The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1131: The irresistible temptation (four more)

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With the help of Dou Tianxiao, the strongest of the six heavens of the cave, Yuan Feng ’s next action was simply unspeakable. Of the fourteen people, eight were soon dug out by Dou Tianxiao.

Each of these eight guys dug out by Dou Tianxiao was under the Five Heavens of Heaven, and after digging out these people, Dou Tianxiao was responsible for attracting Yuan Feng and his group of subordinates. Responsible for the siege, and finally, Tian Tianyu performed a temporary frozen uniform. All actions were like flowing clouds, and every strong hole in the heavens did not have the slightest power to fight back.

The existence of Dou Tianxiao, the entire chaos domain is naturally known to everyone, but his Dongtianjing Sixth Heaven cultivation is absolutely no one knows. In this case, Dou Tian Xiao's sudden outburst naturally made those in the cave heaven and earth three or four times invincible.

After the eight were captured, Yuan Feng easily conquered them. At the level of Dongtianjing, it doesn't mean that everyone has no blood, but no matter how **** they are, they will definitely not have the courage to explode, let alone be controlled by Yuan Feng's blood curse. Such a thing cannot be done at all.

Of the fifteen cave heavenly powerhouses, there are now the last six, and the remaining six will undoubtedly be a little difficult to arrest.

"Master, the remaining six people, in addition to the three cave heavens above the sixth heaven, there are three cave heaven five heavens guys, these three guys are relatively deep, belonging to the next time also There is no way to determine their location. "

Dou Tianxiao's face had a hint of embarrassment. Before, he had a ticket to find out everyone for Yuan Feng to conquer, but now, except for the three cave heavens and the sixth heavenly sky. In addition to the strong man, there are still three cavemen who have not been found in the Five Realms of Heaven. This is undoubtedly a failure for him.

"No rush, no rush, the three caves and the fifth heavenly guy hide so deep, it's not easy to find them for a while, but it's harmless without these three guys."

She waved her hands, but Yuan Feng didn't feel anything wrong. This time he controls the chaos domain, he just wants to take control of the overall situation. As long as most of the chaos in the chaos domain fall into his hands, then even a few or two will be fine.

Things are relative. Since these three guys are hiding so deep, then the three of them will naturally not feel when they are acting. When the time is ripe, these three guys will not escape.

"Dou Tianxiao, those three cave heavens are five-days, so you do n’t have to search hard now. In the next time, let ’s start to study those three cave heavens with six days or more. If we can get those three guys out, everyone else wouldn't be worried. "

The previous ones were all appetizers, and the next one is the theme. If you can get these three powerful guys, it doesn't matter if there are three remaining caves in the fifth heaven.

"The positions of these three people are easy to determine. I can find them at any time. However, it is much more difficult to control these three guys, especially the cave Heaven Seventh Heaven."

These three characters in the cave heaven, six or seven days, are the characters who are loud in the whole chaos. Even if they are ordinary cave gods, they can easily determine their location. However, it is easy to determine the location, but How to get these three people down, this requires Yuan Feng's careful arrangement.

"Dongtianjing Seventh Heaven does have some trouble. This can be resolved at the end. As for the two Dongtianjing Sixth Heaven, there should not be much difficulty. Everything depends on your performance. "

Yuan Feng is now more and more confident. By now, he has more and more Dongtianjing people conquered, and his level is getting higher and higher. Now that he has conquered a Dongtianjing Sixth Heaven, then There is no reason to be confused with the other cave heavens, the big deal is just a little more troublesome.

"Dou Tianxiao, the next action is to follow my instructions, I will see how these two guys escaped my calculations."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng's gaze could not help but look at his side, where the eight Chaos Demon Strongmen who had been subdued by him were fighting one by one seriously, waiting for his orders.

He who captures Dongtianjing Sixth Heaven can get it instantly by virtue of his overwhelming strength, but for those in Dongtianjing Sixth Heaven, it is necessary to talk about some strategies.

As soon as his eyes turned, Yuan Feng's heart had already made some decisions ...

The vast chaos area is really not small in scope. On this vast soil, there are many places that are difficult for ordinary people to set foot in. This kind of inaccessible place is naturally easy to leave because no one cares about it all year round. Heaven and earth treasures with a long history of birth.

For many years, the strong men in Chaos Demon Realm have found treasure among the Jedi in Chaos Demon Realm, but it is impossible for anyone to do this kind of thing by luck.

