The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1128: Dou Tianxiao's baby (one more)

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Dou Tianxiao's carelessness finally made him fall into Yuan Feng's Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, and being trapped in Jiuqu Yellow River Formation had actually destined him for the next ending.

Yuan Feng had intended to greet the other party first and then convince the other party to surrender directly. However, after just a few words, he gave up the idea.

Obviously, although Dou Tianxiao is trapped in the mysterious array, it is simply impossible to let him actively surrender. Therefore, in the end, Yuan Feng had to give up the persuasion, and directly used the ultimate mystery of Xuanzhen to reduce the opponent's realm and then directly accept.

This choice is not what Yuan Feng hopes to see, because once the state of Dou Tianxiao is weakened, the latter will need some time to recover. In this way, he will not have the cave heaven in six days. The subordinates of heaven are at their disposal.

Of course, after all, although Dou Tianxiao was afraid that it would be difficult to recover after being weakened by the large array, Yuan Feng was not in a hurry to use a subordinate of this level. He could let the other party go slowly recovery.

Yuan Feng was already fully prepared for this arrangement. This time, the Xuan array that was laid out this time was deployed with full strength, and it is impossible for a person with a cave in the sixth heaven to open it.

Dou Tianxiao is indeed very strong, but unfortunately, no matter how strong he was, he finally failed to escape the fate weakened by the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. The realm of Dongtian Realm Sixth Heaven was eventually replaced by Dongtian Realm Five Heavens.

Dou Tianxiao of Dongtianjing Sixth Heaven is unmatched, but once he landed on Dongtianjing Fiveth Heaven, there is no advantage at all immediately. There are so many Dongtianjing Fiveth Heaven powers present, especially in the beginning. Tianyu, this cruel man, this time, Dou Tianxiao was subdued by Yuan Feng without any temper, and did not have any dissatisfaction.

After subduing Dou Tianxiao, Yuan Feng didn't hesitate. He almost immediately subdued Dou Tianxiao, received the blood of the other party, and controlled the lifeline of the other party.

For strong men of this level Dou Tianxiao, their feelings about the blood curse are clearer. When they felt that his life was controlled by Yuan Feng, his face was full of bitter smiles. .

His life was controlled by Yuan Feng. This was something he would never have thought of before. He was simply astonished at Yuan Feng's blood curse. He knew in his heart that if he mastered this super magic skill, no matter who he is, he will inevitably become a powerful man in the world. Unfortunately, such a great magic skill is not controlled by him, but used by him. Body.

"Dou Tianxiao, what do you have to say now? The next time, I want you to cooperate with my actions. Shouldn't there be any problems this time?"

Arranging a group of subordinates behind himself, Yuan Feng looked at Dou Tianxiao in front of his hands with a smile on his face, facing the other side with interest.

Finally, there is a subordinate of Dongtianjing Liuzhongtian. It can be said that this is definitely a turning point for him. With a subordinate of this level, only after the strength of the opponent is restored, then the strength and appeal that he can play It will inevitably be greatly promoted. At that time, in the entire realm of law, he can begin to do whatever he wants.

"The winner is the king and the loser and thief. Losing on such a magical method, I doom Tian Xiaoxiao."

Shaking his head, Dou Tianxiao had no choice. Of course, he did not want to be a vassal of Yuan Feng. Everything obeyed Yuan Feng's orders, but at present, his life was already in Yuan Feng's hands. Whether he wanted to or not, he had to obey Yuan Feng. Follow the order of the other party.

I have to say that this feeling is really so unreal to him. Until the moment he was conquered, he never thought he would have such a day.

Of course, there is one more thing. After being conquered by Yuan Feng at this moment, he also determined one thing, that is, the pedestrian who looks like Yuan Feng is not the person under the seat of Helian House. He came from Helien House, and almost everyone knew where there was no such person as Yuan Feng.

Moreover, a guy like Yuan Feng who has such a means, it seems that he will not go to surrender which housekeeper to kill for those guys.

"That's right, the person who knows current affairs is Junjie. It seems that you haven't come home foolishly." After hearing Dou Tianxiao's words of surrender, Yuan Feng showed a satisfied smile. Speaking of it, he was really worried that Dou Tianxiao would be dissatisfied with his mouth, but at the moment, it seems that the binding power of the blood curse is better than he thought.

Controlling Dou Tianxiao, he did it after borrowing the power of Xiaoba. It was a bit reluctant to say that, fortunately, the opponent's strength was greatly reduced, and he was not afraid of the other party's tricks.

