The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1162: Yuan Feng's Fragility

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Faced with huge risks, Yuan Feng finally rescued his mother as he wished.

Although it was a bit thrilling at the beginning, the later process was unexpectedly easy. Hong Haitian, the star of the Palace of Stars, and Samsung ’s pride, suddenly abducted, which he never thought of. Originally he was still thinking about how to deal with Hong Haitian and Pride, and even he was ready to do the same, but he did not expect that this would be the result in the end.

Of course, the most powerful one is the Chixiao sword. This ancient artifact fully showed its edge on this day. Even Yuanfeng himself did not expect that under the swordman's swordman, such a tough space. The barrier was actually split.

It does not mean that when he held the Chixiao sword, he had the strength to create a strong realm, but that the Chixiao sword's defensive power was indeed beyond the imagination of ordinary people. If only from the perspective of destructive power, the destructive power of Chixiao is definitely not worse than that of a good creature.

Whether it is his own strength, or the use of external forces, or even luck, whatever it is, Yuan Feng finally rescued his mother.

Looking at this familiar and unfamiliar mother, Yuan Feng's heart was still hot. A loved one who has created a realm, and is a blood relative, can imagine that from now on, his path will certainly be broadened.

"Om !!!"

The inner space of the entire Star Palace shuddered, and then, the huge energy fluctuations recovered all of Jiang Qingwu's body. Immediately, the super powerhouse in the celestial palace was transformed into a very ordinary woman, and no one could see that the other party was actually a supreme figure in a realm of fortune.

"Finally we are freed from the shackles. From now on, no one can trap me, no one !!!"

Jiang Qingwu is like a holy ice lotus, quietly blooming in the star palace. At this moment, she is sacred and inviolable.

At first, because she trusted too much the main palace Hong Haitian, she was conspired by the other party until she was sealed. But from now on, she will never allow such things to happen again, because she has already thought very clearly and clearly that only when she can freely control herself can she protect her children and protect her loved ones.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help thinking of Hong Haitian, the master of the Omiya who had conceived her, so she even looked around.

"Well? Is this ... is this astrological palace? How could ..."

When Jiang Qingwu began to explore the entire celestial palace, she found out that at this moment, the celestial palace had turned into a ruin. At the place where her consciousness had passed, it was even a cave heaven. None of the above people found it, let alone Hong Haitian and several others.

"What's going on? It seems that Star Palace has just gone through the war, is it ... Fenger?"

After sweeping around, I didn't find a strong star in the sky. In this regard, Jiang Qingwu couldn't help but be a little surprised. Subconsciously, she looked at her child again, but there was a lot more in her eyes. Same light.

Tianxing Palace apparently just experienced a big war, and she can still feel the breath after the battle of the formidable powerhouses. This breath should be the master of the Great Palace, Hong Haitian, and the leader of Samsung.

In other words, just now, Hong Haitian, the owner of the Great Palace, and Samsung ’s pride, are still here. As for why they are gone, they can only ask Yuan Feng.

"Fenger, come here !!"

Looking at Yuan Feng again, Jiang Qingwu beckoned gently, signaled that Yuan Feng was closer to himself. This is her child, and although she has been separated since she was born, it is still her child. Because Yuan Feng hadn't had contact with her, she would have been a little bit uncomfortable for a while, but she wouldn't feel any discomfort.

The sense of blood connection made her anxious to hold Yuan Feng in her arms and enjoy a long-lost family relationship. However, judging from the current situation of Yuan Feng, she knew that she had to give Yuan Feng some time.


Yuan Feng didn't have any hesitation. When Jiang Qingwu's words came down, he put away his Chixiao sword, and then flashed directly to the other side, standing slightly cramped.

"You ... are you back in strength now?"

Before coming to Jiang Qingwu, Yuan Feng was also able to feel that unusually intimate feeling, but even so, he still had such a slight discomfort, and it was still difficult for this mother to call it.

"Well, my mother's power has been completely restored. From now on, I will seriously protect you, and I will never let anyone hurt you."

Slowly came forward, Jiang Qingwu's face was filled with deep love, it was very natural to call Yuan Feng's mother in person. She used to be unable to meet her child, but now that she has seen her son again, of course she cannot leave her son in front of her.

