The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1118: Joy extremely sad (three more)

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After ten days of busy work, the three superstars in the Star Palace did not work out one. The magic palace in front of them was like a turtle shell, and there was no place to escape.

Regarding such a situation, the three powerful men are naturally quite helpless, but at this moment, Hong Haitian, the master of the Star Palace, can no longer hold his breath.

As the master of the star palace, Hong Haitian is not comparable to ordinary strong men. After spending so many years in the world of no delusion, and the starry sky palace is also a large force in the world of no delusion, it is simply unrealistic to say that he does not have any super means.

In order to break the Heavenly Refining Demon Palace, Hong Haitian had to use his own super means, because for him, breaking the Heavenly Refining Demon Palace and getting the treasures in the Magic Palace was far more important than the super means in his hand. Much more.

The two star masters have receded a long way away, and they also understand that the owner of this big palace is definitely going to be tough this time, and they are indeed curious about what Hong Haitian will do next .

"Third Brother, do you think the main palace master can succeed?" The six-star master looked low without a trace, and looked at the Samsung master next to him with pride.

They can't help at this moment. If Hong Haitian, the main palace owner, can't do it, then they can only give up.

"It's hard to say, you also know that Tian Lian Mo Gong is famous for its defensive power in the world of no delusion. If you want to break this thing, the difficulty is not ordinary, it is really hard to say!"

Tianlian Demon Palace is different from other forces without arrogance. This demon palace is a big family-like force. Everyone in the demon palace works for the demon palace in good faith, and their old nest is even more It is the hard work of all the strong in Shao family. In Wulei Realm, you can trap the Seal of the Heavenly Alchemy Palace, but it is too difficult and difficult to break into the Palace.

"Hey, how can you break it? Even if you break the magic palace and get the third one, the other two are still in the same future. I really do n’t know when the star palace can be restored. Back to the boundless world! "

The words of the Six-Star Master without traces suddenly increased. Obviously, he had no doubt regretted the decision at the time.

The five major forces shot together. Although they finally got five **** crystals, the five **** crystals were controlled by the five houses. However, only five of them can come into effect. In this case, even if I got four of them. In fact, they are useless.

At the time, the five major forces broke through the boundless space and fled to the unknown world at will. The star palace and the sky refining palace and another palace are not far away. Among the three palaces, the star palace is the first to come Then, it was the first to eat a relatively weak force, and lost a lot of power during the teleportation.

It is a pity that when calculating the refining magic palace, the star palace was hit hard by the opponent's counterattack, so that it became so weak now.

Right now, although the Heavenly Refined Magic Palace is in front of them, and even the **** crystal inside, it is already destined to be them, but even if they get this magic crystal, they may not find the last two, but they ca n’t To the other two magic crystals, they don't even want to see the super strong, naturally they haven't returned to the day without the boundless world.

"No. 6 nonsense, if the main palace owner hears it, it will make him unhappy."

After hearing the complaints from the Six-Star Master, the Samsung Master hurriedly waved his hands and signaled the other party not to say any more. If this was heard by Omiya Hong Hongtian, even if they could not punish them, it would definitely be very unhappy.

"It's nothing, right now I'll wait for the main palace to open the palace and get the **** crystals inside. Maybe after you have three **** crystals, you can sense the location of the other two magic crystals!"

Shaking his head, the Six-Star Lord has no trace but no longer complains. After all, this is the end, no matter how much complaint is useless.

Looking at each other, the two powerful men stopped communicating with each other, and looked at Hong Haitian, the lord of the palace in the distance, waiting for the lord of the palace to perform.

Hong Haitian stood in a space near the top of Tianlian Demon Palace at this moment. The whole person was standing quietly, apparently adjusting his state.

For a long time, the star powerhouse's super powerhouse suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of firmness.

"This trick is the ultimate trick I use to save my life. Even if people of that level are completely capable of killing, can it break the heavenly magic palace?

Lips moved slightly, and Hong Haitian couldn't help but murmured softly. Frankly, he was really reluctant to use this last trick, because he knew in his heart that even if he used this trick, I'm afraid he might not be able to blow away the Tianlian Demon Palace, but if he does n’t, he will But he has no chance at all.

