The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1159: Meet each other (four more)

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I don't need to talk about the extra words. At this moment, Yuan Feng is 100% sure. The woman in this space is definitely his mother.

It is said that there is a will in heaven, and at this moment, Yuan Feng is convinced.

An unintentional move made him discover the woman in the Star Palace. At that time, he just felt that this woman should not be trapped in a closed space, so he decided to wait until he was strong enough. Want to release this woman.

However, even if he wants to break his head, it is absolutely impossible to think that the woman who he inadvertently sees will be his mother. Even now, he still has a kind of unreal feeling.

Of course, Jiang Qingwu didn't know about Yuan Feng's thoughts at the moment, but at this moment, she is still in an extremely contradictory mood and can't be calmed down for a long time.

"Heishan ... Fengtian County ... Yuan Qingyun ..."

One by one, familiar words appeared in my ears again. At this moment, Jiang Qingwu really broke out again. Had it not been for Yuan Feng's prompt reminder, she had really erupted now.

When Yuan Feng said these three words, she had already believed half of Yuan Feng's identity. However, in just a few decades, she could not dare to imagine that her child would grow up to the sky. This supreme height.

After being a noble world, she knows what it means to achieve the cave world! Not to mention in places like the French Realm and the Mora Realm, even in the vain realm, it takes hundreds of thousands of years to achieve the cave heaven. Even no matter how talented a character is, I am afraid For hundreds of years.

But is it really possible for her child to reach that level of genius? It may be possible, because everything is possible, but this possibility is really too small.

"Calm, be calm!"

Jiang Qingwu is very clear that her husband and children are her most lethal weakness. If the identity of the other party is impersonated, then she must be prepared for it and must not be deceived by the other party.

"You ... how is your father now? And, how is Bongten-gun now?"

Trying to calm himself down, Jiang Qingwu tried his best to keep a little emotion out of her tone.

"My father is very good. As for Fengtian County, as early as a few years ago, because a law-protection of the Moro kingdom came to the Tianlong dynasty, the entire Tianlong dynasty suffered disaster. Numerous countries have perished. Although the country of Montenegro has been preserved, The county has long been a ruin at the foot of Warcraft. "

Yuan Feng also calmed down slowly. He knew that although he could easily determine the identity of the other party, the other party must also determine his identity.

Frankly speaking, although he has a certain feeling for his mother, in fact, in his memory, he doesn't even have a trace of the other person's memory, and to say that the feeling is really not so deep. Moreover, although he has already been integrated with this body, he is actually not the real master of this body.

When he found his mother, he was more happy for his father, because he knew very well that although he didn't say it, his father actually missed his mother very much.

"What? Fengtian County ... Nothing?"

After hearing Yuan Feng's introduction, Jiang Qingwu was struck by lightning. In his heart, he was instantly filled with sad emotions, and the sad feeling was affected even by Yuan Feng.

Fengtian County was the place where she was reborn, and it was also the place that carried her countless fond memories. At this moment, when I heard that Fengtian County was gone, she really could n’t accept it for a while.

"You ... don't be sad. Although Fengtian County is gone, the Yuan family has not been damaged much. Up to now, the Yuan family has been arranged by Danxiazong of Heishan and I have assigned a special person. Guard, they are all safe. "

Feeling the sadness transmitted by Jiang Qingwu, Yuan Feng suddenly felt very uncomfortable in her heart. No matter what, he didn't want his mother to be unhappy.

"How could this be, Fengtian County ..." Hearing Yuan Feng's consolation, Jiang Qingwu felt better, but the thought of Feng Tian County was gone, she still felt unspeakable and sad.

Fortunately, everyone in the Yuan family is fine, otherwise, she really doesn't know what to do.

"You should have cultivated for many years, not to mention a small county town like Fengtian County. Even the entire Heishan country, or even the entire Tianlong dynasty, actually said that there would be nothing, so I advise you to watch It's better to drive some, as long as people are still there, it's the same everywhere. "

Yuan Feng's practice time is not too long, but the life and death he has seen is really no less than some super strong ones. Perhaps it was because of the existence of the swallowing martial spirit that gave him a very high height, so that when he looked at these births and deaths, he was even more open-minded than some super strong ones.