"Well, Dou Tianxiao, now I will ask you, how did your cultivation achieve this level in such a short time? And, why did you defect from Helian Province in the first place? Tell me all this in 151, I hope you don't write a story with me. "

When his face was positive, Yuan Feng directly asked the key questions. Promoting cultivation is undoubtedly the most important. His most curious right now is the cultivation of the other party. This is the short time that the other party has been promoted from Dongtianjing to Tiantian to Dongtianjing to sixth. He certainly would not believe it.

"Ah, I knew the young master would ask." Hearing Yuan Feng's question, Dou Tianxiao's face was difficult to conceal a bit of bitterness. He knew Yuan Feng would definitely ask about these situations, but to be honest, he I really don't want to surrender the means to enhance my strength.

At the beginning, for this matter, he took a huge risk, betrayed Helian Mansion, and offended a super strong man. Now, he actually wants to give up the baby he has exchanged for his life, and of course he is full of reluctance.

Unfortunately, no matter how reluctant he is, Yuan Feng's orders cannot be violated. After all, compared with these, he still cares more about his own life.

"Look at the young master !!"

After a little hesitation, Dou Tianxiao couldn't say anything in the end. During the conversation, he suddenly raised his hand. Then, in front of Yuan Feng and him, a plant was almost three people tall and grew. The silver spirit tree, which was not stout, appeared in their eyes.

This is a spiritual tree that is full of spirits. The entire spiritual tree is silver and shiny, and above the spiritual tree, there is a silver fruit the size of a baby's head. It is quite advanced.

The spirit tree is planted in a huge vessel, and the soil in the vessel is obviously not ordinary soil. It also contains a large number of spar, which seems to provide heaven and earth aura for the trees.

"this is………"

When Silver Ling Zhi appeared in front of him, neither Yuan Feng nor the people behind him changed their faces. Because from the spiritual tree in front of them, they actually felt the power of a huge space. That feeling is like they are not facing a spiritual tree, but a powerful caveman. .

"What a spiritual plant, and this fruit ...... baby, this is a real baby !!!"

Yuan Feng's complexion suddenly changed, and her eyes subconsciously showed excitement. Obviously, this silver spirit plant is definitely a super baby, and the mystery of Dou Tianxiao's promotion can be completely solved now.

"Master, this is the spiritual tree. Originally, there were three fruits on the spiritual tree. I used two, so the strength reached the current Dongtianjing Sixth Heaven, and this last one, I have been Then warm up and prepare to use it to break through the seventh heaven of the cave heaven. "

Looking at the fruit above the silver spirit tree, Dou Tianxiao seemed to say unintentionally. Unfortunately, no matter how he knocks side by side, the spirit tree and fruit in front of him will never have his share.

"What? Two fruits directly help you to improve the two realms? The effect of this thing is so good?"

Although he had thought about it, Yuan Feng was startled a little when he heard Dou Tianxiao's explanation.

There is no shortage of heaven and earth in this world, but wherever the treasure is, it is not easily found by ordinary people, and almost all of them can be found with good luck or are destined for heaven.

"It's really good. The young master didn't know. This spiritual tree should be the legendary Yun Shen tree. This thing can only bloom once for thousands of years, and it can take tens of thousands of years to bear fruit. It takes tens of thousands of years. The fruit can mature, and only three fruit will be produced at a time. I say this, Master should know how precious this thing is! "

Shaking his head, Dou Tianxiao was actually full of wonder at this Yun Shen tree, and it was definitely his luck to be able to get such a mature fruit tree. For this fruit tree, even if it offends the super strong, it is worth it.

"It's so precious? It takes tens of thousands of years to produce three ripe fruits?" His eyes narrowed slightly, and Yuan Feng was drooling. Obviously, this silver fruit must be of great use to him!

"If I'm not mistaken, this thing should be the owner of the Helian House? You defected from the Helian House, but because of this tree of gods?" After a look, Yuan Feng suddenly asked Dou Tianxiao Road.

The darlings who can make a person betray a strong man at the main level of the government have absolutely no such temptation, but this tree of Yun Shen obviously has that qualification.

"Young Master's eyes, this thing is indeed the owner of the Helian House, and his subordinates worked hard. Only then did they finally get this spiritual tree in hand, but it also completely offended the Helian House."

Shaking his head and smiling, Dou Tianxiao did not elaborate, and Yuan Feng naturally would not continue to ask.

"Well, let's not talk about the others. You are here to restore your strength. There are still some cavernous forces around you. You will find a way to absorb them back to your body and return to the sixth heaven of the cave heaven."

When he knew to Dou Tianxiao, Yuan Feng didn't say much. As soon as he raised his hand, he closed up the spiritual tree by himself. Obviously, at this moment, this thing will follow his last name.

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