The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1148: Messing up (one more)

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The phase of law, deep in a mansion in Sapphire Mansion, and Yunlong Protector under the main seat of Sapphire Mansion, are sitting face to face with a young man. The atmosphere of the whole scene is a little awkward.

"Predecessor Yunlong, if you want to come to Yunlong, you should be able to appreciate my distress, but rest assured that when I leave the French realm, I will undo the restraint on you and return you absolutely free."

Yuan Feng's face was fairly normal, but a little regret deep in his eyes was hard to hide at all.

This time he returned to the Tianlong dynasty and returned to the realm of law from the Tianlong dynasty. He did it with the help of Yunlong Protector. If Yunlong Protector was just an ordinary slave, he would certainly not feel anything. However, in any case, Yunlong's status is still a little special, which makes him unable to treat the other party as an ordinary servant.

When he was in the Moro Realm before, the six major defenders of the Blue Jade Palace were going to kill him, including Yunlong defender. In a moment of anger, he conquered everyone including Yunlong defender.

But having said that, he conquered Yunlong Guardian, but it was not only because of the killing intention of the other party that he angered him. In fact, for the sake of security, he had to conquer Yunlong Guardian. After all, since the other party can Killing intention, then naturally can do other things that harm him.

"Hey, the little brother Yuanfeng is polite. You can call me a senior again, I'm actually very satisfied. I was blamed for a moment, but I wanted nothing, but the little brother Yuanfeng was controlled by magic. It's actually cheaper for me. "

Yunlong protector sighed, but there was a little regret.

Because of his relationship with Yuan Feng, in fact, things should not be allowed to develop into the current situation. Although he and Yuan Feng have already owed each other for a long time, but no matter how they are friends, at this moment, I am afraid Yuan Feng would never want to see him.

Blame him for the moment when he really wanted to kill Yuan Feng, and now it's too late to regret it.

"Predecessor Yunlong, rest assured, I will definitely return your freedom if I talk." Shaking his head, Yuan Feng didn't think about the things that happened that day. After a little groaning, he continued. "Yunlong senior help I have preserved this passage connecting the French Realm and the Tianlong Dynasty. Perhaps when I leave next time, I will restore freedom for the seniors of Yunlong. "

Sooner or later, he will remove Yunlong's protection from the law, and the next time he leaves the realm of law, he should not want to return. Of course, as long as he can find his mother and take it back to the Tianlong Dynasty.

"Rest assured, I will protect this channel well. Whenever you want to use it, I will help you open it."

Although I have repeatedly said that I don't care if it is released from control, of course Yunlong's law-protection doesn't think so. I would like to ask, who would give his life to someone else to control?

"Thank you very much!" Yuan Feng nodded and said thank you gently when he heard Yun Long's words of protecting the law. However, nowadays, his gratitude for Yunlong's law-protection is obviously somewhat false. Perhaps, the existence of the blood curse magic skill has naturally made him become a person of the same height with other people.

"Yun Long is busy with you. I have some things to deal with. Let's meet." Nodded in front of Yun Long's law protection, Yuan Feng's figure disappeared directly in place, and when it appeared again, Yun Long's law protection had already arrived. Outside the hall, between a few flashes, it had disappeared.

"Hey, things are unpredictable. The congenital little guy of that day has now grown to the realm of Dongtian Realm. In this world, there are really many miracles. Any kind of situation can happen."

Watching Yuan Feng leave, Yunlong Hufa could only sigh for a long time, it was really not a taste in his heart. He thought he had grown up fast enough, but when he had just reached Dongtianjing Triple Sky, it wasn't long before others' Yuanfeng's strength had already reached Dongtianjing Fourth Five Days. This is the gap and there is no way to make up for it. difference.

"This abnormal speed of progress, whether it is the French Realm, or the Moro Realm, I am afraid that he will eventually be conquered by him? Wait until the French Realm and the Moro Realm become his vassals, then I will be able to recover at that time become free."

Yuan Feng still controls him now, just because he is worried that he has leaked the wind, but once Yuan Feng controls the whole world in his hands, naturally he will not worry about his leak. Therefore, he still really hopes that Yuan Feng will soon conquer both the magic and the Luo world, so he can regain his freedom ...

Yuan Feng didn't expect that Yunlong Hufa thought about so many things, but these things really were nothing to him.

