The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1136: Gather (one more)

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The chaos domain, close to the border area of ​​sporadic space and time, is a vast area of ​​spatial turbulence. On the surface, there doesn't seem to be any difference here, but no one would think that it was in this space Below the region, there is a vast underground world that extends under the chaos of space and time.

Three major cave heavens and six heavenly strong men, plus more than twenty cave heavens five heavens and ten cave heavenly four heavenly men, as well as countless powerful warcraft, it took a whole month to finally complete The construction of this underground palace complex.

Yuan Feng obviously didn't spend a lot of time this time. This vast underground world has an unprecedented scale.

To be on the safe side, Yuan Feng extended the underground world infinitely under the spatiotemporal flow, and this time he didn't know how many underground palaces he had built.

At this moment, under the turbulence of time and space, almost all have been hollowed out by Yuan Feng. Almost every distance, there will be an underground space of different sizes, an underground world one by one, like water. Like bubbles, they cover countless areas of the circle, but between each space, there are teleportation mysteries connected to each other.

Generally speaking, no matter who enters the underground kingdom that Yuan Feng built this time, don't try to understand it inside. Of course, in this case, the designers and supervisors of Yuanfeng, the underground kingdom, should be excluded.

After more than thirty super powerfuls completed the construction of tens of thousands of underground spaces, Yuan Feng took Xiaoba himself and dug out several underground spaces himself. However, the locations of these underground spaces are better than The underground space created by others must be hidden. Some are in the endless depths of the earth, while others are turbulent in space and time near the surface. In short, these areas are definitely safer than the underground world built by others.

After the completion of the construction of the underground kingdom, Yuan Feng ordered the strong man in the Three Heavens Heaven Realm and the Sixth Heavenly Power to add a number of hidden teleportation channels throughout the entire chaos domain. Most of these transmission channels are in Within the territories of the strong men in the Chaos Demon Realm, as long as Yuan Feng enters the territory of these people, he can pass through turns and eventually enter the underground kingdom.

At this moment, this chaos domain has undoubtedly been almost in the hands of Yuan Feng. Even the master of the chaos domain name, he would never have thought that his own site had been made by Yuan Feng. appearance.

"It's finally finished. From now on, no matter what danger I encounter, as long as I can enter the realm of chaos, I can almost guarantee my safety!"

This is a quiet area on the ground of Chaos Demon. At this moment, Yuan Feng was hiding among a withered weed and rocks, and beside him was a teleportation mystery that had been covered up.

Although the underground kingdom is safe, it must be able to get in when it is in crisis. In order to be able to enter in time, Yuan Feng has set up multiple teleportation arrays throughout the chaos. As long as he is close to any teleportation array, he can escape the entanglement of the strong and hide in the underground kingdom for refuge. .

"It's time to leave. The chaos domain is almost under control. I also have a stronghold in the French realm. In the next time, we will first gather resources from various places and then start shooting at the Star Palace."

With his own stronghold, Yuan Feng is not as jealous of the Star Palace as he used to be. Although the Star Palace is strong, but he has the Sky Alchemy Palace in his hand, even if he can't resist the Star Palace, he will definitely not be too bad. Many, at least, when he was found, he could run away from the Tianlian Demon Palace.

After having made a decision, Yuan Feng directly brought the three cave heavens and the sixth heavenly strongman, then left the realm of chaos and returned to the thirty-six mansions of the French realm.

In the following time, Yuan Feng fully carried forward the spirit of not being afraid of suffering or being tired, and once again began to travel to the thirty-six prefectures of the French Realm.

The purpose of this trip to the thirty-six prefectures was only one purpose: to gather resources.

Thousands of quasi-hole heavenly worlds of Warcraft, which were dispatched to various places before, have already been harvested quite a bit. Each World of Warcraft is under the guidance of the Jin Mao rat, and the world of the cave is full of people.

The resources of the French phase are too rich. Rare heaven and earth treasures, precious spiritual stone veins, no matter how deep these things are hidden, can be found by Jin Mao rat, and dispatched Warcraft for mining. Of course, there is also a big man in Dongtianjing who assists them. Those who are conquered by Yuan Feng are obviously willing to solve the problems for Yuan Feng.

The number of strong men in the French Realm subdued by Yuan Feng is no less than 200. Except for dozens of people in the Star Palace, the other more than one hundred strong people are all located in 36 provinces. On average, There are four or five people in each prefecture who can help those Warcraft mining resources.

Over the course of several months, Yuan Feng was able to understand through heart-to-heart contact that World of Warcraft was very rewarding, but if he added all these resources together, he would not know how huge it would be.

