The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1094: Grow up fiercely (three more)

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Although he did not see the treasures mentioned by Shao Yang Hufa, Yuan Feng did not feel too angry because of this. There must be a little depression, but at least it was a trace.

His luck is already very good. If everything follows his mind, then it is really not normal! Did not get the so-called Zhongbao, but at least he still has all kinds of treasures in front of him. The so-called garbage in Shao Yang's mouth is absolutely a real treasure for him.

"Shao Yang, come one by one, first talk about these fruits for me, these things should not be what you call garbage!"

After glancing around the entire treasure house, Yuan Feng suddenly raised his hand and directly recruited a spiritual tree. On the spiritual tree, the fruit hangs on the tree, and I don't know how long it has existed. There is no tendency to wither.

After looking at the entire treasure house, Yuan Feng saw the spirit tree at first glance. He believes that in the entire treasure house, this spirit tree is definitely a treasure that can be in the forefront. And, this thing For him, it definitely has a huge effect.

"Small Master's eyes, this spiritual tree is called the ethereal tree, but it is a spiritual plant unique to a place called the ethereal sea in Wuleijie. These fruits are called ethereal fruits. This thing works well and can increase the warrior's understanding of the sky The success rate of the rule of law, and taking this fruit from the strong Dongtianjing can increase the strength of Dongtian and help to grow stronger. "

Shao Yang's protection has already returned to God at this moment. Since Shen Jing is gone, even if he is sad, it is useless. What's more, even if the **** crystal is there, it is definitely not his.

He naturally recognizes all these babies right now, but these things really can only be regarded as **** in his eyes.

"Empty fruit? Increasing the success rate of understanding the law of the cave? Can this thing be called garbage?"

After hearing the explanation of Shao Yang's protection, everyone present was ripping their lips, and all of them were speechless. Then they realized that it seemed that Shao Yang was protecting the law and they were really not a level person!

The treasure that can increase the success rate of understanding the law of Dongtian, can this thing be called garbage? You know, the entire Mo Luo world can never find this kind of baby.

"Of course, this thing has its limitations. The first time and second time, the effect is pretty good, but once you take it more times, the effect will become less and less obvious. I used to take it when there was no delusion. Dozens of ethereal fruits, if I were to take them now, would be useless. "

The garbage that Shao Yang protects is clearly measured by his own standards. What is useless to him is of course no matter how good it is.

"Well, very good, this thing is of no use to you, but it is definitely a rare treasure for all of us present."

After pursing his lips, Yuan Feng's heart can't help but rejoice. Obviously, this ethereal fruit is absolutely useful to him. Now he has not yet reached the realm of cave heaven. Although cave heaven has been condensed, this thing can increase people The power of Dongtian, even if he can't help him break through to the realm of Dongtian, can also help him to increase the stock of some Dongtian power.

"What are these black spar? They should also be linked to the level of the cave heaven?"

Putting the spirit tree aside, Yuan Feng picked up a few black spars, and asked a little curiously while tapping gently.

"These crystals are called Dongkun crystals. Speaking of them, this thing is better than the ethereal fruit. The power of the cave is much larger than the ethereal fruit, but this thing is purely used to fill the cavity. It does not help people understand the efficacy of the laws of space. "

"Eh? Doesn't that mean that this thing is like the star crystals of the Mo Luo world, but just the cultivation of the people in the cave?"

"Yes, this thing is in the world of no delusion, but it is almost the same as the star crystal in the magic world."

Nodding his head, Shao Yang protects the law very much.

"Well, Shao Yang, if you take a look at the following things, and then pick out those who are useful for the promotion of the people who have destroyed the realm, I will not ask them one by one.

Yuan Feng understands that for him, any of these things is useful to him. In this case, it is not necessary to ask one by one.

"Promote the cultivation of those who are annihilating the realm? OK, I will classify these things for the young master." Nodded, Shao Yang did not hesitate to protect the law, and talking began to classify these babies. For Yuan Feng to use.

When Shao Yang started protecting his law, Yuan Feng's eyes could not help but look at a law-protecting subordinate. At this moment, everyone was full of light, apparently looking forward to these treasures.

"Don't worry, wait for Shao Yang to sort these things into categories, I will discuss merit, each of you will have a chance." With a slight smile, Yuan Feng naturally will not take all the treasures as his own, after all It seems that not everything he can use now.

