The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1120: Haikuo jumps with a fish (one more)

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The huge sky refining the magic palace was reduced to a small mountain in the talking room, and then disappeared into the starry sky where the star palace is located. The speed is fast, and it can definitely catch up with the speed of the house master and domain master.

When the most powerful control system has not been activated, Tianlian Demon Palace is a very ordinary palace. However, when the control hub of Lilian Demon Palace was fully activated that day, this Tianlian Demon Palace can definitely be said to be a Super treasures, even in places where there is no delusion, are definitely rare treasures.

This is the difference between conscious and unconscious. The conscious heaven refining magic palace can exert every ability of the magic palace, while the unconscious magic palace, all the abilities can only be furnishing, and the effects are not exerted at all. come out.

Yuan Feng activated the consciousness of the magic palace and completed the pioneering work in the history of Tian Lian Mo Gong, so he should enjoy the advantages brought to him by Tian Lian Mo Gong. Having said that, integrating a part of your own soul into the magic palace, this is something that even the strong men in the refining magic palace cannot even imagine.

Not to mention the powerful creatures, even the stronger ones, how many of them dare to make fun of their own souls? Magic skills such as mirroring magic are not everyone qualified to practice.

"It's gone, the Heavenly Refined Palace is gone!"

"Damn, **** it! How could this happen, there are still people in Tianlian Demon Palace! Who, who actually survived, and who is it?"

In the celestial palace, for the time being, they hid from the two great formidable powerhouses in the palace. For the first time, they felt the disappearance of the refining magic palace, and when they felt that the refining magic palace disappeared, they were both I hate itching at all, can't wait to chase it out the first time.

However, a hint of reason under their hearts made them not do it.

In their thoughts, since the Tianlian Demon Palace has been controlled by other people, then the treasure in it naturally also has a master. Moreover, since the other party can control the Tianlian Demon Palace so fascinatingly, it is undoubtedly also a strong person who creates the realm. Recalling the attack released before Tian Lian Mo Gong, what are the two wounded wounded behind them to fight for ownership of Tian Lian Mo Gong?

Therefore, at this moment, they have to give up even if they have no reconciliation.


Under fire, Hong Haitian, the main palace owner, could not help but spit a blood, which was obviously a trend of aggravating the previous injury.

"Omiya, how are you?"

The situation of Samsung Master is better, because when Tian Lian Mo Gong rebounded from the attack before, the Great Palace Master Hong Hai Zenith was at the forefront and withstood most of the attack power. The actual attack power that he bears is actually relatively Weak. Otherwise, I'm afraid he's already like the Six-Star Master at this moment, and his personnel is unconscious.

"It's okay, just after some shocks, it's okay to adjust your breath for a while." Taking a deep breath, Omiya Hong Haitian worked hard to suppress the anger in his heart and tried to calm himself down. It is a pity that when he thinks that he is busy working a chase, in the end it is a bamboo basket fetching water, and his heart cannot be calmed down at all.

Although this time there was not much loss, but he could have been regaining his strength, he was delayed for a whole few days, but also made himself injured, no matter how you count, this time it was a loss.

"Let's see how old Liu is, and help him to heal quickly." The anger at the bottom of his heart was depressed, and his writhing heart and blood were calmed down, but Hong Haitian no longer thought about it. Star Master recruited without a trace.

Tianlian Demon Palace has fled, and Bacheng is driven away by a powerful creature. Therefore, he does not intend to venture to follow. At this moment, he will stabilize the invisible situation of the Six Star Lord, and do n’t let it remain invisible. It is difficult to recover from the injury.

The star powerhouses have fallen one by one, and now there are only four of them left. If the six-star master falls again without a trace, then the starry house is really no one, and all the king map hegemony will naturally become a dream bubble. .

"Just leave the rest alone, and stabilize the injury of the sixth child." His complexion sank, and the eyes of the two strong men were full of depression. Originally, I thought that the good days of the horoscope will come, but now it is good, but the good days have not come, but they have suffered more serious injuries. They really do n’t know when the future of the horoscope will improve. ...

For the Star Palace, they have been filled with sorrow almost from the time when Wujie left, but for someone, the journey has been extremely smooth.

In the endless void, a small hill-like palace is constantly moving, and each move will have a distance of hundreds of miles, and the speed has not slowed down at all.

