The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1157: My name is Yuan Feng.

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Here is a white and illusory world, full of misty white, and these special white mists can not only make people's vision blurred, even if the mind enters, there will also be a sense of no direction.

At this moment, in this bewildered white world, a fairy-like woman sits quietly in the center of the space as usual. At first glance, this woman is like sitting in the center of the space to practice. However, the real strong can feel that there is a strong seal around this woman, which imprisons the woman's power.

The woman was sitting there quietly, but her breathing and heartbeat had stopped, because for her, even the most common breathing and heartbeat would cause her a lot of pain.

This space is a lot of powerful people in the Star Palace. They are working together to arrange a special space, the purpose is to close the seal super strong, so in this space, any situation outside the world can not pass in, even if it is outside Overturned the sky, but as long as this space still exists, everything outside will not affect it.

The woman sat gracefully. The whole person was like a fairy in the world. There was no trace of fireworks, but the sadness in her eyebrows could not help but feel distressed, and it was an easy-going person for her. .

"Om !!!"

However, just as the woman was sitting quietly in the depths of the space as usual, in the direction of her side, the originally quiet space suddenly came with a very slight spatial fluctuation, and when When this slight wave of space passed through the space barrier, the woman's eyes opened for the first time.

"Brush brush !!!"

As the woman opened her eyes, this extremely subtle movement caused a lot of light suddenly around her. These lights were intricate and complicated, but they were all tied to her in the end, and the use is naturally self-evident.

"Well !!!" With the light coming on, the woman's brow could not help but a slight wrinkle, and a slightly painful moaning sound was uncontrollable between her throats.

I hurriedly adjusted my mood and calmed down my mood completely, so the woman felt more comfortable.

"Someone is exploring this space with divine knowledge?"

The eyes rolled around, and the woman could feel that at this moment, there was definitely someone outside looking into her space, and being able to probe into it could never be too weak.

"Who will come to explore me? It should not be Omiya Okinawa, nor do they look like other stars."

The other's mind seemed to be very careful, but the speed of penetration was extremely slow. However, her mind was arrogant and her knowledge was very broad. It was easy to find the other's penetration.

"Well? This mind ... seems to be familiar !!!"

Filling her mind with the whole space, the woman suddenly found a problem, that is, the careful and deliberate penetration of the mind made her feel a little familiar.

"Yes, it's this mindset. A few years ago, this mindset broke into here, and finally Cangjie fled."

She has been here for so many years, except that the main palace Hong Haitian has always landed his mind here, that is, another mind has explored here a few years ago, so of course, for this familiar mind, she is of course the first time I recognized it.

"Yes, it seems that the intensity of this mind seems to be much stronger than before, but this level of mind can penetrate in, but it is really weird."

The last time I felt this mind, the latter was still weak and pitiful, but the other party didn't know what way to actually enter the mind. And this time again, she can clearly feel the progress of the other party.

"Oh, let's see what the **** do you want to do!" A chuckle whispered, but this time the woman no longer resisted, let this mind carefully probe in, it's all to relieve her boredom.

This mind-searching is indeed very careful. This white space is not very large. Although the white mist inside has the effect of disturbing the mind, it will not make the other party's mind-searching so slow. To be honest, the women felt a little anxious as this mind spread carefully towards themselves.

However, no matter how slow the speed was, it was almost half a minute or so when the end was reached. This woman was not very arrogant, and finally wrapped her in it.

"Om !!!"

When this mind wrapped herself, the woman could clearly feel that the master of this mind clearly transmitted an unusually excited emotion, and it felt as if the other party was looking for her and finally found it same.


The woman's cultivation is extremely strong. Although her strength is temporarily sealed, her mental cultivation is not affected. She could feel that this weak mind was full of excitement and joy, and that after the other side had covered her mind, she did not explore further. In this way, it seems that the other party ’s goal seems to be real It's her.

"Who is snooping?"

With a hint of doubt, the woman passed her thoughts directly to the other side through the mind, and this time, instead of stressing the other side like the last time, she conducted a friendly inquiry.

"Om !!! Brush !!!"

However, just as the woman relayed her response, the spying on her mind seemed to be frightened, and she retracted all of a sudden, and in a moment she completely withdrew from the space.

"Well? Why did you run away again? I didn't seem to scare him this time?"

Feeling that the other person's mind had withdrawn from the space again, the woman couldn't help but smile. The last time she was spied on by the other side, because out of a kind of self-protection, she drank the other side directly. However, this time when he was spied on again, he actually felt very novel.

Since being sealed by the main palace Hong Haitian secretly, she has no contact with anyone at all, and now it is easy for someone to detect her. She really wants to communicate with the other party, and it can be regarded as a solution to her boredom.

"Hey, forget it, it's okay to run alone. It's okay to be alone." There was a sigh in her heart, but the woman no longer thought about it. She closed her eyes slowly and continued to close. Watching my soul ...

At the same time, this tough space is beyond.

"Still, she's still inside !!"

Yuan Feng's face had an unbelievable excitement. When it was determined that the target woman was still in the Star Palace, he was simply inexpressible.

Shicai's quick glance made him see the woman's face again, and at this moment he was absolutely sure that the woman's face and the woman outlined by his father must be the same person.

"Woohoo !!!"

Taking a few deep breaths, Yuan Feng tried to calm himself, and then he released his mind again and probed deep into the space.

After the previous temptation, Yuan Feng will undoubtedly be more relaxed this time, almost never thinking about it, he just probed his mind into the space in front of him again.

Although his guess has been basically confirmed, he clearly can't take any shots before he is completely sure. The so-called “knowing others” and “unconsciousness”, if the woman inside is not his mother, or even the dust that he sees in front of his eyes, but an evil man with a sinister heart inside, then he must reconsider it.


By swallowing up the spirit of the blessing of the heavenly spirit, he went directly into the depths of the space, and this time, Yuan Feng had almost no hesitation, and wrapped his heart around the woman.

"Well? Oh, it seems you really came for me. Don't run away without saying a word this time."

When Yuan Feng's heart came in, the woman who had just closed her eyes could not help but slowly opened her eyes again, and laughed softly in her heart.

"Who are you? Why probe me repeatedly?"

The woman's tone was soft, as if she was afraid to scare Yuan Feng away again. Frankly, she was really full of curiosity at the moment, she could feel that the other party ’s cultivation was really not high, and it was absolutely impossible to reach her. But even so, the other party was able to pierce the mind, which is absolutely unimaginable.

You know, let alone the practice of the other party, even if it is her practice, you can't probe your mind outside.

"you you………"

Yuan Feng's mind penetrated into the space and met the woman's mind again. However, he was never afraid of anything. At this moment, he was speechless.

"Oh, don't be nervous, I won't hurt you."

Feeling that Yuan Feng's mind seemed to be full of nervousness, the woman was a little bit laughing. Before she wanted to come, she thought that she had frightened the other person, which made the other person afraid to talk to herself!

"What's your name? Also, are you from the Star House? Why can you probe me so unscrupulously, can Hong Haitian ignore it?"

The woman continued to ask questions to Yuan Feng. She hadn't spoken for too long, so that after someone communicated with her, she always wanted to figure out all the problems.

"I ... My name is Yuan Feng !!"

Hearing the woman asking her name, Yuan Feng suddenly felt that her heartbeat was speeding up a bit, and she took a deep breath, but said his name with trembling.


However, almost at the time when Yuan Feng's words fell, a powerful force in the space where the woman was located was like an atomic bomb exploded. A huge storm flooded the entire space in an instant. All of a sudden they were scattered.

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