To him, there is one more Yunlong protector and one less Yunlong protector. In fact, the difference is not big, but in any case, he can't let the other side right now.

Out of Yunlong's territory, Yuan Feng moved a distance directly, and finally stood still in a void.

"Heavenly Palace, how can we mix into the Heavenly Palace? And it can't be felt by the opponent's strongman. This is really a headache!"

Judging from the feedback of those caves in the Heavenly Palace, the Heavenly Palace has been completely blocked at this moment, and everyone's access rights have been withdrawn. At the moment, no one can come out from inside, and no one can be silent Enter it without interest.

"To find out if the woman is my mother, then first of all, you must enter it, but now the star house is like an iron bucket. How can you mix in?"

It is obviously the most unwise choice to storm the Star Palace, and with his strength, it is impossible to break the Star Palace. Moreover, even if the starry sky palace is opened, by then, the two great creatures of the family will shoot together, and even if he can't destroy him, it will be enough to make him return without success.

"Everyone talk about your thoughts. I'm going to enter the horoscope, but do you have any good ideas?"

After all, one's abilities are limited. Instead of thinking about it with his own head, let everyone brainstorm and maybe come up with some feasible ways.

"Young Master, the Star Palace is very powerful. Once the master of the palace regained access, then no one should want to enter and exit the palace, and only want to wait for the access authority to be decentralized again."

Among the remaining ten caves, the Five-Strength Heavenly Power, there is exactly one who has a star house. He knows the star house very well. In his thought, the star house is simply a seamless fortress. Anyone, never mind entering it with brute force. Although he has now changed his host, the idea is still there.

"I've been to the Star Palace, too. That palace is too scary. Like the Master's Tianlian Demon Palace, it is a building that cannot be broken with brute force. It is absolutely difficult to enter."

The protection of a law boundary, this time also stood up and said. He was fortunate enough to have accompanied his governor to the Star Palace, and it was only then that he felt the tyrannical power of the Star Palace, and planted in his heart the idea that he must not provoke the Star Palace.

"Since the Tianxing Palace is similar to the Tianlian Demon Palace, it is really difficult to enter it. With our strength, it cannot be hard."

A strong man in the world of Mo Luo, at this moment also quietly opened his mouth, revealing incomprehensible and authentic. He had experienced the research of Tian Lian Mo Gong at that time. At that time, almost all of the powerful cave realm in the world of Mo Luo had arrived, but in the end, he could not open the Tian Lian Mo Gong. Therefore, he believed that this star palace was absolutely It cannot be cracked in a hard way.

"Well, I know all these situations. I want you to think of a way, not for you to give me one by one to eliminate the law, all of them think about it carefully to see if there are others left."

Listening to everyone, you said something to me, but they were all negative teaching materials. Yuan Feng couldn't help but feel a bit unhappy, and suddenly yelled at everyone.

"Young Master, everything must be considered from different angles, but there are a few words for his subordinates. I don't know if I should say it or not."

Among a dozen people, Hua Xinyang of Dongtianjing Sixth Heaven suddenly stood up and frowned.

"Well? Just say something, and it doesn't matter if you're wrong." Seeing Hua Xinyang stand up, Yuan Feng couldn't help looking, and waved directly at the other side.

"Xie Shaozhuo." Bowing, Hua Xinyang hesitated slightly, and then continued, "Young Master, if his subordinates read correctly, Young Master would like to enter the so-called Star Palace now, because Anxious to enter, this is even more difficult to enter. Therefore, the subordinates feel that it is better for the master to calm down and start from other directions. "

Hua Xinyang was talking and he couldn't help lifting his beard, which looked quite like a wise man.

"Yes, young master, Brother Xinyang is right. The sky of the star is not easy to manipulate, so the subordinates feel that the young master still puts his mind on the strength of strength for a while. If all the people in Dongtianjing have control, then they should be able to come up with more ways to deal with the star palace. "

He Yingkui was also a step forward at this moment, and he strongly agreed with Hua Xinyang's statement.

"There seems to be some truth to me. Now I am really messed up!"

Ginger is still old and spicy. He was obviously anxious at this moment, so that he lost his normal judgment. In fact, the matter is really simple. Now he can't enter the star house at all, so since then, he naturally wants to calm his mind a little bit, and from other angles, think in other ways.

"I can't eat hot tofu in anxiety. It seems that I can't be too anxious to enter the star house!"

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng at this moment finally restored his calmness once again.

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