The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1126: Accident (three)

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After setting up the mysterious array and putting the bait, Yuan Feng began to wait patiently.

In fact, for him, capturing or not capturing Dou Tianxiao didn't have much influence on him. The reason why this bureau was set up in the end was actually trying to fulfill his original wish.

Frankly speaking, when he first arrived in the French Realm, capturing the traitor Dou Tianxiao was almost his biggest goal. Now that he has come along all the way, he already has such strength, and naturally he wants to achieve this goal.

Of course, there is one more point, but Yuan Feng also considered it.

This chaos domain is an area that is not governed by the legal realm. Even if it is turned upside down, people outside will not know it. So, if it is feasible, he would like to develop this chaos domain to be a stronghold of his own.

Cunning Rabbit Caves, a super strong, should have strongholds in many places. This way, no matter where you go, you can have a temporary refuge, and then you can hide out of it and get rid of enemy tracking.

Obviously, this chaos domain is definitely an excellent base. If he can capture Dou Tianxiao, then he can use this person's territory as the center to radiate forces to the surroundings, and then slowly control the entire chaos domain. Turn this into your most casual back garden.

Of course, the master of the chaos domain did not want to contact him for a while and a half, after all, such a character is not what he can handle now.

These are the afterwords. At the moment, Yuan Feng's first problem is to lead Dou Tianxiao out before he can start the next action.

Yuan Feng estimated that he would have to wait two or three days to reach his goal, but this time, he was obviously a bit miscalculated.

"Well? The breath of cave heaven appeared, and it was approaching here !!!"

Yuan Feng's powerful mind made Yuan Feng feel the breath and energy fluctuation of the strong man in Dongtian Realm for the first time, and it was only less than half a day before he released Dou Yuan.

"Well? This energy wave ... ... seems something wrong!"

Feeling the appearance of the strong in the heavenly realm, Yuan Feng, while concealing more carefully, released his mind and felt the cultivation of others. However, when he roughly felt the energy level of the other party, his eyes could not help but reveal a hint of doubt and shock.

"Dongtianjing Sixth Heaven, the cultivation of the coming person must exceed Dongtianjing Fiveth Heaven, and reach the realm of Dongtianjing Sixth Heaven!"

Worried about the mistake, Yuan Feng felt it several times, but the result was the same for several times. The cultivation of the people has actually exceeded the realm of Dongtian Realm, and reached the realm of Dongtian Realm.

Although the other side tried to converge, but his devouring martial spirit was not afraid of them at all, he directly explored the depths of the other side's soul. The cultivation of the six heavens in this cave is absolutely impossible.

"Good guy, this ... is this Dou Tianxiao? It is said that this person is not only in the realm of Dongtianjing Four Heavens? How can he now become Dongtianjing Six Heavens? This speed of promotion seems to be a bit different Too normal? "

When Dou Tianxiao rebelled from Helian Mansion, it is said that only Dong Tianjing's three-day cultivation practice, after arriving in the chaos realm, should be due to life and death, which has taken him one step further and reached Dongtianjing four-tiered heaven. It is not too long before he joins the realm of chaos, and such a period of time should definitely not allow him to improve the cultivation of two realms.

"If this guy in the cave heaven is really Dou Tianxiao, then there must be something weird in it." The frowning eyebrows suddenly stretched out, and Yuan Feng's eyes couldn't help showing a hint of bright color. .

The power of Dongtianjing Sixth Heaven seems to be not an existence he can't handle at the moment. Now, with the power of Xiaoba, he can possess the strength of Dongtianjing Wuzhongtian. Such strength can completely control Dongtian Jing Sixth Heaven's strong man, plus the Dongtian Realm he carried with him at the moment, destroyed this Dou Tianxiao, but it is not difficult.

Speaking of which, he already wanted to find a few Dongtianjing Sixth Heavenly Powers, but he did not expect that people of this level would come to the door.

"All prepare, this time I'm afraid it will be a big one, Brother Tianyu, don't take care of flirting, hurry up and prepare for the big move!" To deal with the sixth heavenly strong man in Dongtianjing, obviously he is going to start himself All the power that can be mobilized, in addition to the twenty cave heavenly five strong heavenly strong men and ten cave heavenly four strong heavenly men brought by him, Chu Tianyu must shoot, speaking, His methamphetamine method definitely has the power to kill the Sixth Heavenly Power in the cave heaven.

Cheering up, Yuan Feng's heart faintly looked forward. He hasn't conquered Dongtianjing Liuzhongtian's master. If he can succeed this time, he will open a record, and after he controls Dongtianjing Liuzhongtian's strongman, he will open a conquering Dongtian. A breakthrough for the Sixth Heaven.