Later, as the Jinmao rat walked down the thirty-six prefectures with the help of the powerful men, the hidden resources in each prefecture were excavated, not to mention the thousands of quasi-holes in World of Warcraft. The cave world is full, and even more than a hundred super cave world powerhouses, the cave world has been jammed for seven hundred seventy-eight.

It's like the Jinmao rat found a vein of astral crystals. If the scale is large enough, a vein of astral crystals will probably be enough to fill a cave heaven world of the triple heavenly strong. In fact, there are definitely more than one star crystal veins found in Jinfu rats in major provinces.

For Yuan Feng, this is definitely a very joyous trip, because every time he arrives in a prefecture, he can get an unimaginable huge resource from this prefecture almost shortly after he walks out of the teleportation mystery. It's like collecting rents in major provinces.

Fortunately, Yuan Feng's own cave world is big enough, otherwise, the general cave world cannot hold this huge energy resource at all. Even so, Yuan Feng has transferred a lot of resources to the Tianlian Demon Palace for storage, reducing some pressure for his cave world.

Xuanzhen Unicom was transmitted between the thirty-six houses, but the transfer speed was extremely fast. In less than a month, Yuan Feng had all gone through the thirty-six houses. In the end, he Resources, there is no concept anymore.

"It's really cool this time. It turns out that there are such huge resources in the entire French realm. Now, for a while, you don't need to worry about various resources."

For about a month or so, Yuan Feng's face had been full of smiles, and he hadn't converged for almost a moment. It can be seen that his mood is absolutely indescribable, because the resource collection for this month is probably already Let him be the richest person in the entire French realm, even if he is a powerful man in the French realm.

Spar, Ling Zhi, and even various relics left by seniors, as long as they are in the French realm, almost all have been turned over by Jin Mao rats.

This time the Jin Mao rat is absolutely addictive. Without any Jin Mao rat, it can be like this Jin Mao rat and can carry out treasure hunting with the help of a bunch of strong men. It doesn't belong to it, but the whole process of treasure hunting is enough to make him feel very enjoyable.

No doubt, this little guy, this time is definitely the hero of Yuan Feng. Without Yuan's help, even if there are so many Warcraft Scouts in Yuan Feng, it is absolutely impossible to dig out these hidden resources.

It now appears that there is no ethnic group of Jin Mao Rats on this side of the French phase world. This Jin Mao Rat is the first treasure hunting Warcraft that appeared in the French phase world.

After walking through the 36th Mansion, Yuan Feng did not take back the Jin Mao Rat and other Warcraft. Although many resources have been dug up by these guys today, this is obviously not all. With such a large legal boundary, there are bound to be other resources to be mined.

"Nearly, the resources I got this time are enough for me to spend a few years. In the next time, I will ... eh?"

After sorting out his own gains, Yuan Feng had just prepared to carry out the next operation, but at this moment, his heart suddenly trembled a little, a bad premonition, suddenly breeding from the bottom of his heart Come out.

"There is danger over the clone !!!"

Frowning, Yuan Feng instantly felt where the dangerous emotions came from.

"Well, the Tianlong dynasty? Where the fart is big, there is such a change?"

With a dark face, Yuan Feng got in touch with the avatar directly, and soon, the situation on the Tianlong dynasty was that he could perceive the situation through the avatar.

"So it turned out that the girl Yueyou realized a bit of space law, and three big fish came out. Huh, even my people's ideas dare to fight. It seems that there is really no need for a caveman in this heavenly dynasty. Exists. "

Through the avatar, Yuan Feng has understood that after a long period of trouble, he was brought back from the chaos and demon domain to the moon of the Dragon Dragon dynasty, and realized a trace of the law of space. At the same time, some energy fluctuations were generated. Three imperishable undying dynasties of the dynasty were noticed, and they knocked on the door as soon as possible.

Long ago, he already knew that the Tianlong dynasty had the existence of people with holes in the heavens, but this level of existence did not appear often, so it was impossible to find it. Unexpectedly, this time Yue You was going to be promoted to Dongtian Realm, and even led them out, and it was obviously not very friendly.

"Well, everyone didn't commit river water, but now the three of you guys dare to set foot on my site, then you should blame me for being out of touch."

Looking cold, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated. In a flash, he went straight to the nearest teleportation mysterious array. The goal was naturally the Yunlong Guardian of the Blue Jade House.

Originally, he thought about going back to the Tianlong dynasty to improve the strength of his avatar, but this time, it was obviously to help him strengthen his faith in going back.

ps: ask for flowers and motivation! !! !! !!

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