The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1090: Within the magic palace (three)

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In a one-to-four situation, Chu Tianyu showed super strength and means, but in the end, he couldn't take a step and still couldn't handle the bombing of the four strong ones.

At the critical moment, Yuan Feng finally stepped forward and stood out at the most critical moment.

For the strongmen of the four cave heavens and five heavy heavens, Yuan Feng is certainly not an opponent if they are in direct opposition. However, after the four men and Chu Tianyu fought, they are almost all weak. Moreover, they were all imprisoned by Chu Tianyu's freezing means. At this moment, he really had tentacles, but he played the role of a strange soldier.

The two strongmen in the Heavenly Realm and the Five Heavenly Sky were blasted into the air, Yuan Feng was standing in front of Chu Tianyu this time. Chu Tianyu had dealt with four people before, but at this time Chu Tianyu was already injured and it was his turn to complete the next task.

Leaving aside combat effectiveness, at least, his body is more suitable as a meat shield, and if a talented sword is stabbed at him, it may not pose a great threat to him.

However, just when Yuan Feng took the shot and immediately solved the siege of Chu Tianyu, behind him, Shao Yang guarded the law, and finally got results.

The intense light spread on the demon palace. In an instant, the area where several people were located became the focus of the surrounding battlefield.

"Brother Yuan Feng, go back soon !!!"

Chu Tianyu and Yuan Feng were both facing away from Tian Lian Mo Gong, so they did not notice the changes in the magic palace at the first time. Chu Tianyu only saw Yuan Feng standing in front of him, protecting him behind him, and he absolutely would not allow it.

Although Yuan Feng is strong, that kind of power is not reflected in the one-on-one battle. After all, the current Yuan Feng is repaired only in the realm of the annihilation of the Fivefold Heavens. Too far too far.

"Brother Tianyu, leave it to me, I will take care of it next time ... I'll handle it ..."

Yuan Feng didn't have any fear. He knew in his heart that Chu Tianyu had been injured at this moment, and that his only few shots were almost unreservedly exerted. At this moment, he really should give him some rest. And recovery time, although it is difficult for him to hurt the opposite four people at the moment, at least, he should be able to take a few hits.

However, when Yuan Feng opened his head to Chu Tianyu without looking back, he found that the four people on the other side did not look at him and Chu Tianyu at all, but looked behind them together. Seeing this, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and the whole man was a little frowned.

"Little Lord!!!"

Almost between Yuan Feng's gods, the voice of Shao Yang's protection was suddenly heard in his ears. When he heard the sound of Shao Yang's protection, Yuan Feng immediately looked happy and grabbed Chu Tianyu's. Shoulder, followed by steepness and withdrawal.

Holding Chu Tianyu back under the magic palace, Yuan Feng turned around and glanced at the magic palace behind him. At this moment, above the demon palace, an illusive hole, I do not know when, has appeared opposite to Shao Yang's protection.

Opening the Tianlian Demon Palace requires the essence and blood of people directly connected to the Shao family. However, this essence and blood must be very pure. Shao Yang Hufa has been busy for a long time and is purifying his essence and blood. The blood was up to standard, and it was worthy to open an illusory portal hole.

"Young Master, you can go in !!!" Shao Yang's face is full of excitement. Among the many people present, he is the one who wants to enter most, because he knows very well that this heavenly refining demon palace Here, there are treasures that ordinary people can't even imagine.

"Okay, let's go in !!!"

Seeing that the hole appeared, Yuan Feng didn't want to, holding Chu Tianyu with one hand and Shao Yang protecting law with one hand, and then he slammed into the hole directly into the hole.

The hole is not big enough to accommodate three people to pass. In the blink of an eye, the three of them went into the hole and went into the Tianlian Demon Palace.

The illusory hole is like a teleportation mysterious array. When Yuan Feng took the two men across, the sight in front of him was a look of Yuan Feng's eyes, and he felt like he was in the star palace again. .

"Sure enough, there is no physical building in this palace, but individual small spaces one by one!"

Just a brief glance, Yuan Feng has already understood that this Tianlian Demon Palace is really the same as the Star Palace he has seen. It is also a huge palace, which is divided into small spaces. Each small space is like a house in a building.

"Master, I'm closing the door !!!"

When Yuan Feng looked obsessively at the scene in front of him, Shao Yang Hufa had already stepped back to God one step before, and in speaking, he was trying to use his means to seal the light door just opened.