So, even if there are more problems, this time, he must shoot.

"Om !!!"

The drooping right hand suddenly gave a slight shock, and then a dark pistol appeared in his hand. This dark pistol didn't look very eye-catching, but with the appearance of this pistol, the surrounding space suddenly trembled a little, as if it was going to be torn directly.

"That's ... the magical soldier?"

"Good guy, am I reading that right? Omiya Lord, he has a magical soldier in his hand?"

When seeing this rifle that Hong Haitian took out, not far away, the two star masters suddenly looked excited.

Divine power, this is a relatively famous thing in the world of no delusion. The so-called divine power is a divine soldier condensed by a high-level divine power. This divine power is integrated into the divine power of the divine power. The power is simply It ’s shocking, but this thing is generally one-off. After using it once, the magic power in it will be drained, and there will never be a second chance to use it.

In the world of no delusion, if you can ask a strong **** to help condense a soldier of this level, it is equivalent to buying insurance for yourself. Even if you encounter a super strong, you can have a battle. .

Of course, the more powerful the god-level power, the greater the power of the condensed divine force. If you can invite the top-level power without imagination to condense a divine power, then even an ordinary person, You can rely on the soldiers of divine power to destroy a strength far beyond your own existence.

The great power soldier in the hand of the main palace Hong Haitian can't see what level of strong man made it, but in any case, this is a powerful force. This thing must have a hole in the sky Possibility of refining the magic palace.

"For this magical soldier, I even took in my daughter, so don't let me down !!!"

Omiya Hong Hongtian's face was low, but his palms were slightly sweaty. This magical weapon was obtained from the son of a god-level strongman, and for this magical weapon, he gave his daughter to each other, and took countless treasures, It can be said that this magical soldier is most of his life.

"Buzz !!!!"

The dark spear began to beat. Obviously, this is Hong Haitian's preparation for the attack. This attack is the last thing he can do now. If he fails, then he will continue to find other ways to break the heavenly refining magic palace. , And that time will be very long.

"Well !!!"

The dark spear suddenly started to burn, and the black flames slammed the surrounding space, and the entire space was slowly cracking.

"Break it for me !!!"

At a certain moment, the main palace Hong Haitian drank, and then he suddenly raised his hand, and the black spear with burning flame in his hand was thrown at Tian Lian Mo Gong.

"Well !!! Boom !!!"

Wherever the dark pistol passes, all the space is shattered. Looking at it from a distance, the trajectory of the pistol looks like a black line, but it looks so spectacular.

The magical soldiers, even in the world of no delusion, are synonymous with sharpness. At the moment, in the medium world of the French realm, there is no obstacle and it can prevent its puncture.

"Oh!" Finally, the spear passed through a space, but eventually stabbed directly above the magic palace. After the gun was inserted above the magic palace, half of the gun body was actually submerged, and the other half of the gun body was left outside. After the gun body was anchored, the dark color on it had disappeared, exposing the original silver of the spear. Obviously, after this blow, the divine power of the divine power has been exhausted.

"Go in, really go in !!!"

Seeing that the soldiers of divine power were inserted into the Heavenly Alchemy Palace, whether it was Hong Haitian, the master of the palace, or the two star masters, all looked happy and everyone became excited.

The magical soldiers were inserted into the Tianlian Demon Palace, then the next time, they could pass through this, open an entrance to the magic palace, and then occupy this super palace.

"Brush!" The two star masters floated forward, went directly to the Tianlian Demon Palace, and stood behind the main palace master Hong Haitian.

"Hahaha, it worked, we became ..."

"Om !!!"

The two star masters came near, and the main palace master Hong Haitian laughed suddenly, but just when his laughter was just emitted, the Tianlian magic palace in front of him suddenly shook slightly. Then, three The big one felt that a huge sense of crisis suddenly came out of his heart.


Almost immediately when the three felt the crisis, a huge wave of energy rippled above the heavenly refining demon palace in front of them, and the three strong men in front of the demon palace all swayed like water waves. It was lifted off by the ripple directly.

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