"Om !!"

When Jiang Qingwu's words fell, Yuan Feng only felt his head humming, and the whole person shuddered suddenly.

No matter in past life or in this life, the word "mother" is so strange to him. At this moment, when he heard the other person speak to himself with his mother's tone, his heart suddenly filled with Unusually complex emotions.

"I ... I have a mother? I ... I really have my own mother ..."

The resolute face was suddenly replaced by a stagnation. At this moment, Yuan Feng finally revealed his fragile side in front of people, almost uncontrollable. A drop of tears twitched in his eyes. .

He has always been a strong man. In previous lives, he was helpless, but he used his own hands to fight for a foundation. In this life, he has been fighting all the way through difficulties and obstacles, and has achieved the present. Dominance.

However, his powerful appearance has always hidden the vulnerability in his heart. May I ask, who doesn't want someone to care about someone's pain? There is a love in this world that cannot be replaced by anything else.

"Fenger, I'm sorry for you, these years have made you feel wronged."

Seeing Yuan Feng suddenly become like an aggrieved child, tears appeared from the bottom of his eyes, and the tears that Jiang Qingwu forced to endure finally ran down uncontrollably.

She can imagine that for so many years, a child without mother's love and care, it is likely to be ridiculed by others, along the way, I do not know how much grievances have been endured, how much pressure they have endured.

Moreover, Yuan Feng can achieve the cultivation results like this, and she believes that this is bound to be unimaginable, because there will never be a free lunch in this world.

No matter what kind of thought she left Yuanfeng, she really owed Yuanfeng too much. As a mother, she was obviously not very competent.

"I ... can I call you mother?"

Yuan Feng didn't know what Jiang Qingwu was thinking at this moment. At this moment, when the fragile side was inspired from the bottom of his heart, he suddenly longed for such a loved one to love and care for himself.

The woman in front of her was determined to be her mother, and the kind of blood-thickness affection could not be blocked at all, even if he did not want to admit it, the reality was after all.

"Yes, of course."

Jiang Qingwu was a little overwhelmed when he heard Yuan Feng was going to call himself. She had been worried that Yuan Feng would not recognize her. At this moment, Yuan Feng even offered to call herself. Of course, she was 11 million willing.


Yuan Feng didn't hesitate, almost when the other party's voice just dropped, he screamed without hesitation. When he shouted, even himself shed tears involuntarily.

From childhood to growth, it has always been common to be ridiculed during his life as a human. Everyone else has his own kin, but he doesn't, and he has never forgotten the kind of look he sees as a monster.

"Fenger ..."

Jiang Qingwu could no longer control it. At this moment, she let go of the strong and put off her guard against strangers. Even if the opposite Yuan Feng was not her son, but the enemy sent her to calculate her, she recognized Already.

With a soft cry, she suddenly moved into shape, and came directly to Yuan Feng, holding Yuan Feng tightly in her arms. This is what she owes to Yuanfeng, and from now on, she will pay for the rest of her life.

Yuan Feng didn't say anything. When he was embraced by Jiang Qingwu, he suddenly felt a kind of comfort that he had never felt before. This kind of feeling he had dreamed of before, but never really felt it.

Just let Jiang Qingwu hold himself like this, Yuan Feng suddenly became very quiet and very quiet. Frankly, if it wasn't for the wrong time and place, he really wanted to be held by the other person, and she would fall asleep. feel.

"Mother, let's get out of here quickly. I have just exposed the breath of the magic soldier. I'm afraid it has been sensed at this moment. Let's quickly avoid it."

Enjoying this special kind of warmth for a while, Yuan Feng suddenly broke away from the other's arms, and then she looked completely authentic.

He just remembered that the breath of Chixiao Sword might have passed far, far away, and I am afraid that Hong Haitian and Ao Zhan would soon be brought back. Therefore, it is better for them to avoid it for now. Caused unnecessary trouble.

"Om !!!"

Almost just when Yuan Feng first thought of this, in the distance, a slight spatial fluctuation was suddenly passed on. Feeling this spatial fluctuation, Yuan Feng's complexion could not help but change slightly, and his heart suddenly became a little nervous. stand up.

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