However, just when Shao Yang's protection was about to move, Yuan Feng was instantly looking up, reaching out to stop Shao Yang's protection.

"Wait a minute, I'll put some people in !!"

Gaze flashed, Yuan Feng's face suddenly flashed a hint of coldness, and when he was talking, he was in a state of mind, and directly gave orders to a dozen law-protecting subordinates outside. At the same time, his hands turned into an afterimage, and pieces of spar were thrown in all directions by him.

"Hmm, it seemed to be very cool just now. Let me know how great I am!"

Picking at the corner of the mouth, Yuan Feng's hand strengthened, and the speed became lightning fast. At this moment, anyone who is proficient in Xuan Zhen will feel blushing when he sees his technique.

At the same time, Tian Lian outside the magic palace.

When a light gate appeared on the magic palace, and a ray of light was emitted, the stars and the people in the world of Moruo who were still fighting outside stopped subconsciously.

The magic palace had a gap, and this scene made them all stunned. Everyone knows that this magic palace is extremely tough, and it can't be opened by brute force at all, but it is such a palace that a gap appeared at the moment.


Shicai besieged the four powerhouses of Chu Tianyu, each of them gazing at the hole in the magic palace for a moment, all a little surprised.

They watched Yuan Feng and the three enter the devil's palace. The first thought was naturally to follow in. However, their fear of the unknown kept them from rushing into it.

"Enter or not?"

Glancing at each other, the four of you look at me, I look at you, hesitated for a while.

On the side, the dozen or so Star Warriors who fought, and more than twenty people from the Mo Luo world, including the subordinates of Yuan Feng and Yigan, stopped fighting and stared at the entrance. His eyes flickered, but no one moved.

For more than a dozen people in the Mo Luo world, they were really surprised by the scene in front of them. You know, before, the eighteen major domain owners and hundreds of strong men had not been able to open the magic palace, but now This indestructible magic palace was even opened by a few little people.

The scene became a little quiet for a while, everyone looked at the hole, but still no one acted.

"The hole appeared, everyone !!!!"

For about a full minute and a half, the sky didn't know who suddenly shouted. Then, a middle-aged man slammed and flew towards the entrance of the cave.

"Oh!" The light flashed, and the man directly entered the illusory light curtain and disappeared into it instantly.

"Come on, let's go in!" After someone entered the hole, someone started shouting loudly. Then, one by one, the strong men scrambled into the hole and dipped into the hole.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people in the Heavenly Realm have successively entered the Heavenly Refined Demon Palace through the holes, but these people are all people in the Moro Realm, but they are not strong.

"Wealth in wealth insurance, everyone, let's go in."

After more than a dozen people have entered the Tianlian Demon Palace, a middle-aged man suddenly stood out and shouted to the crowd among the remaining Mo Luo world strongmen, and then spearheaded the channel. Go on.

"Wealth in wealth insurance? Yes, if you want to get the treasure inside, you must pay the price, everyone goes together!"

The middle-aged man's words clearly poke the original desires of everyone deep in his heart. During the talk, the remaining strong men on the Moro side are rushing into the hole one by one.

However, these people behind did not find out, the moment when the man who just called the exit number flew out, his eyes suddenly flashed a weird color.

"Brush brush !!!"

More than a dozen strong men soon entered the cave one by one, and when these dozens of people entered the cave entrance, the cave was originally very large, and suddenly there was a slight shock. Then, the unreal cave entrance was Slowly began to shrink, and looking at it, this hole was slowly disappearing.

"The hole is about to disappear, don't hesitate anymore, we will go in too!"

Seeing one by one, the strong have entered the hole, and the four caves closest to the entrance of the cave are five people in the sky. At this moment, they are all staring. At this moment, they have no time to think too much because it is too late In that case, I am afraid they have no chance.

"Let's go in !!"

Anyway, the people in the Mo Luo world are not very strong, and there are only two of them in Dongtian Realm, and the number of strong people is obviously higher than the other.

Thinking of this, the four were no longer hesitant, and in a flash, they rushed into the hole.

"We are also together!"

Seeing that the four major stars have entered the hole, the more than a dozen people in the star house are no longer hesitant, and the talk is started one after another.

"Brush brush !!!"

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people in the astronomical palace all entered the cave.

"Om !!!"

After the last person from the Astral Palace entered, the hole that had been slowly narrowing above the Devil's Palace suddenly gathered together.

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