung, the position of pride is actually higher than that of the star of five stars, Jiang Qingwu. However, the star of the five stars, Jiang Qingwu is superior in talent, and the strength is very fast. In fact, Jiang Qingwu's strength has far surpassed the other major stars, and even the fallen stars may not be her opponents.

"Apologize? Hehe, you asked me to apologize to a guy who sneaked into me and sealed me up? Pride, have you already been blinded by the same interests as this person, have you discerned right and wrong?"

Hearing Samsung's arrogant scolding at himself, Jiang Qingwu could not help but smile coldly, and then replied with a look of anger.

The nine star masters of the Star Palace were once connected with each other, and their relationship was very harmonious. For Samsung ’s arrogance, Jiang Qingwu was very respectful, but at this moment, the other party even made her apologize. At this moment, the position of Pride in her heart was also plummeting.

"What? A sneak attack? Light dance, you, what you said are true?"

Jiang Qingwu's words had just been finished, and Samsung's arrogance was a shocked look, exclaiming in disbelief.

"Based on what you know about me, do you think I'll make up such lies to lie to you?"

With a cold hum, Jiang Qingwu was more lazy, but it was the other side's surprise that made her feel a little better, because from the reaction of the other side, at least, the pride should be unaware of the original thing. of.

"How could it be, how could it ..."

The face of Samsung ’s arrogant war turned a little pale for a moment. He always thought that Jiang Qingwu was responsible for a big mistake, so he was punished by the Omiya, sealed in a prison to reflect on the wrong, and Omiya ’s Hong Haitian did exactly that to him. But he didn't know until now that after a long day of trouble, the other party was secretly attacked by the main palace Hong Haitian, and secretly sealed.

Jiang Qingwu's personality is very clear throughout the Star Palace. She never disdains to lie, and it is impossible to tell such a lie. But Hong Haitian, the master of the palace, is really bad.

Since fleeing from the boundless realm at the beginning, every decision made by the main palace Hong Haitian has pushed the celestial palace towards the dead end. If it is not the only glimmer of hope left, I am afraid he will have to give up the celestial palace.

"Master, why do you lie to me?"

Turning his head violently, Samsung's boss couldn't help glaring at Hong Haitian, his face was full of disappointment.

"Huh, proud, the original thing is not as simple as you think. Do you believe her, don't you believe in this palace?"

Hong Haitian's face changed and changed, but in the end he snorted and explained an ambiguous sentence.

If he changed the past, he may not have the patience to explain, but at the moment he is using the staff. If even the proud war departs from him, then he will really become a bare commander.

"Trust you? If I hadn't believed you, I would have left, but I will listen to your explanation."

Ao Zhan is naturally not so easy to confuse. For this explanation of Hong Haitian, he is unlikely to be satisfied.

In fact, he also knew a few things about the original thing. At the time of the war, Jiang Qingwu and the World Warcraft of Tianlian Demon Palace, as well as the guardian of World of Warcraft, were separated from the battlefield. According to everyone's guess, Jiang Qingwu It is very likely that they got what they wanted from the World of Warcraft in Tianlian Demon Palace. However, after that war, Jiang Qingwu disappeared. Until recently, she returned to the Star Palace from outside.

Later, the main palace Hong Haitian declared that the five-star master Jiang Qingwu was locked in the prison space for introspection because he broke the rules of the star palace.

Can be linked to what happened recently, Pride is almost certain that the five-star master Jiang Qingwu is definitely not as simple as being punished behind closed doors, because it is really the case. In these times of stardom, Hong Haitian is probably early The five-star master Jiang Qingwu was released and confronted the enemy together.

"Pride, are you questioning me?"

Seeing Aozhan did not believe him, and the face of Omiya Hong Haitian was not very good. The main reason was that he couldn't think of a reason to convince the other party.

"Omiya, I don't mean to be disrespectful to Omiya, I just want to know the truth!"

Ao Zhan still didn't mean to give up, and he was extremely respectful to Hong Haitian, but if it is really like Jiang Qingwu said, then he must definitely rethink his future.

"Presumptuous, what I say is the truth. Where can I get you to question me?"

Hong Haitian was obviously irritated by the pride's repeated * questioning. Miscalculations have made him depressed. Right now, his disgraceful things are looking to be exposed. At this moment, of course, he cannot be comfortable. .

"Ah, it seems all this is true, Omiya Lord, you really let me down."

Speaking of this, where does Aozhan still not understand the truth of the matter? With a lament, his figure suddenly backed away, widening his distance from Hong Haitian. Obviously, at this moment, he is obviously trying to draw a line with the other party.

"Presumptuous, proud, you are the three-star lord of my star house, but you retreated when the star house was the hardest. Are you worthy of the others who died?"

Seeing Aozhan receding, Hong Haitian suddenly became furious and roared loudly.

"Why do you die because of your greed? If I continue to help you, then I am really sorry for the dead brothers, Omiya, please do it yourself."

The pride is unmoved, and the Star Palace step by step to where it is today, everything is due to the greed of the main palace owner. In the final analysis, Hong Haitian is only himself. As for the Star Palace, it is nothing more than Just one of his tools.

"Light dance, I will not intervene in matters between you, and I want to let you know that I have been in the dark all the time, I hope you will not cherish me for this! Two, there will be a period . "

In front of Hong Haitian and Jiang Qingwu, he heard that Samsung ’s main battle was no longer hesitant. When he was in shape, he directly disappeared and disappeared, but chose to leave.

He is really tired. Now he just wants to find a quiet place to settle down, and then slowly recover his injury. As for the pursuit of fame, he has no interest at all.

"Ah, **** !!"

Hong Haitian, the host of the Great Palace, was almost furious, and left proudly, but there was only one bare-pole commander in the entire Star Palace. At the moment, he didn't even have a man at his disposal.

"San Brother, I hope we have a chance to see you again."

Watching Ao Zhan leave, Jiang Qingwu's eyes couldn't help flashing sadness, while muttering to himself. Obviously, she had already forgiven the other party at this moment. Everything was the ghost of Hong Haitian alone. She really shouldn't complain about pride.

But it ’s okay now. Pride is out of the horoscope. From then on, it is much better to be alone than to stay in the horoscope.

"Hong Haitian, you are betrayal, now you should know how outrageous you are!"

After leaving Aozhan chicly, Jiang Qingwu's eyes turned to the furious Hong Haitian again, with a mocking expression.

Many injustices must be self-assertive. Hong Haitian has been unscrupulous in order to achieve his purpose, but now it seems that he can only destroy himself. The dignified master of the celestial palace, eventually fell to this field, which is absolutely the fault of the other party.

"Wrong? I'm right. I'm the main lord of the horoscope. No one can say I'm wrong."

Looking back violently, Hong Haitian had lost his mind at this moment. He never thought that he would be mixed up to the present level, and he was obviously somewhat unacceptable.

"Neither right nor wrong, Hong Haitian, now you can leave."

Jiang Qingwu sighed softly, but there was no revenge, because at this moment, Hong Haitian had already got the punishment he deserved, and she didn't need to take another shot.

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