"People are still there, is it the same everywhere?"

When Yuan Feng's words came down, Shi Cai was still sad because of the disappearance of Fengtian County, and could not help but startled. The sadness suddenly disappeared.

Yuan Feng's sentence is obviously about the idea. Since she is still alive, it is possible to create more beautiful memories. If she is absorbed in the past, how can she create a better future?

"Well, do you have any other things to ask? If not, I will start to think of ways to save you out. If time goes by, I am afraid those two guys will come back."

Feeling that the other party is no longer so sad, Yuan Feng no longer said more. Speaking of this, if the other party does not believe his identity, then he has no more way to prove himself, anyway, he has confirmed the identity of the other party, everything, it is not too late to speak after he rescues people .

"Wait, you, will you save me out?"

As soon as Yuan Feng's words were spoken, Jiang Qingwu's expression was stunned, and there was an unbelievable flash of light in his eyes.

"Of course I want to save you, otherwise, what am I doing like this?" Yuan Jiang shook his head when he heard Jiang Qingwu's words. He knew that the other party was trapped in a closed space, and for everything outside. They didn't know it, and it was even harder to imagine what he was going to do to save her.

"I believe you should be able to confirm my identity. I promised my dad that he would take you back to the country of Montenegro, so no matter how much it cost, I must save you this time."

After experiencing the initial excitement, now he has completely restored his calmness and calmness. At present, the only thing he has to do is to find a way to break the space barrier in front of him, but it seems that this should be a It's not easy.

Although his mind can penetrate into the space, he can feel that the space barrier of this space is really tough and terrible. How can it be broken, it will take some thought.

"You ... you are really mine ..."

Yuan Feng has already spoken to her. Even if Jiang Qingwu is careful, she has no reason to believe it.

Like Yuan Feng before, after confirming that the current situation is all true, she is also incredible.

At the beginning, her child was still in a trance, and after that, she didn't even know if she had a chance to see her child.

However, at this moment, just when she was trapped and wondering what the future might look like, her child miraculously came to her, and she really had a hard time imagining this.

This is really even more unreal than dreaming. Frankly speaking, even by her cultivation, I feel that I am dreaming at this moment, and it is still a beautiful dream.

She doesn't care if Yuan Feng can save her, she just knows that her child is doing well now, and seems to be very strong. By this point, she is very satisfied and satisfied.

"Hey, I know you're still a little unacceptable for a while and a half, but after seeing your father, you shouldn't doubt it again." With a sigh, Yuan Feng couldn't help but look right, and then continued, "I want How can we break this space barrier? But is there any shortcut? "

The business matters, and Hong Haitian and Ao Zhan may run back at any time, so he must act now.

"Feng ... Fenger, if you are really my child, listen to me and leave now. If Hong Haitian finds you, you will surely die."

Jiang Qingwu also suddenly returned to God at this moment, and she suddenly realized that where she was, but the inner space of the Star Palace, that is, her son now ventured into the Star Palace. coming.

The strength of the Star Palace, she knows better than anyone, although the current Star Palace has withered talents, but even if only the main palace owner Hong Haitian and Samsung leader are proud, today's Star Palace is definitely the hegemon of the French realm. No one can shake.

Therefore, when she learned that Yuan Feng was now in a tiger's hole, her first thought was to let Yuan Feng leave quickly.

"Do you finally believe that I am your child?"

Hearing the other person calling himself Fenger, Yuan Feng couldn't help but have a strange emotion in her heart.

When he first came to this world, he had his own father and a family member. At this moment, he even had his own mother. Frankly, at this moment, he really felt lucky that he also very happy.

"Relax, there is no one beside me. You just need to tell me if there is any feasible way to save you out. If not, I can only use brute force!"

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Feng guessed that it would be difficult to have a shortcut if he wanted to rescue someone. This time, he said that he could not use all his power. Just don't know if the space barrier in front of his Chixiao sword can stop him.

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