A few times, because of the existence of a baby in the chaos domain, it has also caused several strong people to compete, but that was a matter many years ago ...

Here is a crowded city, look around, the whole city is very orderly, no one, dare to make trouble in this city. The reason is without him, because this long-standing city is the super strong in Chaos Realm, the domain of Hua Xinyang, this powerful killer, and absolutely no one dares to mess with Chaos Realm.

In addition to the domain owner, the strongest in the chaos domain is the three demon kings. These three demon kings are all above the sixth heaven of Dong Tianjing, and one is more fierce than the other, even if they are strong. Will easily provoke these three.

The quiet sky doesn't seem to have any abnormalities, but all the strong men in Chaos Realm know that this seemingly sky without any abnormality is definitely one of the most dangerous and dangerous places in Chaos Realm. Here, anyone Be extremely careful not to show inappropriate behavior.

However, at this moment, above this quiet sky, a middle-aged man suddenly moved from a distance, and soon stood on this sky.

"Brother Xinyang can be here? There is something in Bai Xiayu to see you."

As soon as the middle-aged man stood still, he shouted anxiously into the surrounding sky. Although his voice was not loud, as long as he was within this space, he could definitely hear his shout.

"Om !!!"

Almost immediately when the voice of the middle-aged man fell, a dark space crack appeared in the middle of the middle-aged man.

"It was Brother Song Yu, come in and talk !!!" The erratic voice came out from the cracks in the space, but it sounded so casual.

"Thank you, Brother Xinyang." Seeing the space crack appeared, a man named Bai Songyu thanked him, and then flashed into the space crack. When Bai Songyu came to the peak of the space, in the eyes, it was a stable heterodimension space. Obviously, it must be the heterodimension space world blessed by Hua Xinyang.

"Little brother Bai Songyu, have seen Brother Xinyang."

Entering into this extra-dimensional space world, Bai Songyu hurriedly saluted the man sitting deep in the space. Although he has the cultivation of Dongtianjing Wuzhongtian, the opposite Hua Xinyang is a veritable Dongtianjing Sixth Heavenly Powerful. Of course, he needs to be polite in front of him.

"Brother Song Yu doesn't have to be polite. See Brother Song Yu hurried, but is there anything urgent?"

As one of the oldest powerful men in the chaos domain, the chaos in the chaos domain is not as good as Hua Xinyang, and Bai Songyu in front of him is no exception.

"It's really urgent, but it's also a good thing." Bai Songyu's face was full of smiles, but then he gradually became serious. "Yes, my brother practiced in the territory before, but Suddenly I felt the breath of Lingbao. Later, after I searched, I found a rare Tiancaibao on the side of the territory. If I read it correctly, the Tiancaibao is probably The legendary Yun Shen tree. "

Bai Songyu said with deeds and deeds that anyone who saw him would not develop skepticism.

"What? Yunshen? Brother Songyu is definitely Yunshen?"

When Bai Songyu's words dropped, Hua Xinyang suddenly stood up, his face was full of bright colors.

"Although I don't dare to give a 100% guarantee, it is absolutely inseparable." Nodded, Bai Songyu couldn't help showing a look of uncertainty, and then continued, "I wanted to take a closer look before However, there is a rare cave heavenly Wuzhuangtian Warcraft guarding beside that plant of Ling Zhi, I can't get close at all, so I came to Xinyang brother. "

"Dongtianjing Wuzhongtian Warcraft? There is such a powerful World of Warcraft hidden in the Chaos Demon Realm. The spirit plantation of this level of Warcraft guardian is definitely not an ordinary thing. Brother Songyu leads the way, let's take a look."

Although Bai Songyu is not sure that Ling Zhi is the **** tree, it is absolutely impossible to have a Warcraft guard with a five-day hole in the cave world. This trip, he has to go anyway.

"Okay, Brother Xinyang comes with me, but then again, after taking Lingzhi, while brother Xinyang is eating meat, don't forget to let my brother drink soup."

Bai Songyu said the ugly words directly, but Hua Xinyang didn't feel anything wrong with his words.

"No matter what baby, our brothers are divided equally, walk around, don't delay time." Pulling Bai Songyu, Hua Xinyang apparently can't wait any longer, and when he talks, he is actively out of the space of different dimensions.

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