"Om !!!"

Between Yuan Feng's thoughts, a space crack suddenly appeared in the range of the mysterious array he arranged. Then, a man with Sen Leng covered all over his body stepped out of the space crack.

"Brush !!!" The middle-aged man stepped out, the space crack behind him closed directly, and then his eyes turned slightly to see Dou Yuan lying there on the ground.


When I saw him lying on the ground, his body was full of weakness, Dou Yuan who was not far from death. The middle-aged man's body had a terrifying breath rising suddenly. The powerful energy fluctuations turned the sky. The clouds above were torn as much as possible, and even the space above his head felt fragmented.

"Yuaner !!"

After seeing Dou Yuan on the ground, the middle-aged man suddenly whispered, and then his body flickered. He went directly to Dou Yuan, raised his hand, and held the opponent in his hand.

"Who, who? Who hurt my Dou Tianxiao's son, and I want to smash him forever !!!!"

Dou Tianxiao was angry at the moment. After coming to the chaos, no one dared to disrespect their father and son. At the moment, his son was injured like this. The urge to kill the ring.

Speaking of which, his son actually has a lot, but what really makes him like it is only a few, and this Dou Yuan in front of him is exactly one of his favorite sons. Of course, no matter if he is the son or daughter he likes, if someone dares to touch his son, then absolutely not.

"Who is it? Who is it? Get out of me soon !!!"

The angry roar spread through Dou Tianxiao's mouth. At this moment, no matter who hurt his son, he would absolutely kill the other party into slag, even the other cavemen in the Chaos Realm are no exception.

In addition to the domain owner, there are a total of fifteen known cavemen in the Chaos Realm. Among these cavemen, there are definitely no more than three who can pose a threat to him. In these three, he also has the strength of World War I. After being low-key for so long, he didn't mind taking advantage of this opportunity to deter the strong men in the chaos.

Everyone else thought that he only had the realm of the Four Heavens of Heaven, but he didn't know that he had already been promoted to the sixth of Heaven of the Heavens of Heaven, but he just didn't show up.

The angry roar echoed throughout the territory, but unfortunately, it was a dead silence in response to him.

"Huh, I'll dig you up sooner or later." Seeing that no one responded, Dou Tianxiao didn't say much anymore. When he turned around, he just reached directly on Dou Yuan's back and started. He recovered from his son's injuries.

Although Dou Yuan's injury is not minor, for this strong man of this level, it is natural to catch it. It won't be long before he can restore Dou Yuan as before, or even make the opponent a hundred feet. Go further.

"Dou Tianxiao, die !!!"

However, just when Dou Tianxiao's hand just reached Dou Yuan's back, when he was regulating the injury for his son, a low drink came suddenly. Then, a full twenty figures suddenly appeared. Appeared around him, everyone instantly released their cavernous power and blocked the surrounding space with all their strength.

As the twenty men sealed off the space, a young man appeared instantly above his head, chopping a sword at him.

"What? Where are so many strong men?"

Dou Tianxiao's complexion turned abruptly. He never thought that in such a place like the Chaos Demon Realm, there were so many people in the cave world. Although he only glanced at it, he has found that these strong men All of them are Dongtianjing Wuzhongtian's characters.

Although this realm is a little worse than he is, there is really no big difference in the Five Heavens of Heaven. The main thing is the number of opponents. Twenty strongmen sealed off the space. A young man attacked himself. Obviously, these people came at him.

"Huh, what about the crowd? Get away from me !!!"

After being shocked, Dou Tianxiao gave a cold hum and was not intimidated by the opponent's battle. He grabbed his son in his hand with one hand, and the other hand that was vacated suddenly lifted, but Take out a long golden knife directly, and hold the long knife flat to connect the sword above.



When the swords intersect, a crisp metal transfer sound spreads for the first time, and then a roar immediately follows, but the sword over the sky is not so powerful, it directly smashes Dou Tianxiao into the ground.

"Get away !!!"

With his arm slightly bent, Dou Tianxiao easily took the attack from the opponent, and then he had to exert force to pop the opponent's sword away.

"Hum, naive !!!"

However, just when Dou Tianxiao was about to exert his strength, a sneer of cold humming came suddenly. The time between speaking and an extremely cold chill was the moment of the long sword from Dou Tianxiao's hands. Passed up, letting his body freeze suddenly.

"Om !!!"

Almost the moment Dou Tianxiao was frozen by the cold, the surrounding space shook slightly, and then the space around the tens of miles, centered on all the people present, was directly isolated from the **** of the French realm. .

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