The small mountain bag moved while it was still getting smaller. It can be seen that trying to shrink this thing is obviously a very laborious thing. However, although this thing shrinks very slowly, it is obvious that its changes can be seen over time.

I do n’t know how long it has been, or how far this small mountain bag has moved. Finally, the original small mountain bag still has hundreds of meters, and it finally turned into a small tower less than ten meters high. Compared to the previous Big Mac palace, the little tower is like a dust.

"No, with my current control, I can only shrink the Tianlian Demon Palace to its current size, but it can no longer be smaller!"

In the control tower of Tianlian Demon Palace, Yuan Feng sighed for a long time, but she had already used her full strength. It is a pity that, with insufficient strength, he will eventually find it difficult to continue compressing Tian Lian Mo Gong, only to keep Tian Lian Mo Gong at the current size and height.

"Less than ten meters, this is enough. The Tianlian Demon Palace should now be able to be included in my cave world!"

Yuan Feng obviously can't control a palace all day long. After all, this big guy is too eye-catching. Only by hiding it is the most correct move.

"Om !!!"

Between thoughts, Yuan Feng directly withdrew his main body consciousness from the spar and returned to his body, leaving only a trace of his mind to simply control the Tianlian Demon Palace and prevent this palace from falling in the void. Go on.

"That's right. Although the entire magic palace has become smaller, the space inside has not changed in the slightest. It is indeed the heart-warming work of the past powerful magic palace."

The mind glanced around the entire Tianlian Demon Palace, Yuan Feng found that although the current Tianlian Demon Palace has shrunk countless times, the internal space has not changed in the slightest, how big or how big.

"The two homes in the Star Palace did not seem to come after that. It seems that these two guys were both injured. This is the best. I can live more without dealing with strong men of this level. For a while. "

A thin camel is bigger than a horse. Even a wounded and powerful creature is also a powerful creature. Although he scared the other side before, if the other side really tried hard with him, he would have no strength. Go with the two.

"I should already be far away from the Star Palace, I just don't know where I am now. It seems that I need to arrange the next trip."

Having stopped his body, Yuan Feng first needs to consider, of course, what he will do next.

Returning from the Mo Luo realm to the French realm, there is no essential difference for him. To say that there are differences, it seems that there are more friends who can know the French realm.

"The next time, for the time being, do n’t deal with people who are too strong. Anyway, in the entire realm of law, I now have the subordinates of the cave world scattered everywhere. No matter where I go, my security is almost guaranteed. All I need to do is find a way to increase my strength and study the star house secretly. "

If he was before, he really didn't want to return to the realm of the French realm, but now he is in the realm of the French realm alone, he has nearly 200 people in the cave world, and there are so many strong men for him Under cover, he really has nothing to fear.

The celestial palace must be visited, but obviously not now. He also has a lot of caves in the Heavenly Palace. After he settles himself, he will control these people in the Heavenly Palace in the cave. It is best to inquire about the situation in the Heavenly Palace. To Hong Haitian and Samsung dominate the situation.

"Find a place to settle down first, as for the others, let's study slowly later!"

Between thoughts, Yuan Feng directly operated the power of Dongtian, and while speaking, he came to the outside of Tianlian Demon Palace. After taking control of the magic palace, he can naturally enter and exit the magic palace freely, and for the time being Shao Yang is not needed to help him open the door.

"Well, although the Tianlian Demon Palace after the reduction is not so spectacular, it is undoubtedly more refined!" Looking at the current Tianlian Demon Palace from the outside, Yuan Feng couldn't help smiling, and then he turned his own Zhenqi was released, and the entire Tianlian Demon Palace was wrapped up.


With the enchantment enveloping the Tianlian Demon Palace, this palace has shrunk countless times, and was directly moved by him to his cave world. In this way, no one can feel the palace again Where it is.

Putting away the Tianlian Demon Palace, Yuan Feng directly raised his palm and looked at it. Soon, two **** spots that were slightly brighter than the other spots appeared in front of his eyes.

"Yifu? Just choose it, the next time, I will go to this Fufu and rest for the time being, Star Palace, let you live a few days!"

With the decision, Yuan Feng's body moved straight towards her nearest goal.

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