"Thank you, Young Master !!!"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, everyone looked very happy, one by one, and bent down to thank Yuan Feng.

"Well, let's rest for a while!" He waved his hands, Yuan Feng signaled that everyone was polite, and then turned his eyes to Chu Tianyu, "Brother Tianyu, look at what can be used here, optimistic. Whichever one you choose, it's best to quickly increase your strength. "

Of course, Chu Tianyu's treatment is different from that of other people. As Yuan Feng's life and death brother, Yuan Feng's things are, of course, his things. At present, the treasures of the refining magic palace in these days, others need to talk about merit and reward. Tianyu can be used casually.

"Hey, I'm welcome to that brother."

Chu Tianyu had nothing to say, however, and his relationship with Yuan Feng was placed there. Yuan Feng even gave him two precious magic crystals. Naturally, this is not bad. Speaking of which, he really needed these things to improve his strength at the moment. At least, he had to make up for the previous consumption and recover the injury just now.

When the voice fell, Chu Tianyu didn't hesitate. When his eyes flickered, he took a piece of black hole-kun crystal and started to absorb the energy in the crystal.

Shao Yang's movements are very fast. Originally, there was n’t much here. Just sorting it out, he sorted out all kinds of babies and told Yuan Feng the effectiveness of each batch of babies.

After becoming familiar with the role of these things, Yuan Feng first arranged for the crowd, while he himself ran aside and started practicing.

Under the control of ten cave realms, Yuan Feng directly asked them to join Shaoyang to protect the law and go to all parts of the Tianlian Demon Palace to see if they could find the so-called Shenjing Zhongbao!

After no one disturbed himself, Yuan Feng quickly entered the cultivation state, and this time he got so many treasures. Obviously, his cultivation can be promoted and strengthened once again, even if it is not improved. , But in the realm of two layers, there should be no problem.

At this moment, he will not feel bad about these materials. As long as they are available, whether it is extravagant or not, he is swallowed up in the stomach with all his brains and strengthened his strength.

These treasures in the Tianlian Demon Palace are all goods without arrogance, most of them are things that have effects on the strong heavenly realm. These things are used by a person who destroys the realm, although it is wasteful, but the effect is also It is conceivable.

Yuan Feng also doesn't care what the spar and heavenly treasures are engulfed by himself. As long as he feels that he is most useful, Yuan Feng is always a visitor, and when these treasures are refined by him, his cultivation is, Naturally began to grow rapidly.

"Happy, it is worthy of being produced in a world that is one level higher than the Moro Realm. The effects of these things are really unspeakable. What are the fruits of these plants, I have only taken a few of them. It is already full to the extreme, and the five-fold cultivation of annihilation will soon break through! "

After refining and absorbing several special fruits, Yuan Feng felt that his seven mysterious caves had almost reached the edge of breakthrough. As long as he came again, he could certainly break it.

"Just use this. This Jinchancan spirit plant, at a glance, is an incredible treasure. This plant should be able to break through to the sixth stage of annihilation."

Looking around the pile of treasures in front of him, Yuan Feng casually chose a golden-yellow spirit plant, but he did not want to use it. He swallowed up the sky and used it directly, refining the spirit plant into energy, and then began to integrate into the seven. Daxuan Cave, already in the body around the meridian.


It was almost a momentary effort. Yuan Feng felt that his body was slamming lightly. The seven mysterious caves all began to grow rapidly in a short time. The time and scale of each mysterious cave were not long. It's more than a few times faster than before.

"Sixth Heaven in the Extermination Realm, it's done !!!"

Feeling the changes in his body, Yuan Feng immediately looked happy, and then picked up a few plants that had no special effects but could enhance the energy plant of Qi energy and swallowed them.

From the fifth annihilation to the sixth annihilation, Yuan Feng can feel that among his seven mysterious caves, obviously more of the power of the cave is gushing out, but unfortunately, although the power of the cave has increased and improved, However, his strength is obviously still in the triple sky of Dongtianjing, and has not reached the realm of Dongtianjing.

"Next, there are still many babies anyway. When these babies are used up, there will be no problem in Dongtianjing."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng was nowhere near, and he began to cultivate again in his speech.

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