The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1087: Within easy reach (four more)

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"Tian Lian Mo Gong, I finally saw you!"

Far away, when Yuan Feng saw the huge beast that was so big that he couldn't see the top, his eyes were filled with an excited look. After so much thought, he finally saw this super-big Mac.

"Is this the Tianlian Magic Palace? This thing is really similar to the Star Palace I've seen!"

Standing in the present position, Yuan Feng has been able to see the full picture of the Tian Lian Mo Gong. From the appearance, this Tian Lian Mo Gong is almost the same as the Star Star Palace he has seen, even the size, It makes little difference.

When he saw this huge palace, Yuan Feng could already be sure that the origin of the Tianlian Demon Palace must be from the same world as the Star Palace. Only the products of the same world can have such a high degree of similarity.

"It seems that everything is true. Tianlian Demon Palace and Tianxing Palace really come from the so-called arrogant realm. For the French realm and the Moro realm, these two super palaces should It's their enemy! "

At this moment, all the doubts in Yuan Feng's heart can disappear with the overlap of the two palaces. Obviously, Tian Lian Mo Gong and Tian Xing Gong are from the same world, and the relationship between them is not so important to him.

"Tian Lian Mo Gong, I finally saw you again !!!"

Aside from Yuan Feng, Shao Yang was obviously more excited now. For so many years, he persisted to the present, just to see the refining magic palace again, and then enter it, get the treasure inside, and finally let the refining magic palace show its splendor again, and one day return to the world of no delusion and become famous Liwan.

His body was trembling slightly, Shao Yang's protection was happy and excited at this moment, no matter whether he could finally get the treasure in Tianlian Demon Palace, but at least at this moment, he finally saw his own home.

It doesn't matter whether Tianlian Demon Palace is a spiritual treasure or a martial art. First of all, this is his home. For so many years, he has been expelled from his own home. Homecoming, the feeling in my heart is absolutely beyond words.

The people who have refined the magic palace in all past generations have thrived in this magic palace. He grew up in the magic palace. Even if it is a long time, the feelings about this magic palace cannot be washed away. .

"Shao Yang, next, all depends on you."

Turning his head, Yuan Feng patted Shao Yang's shoulders with a smile on his face.

I took a huge risk and came to Kurong Snow, and now I finally came to the goal. Whether it is success or failure, it all depends on the last step.

"It will not disappoint the young master."

After stabilizing his mood, Shao Yang Hufa nodded solemnly, his face was serious and authentic. He wants to drive now. Anyway, he is still alive now, even if he has to obey Yuan Feng, but this is just the situation at hand. He can feel that Yuan Feng, the so-called young master, is actually quite good for them. If he changed the means of others to control the blood curse and magic, God knows how to torture them!

Following Yuan Feng, the so-called young master, maybe he will have a chance to revive the power of Tian Lian Mo Gong in the future.

"Well !!!"

In the time between Yuan Feng's speech, a sound of breaking air suddenly came from all directions, and in the blink of an eye, there were five or six figures in the surrounding space.

"I have seen the young master, the young master, and his subordinates will reconcile with the young master."

"Young Master, his subordinates have been waiting for the Young Master for a long time, so please come and obey the Young Master's dispatch!"

"Little Lord…………"

One by one, Yuan Feng's ears were the subordinates of the law-protection class who stayed under the side of several major domain masters, came to meet him, and continued to grow the strength of this team.

"Okay, good. Don't lean too close together, and then collectively advance towards the Heavenly Refined Demon Palace. Anyone who dares to stop it will kill without amnesty !!"

Yuan Feng couldn't help but look happy when she saw several other guardians coming. At the current position, no one wants to block his footsteps. For the next distance, no matter who is influential, as long as someone dares to block his way, he will politely split.


Everyone also heard Yuan Feng's firmness and understood the meaning of entering Tian Lian Mo Gong, so when Yuan Feng's words fell, everyone responded respectfully, and then adjusted his breath. , Enter the state of standby at any time.


Yuan Feng didn't hesitate. After making a decision, he started to accelerate directly. However, this time he knew a little bit. I do n’t think it would be easy to get closer to the Tianlian Magic Palace. For a moment, I am afraid there must be a big war.

They are not very far away from Tian Lian Mo Gong at this moment, and the time is not long. This army of caves with a dozen people is directly pressed to the front of Tian Lian Mo Gong, and when they came to Tian Lian When the Magic Palace was approaching, in front of them, two distinct strong men appeared very clearly in front of them.

The two teams didn't make a big hit at this time, they just froze there. However, although there was no big hit, the atmosphere was quite tense.

The two teams are almost ten in number, and the strongest of them are Dongtianjing Fiveth Heaven, most of them are Dongtianjing Fourth Heaven, and their strength is almost equal. It seems that the two teams of men and women seem to want to study the Tianlian Demon Palace, but do not want the other party to study, and ultimately they can only form a confrontation.

"Well? It really seems a bit troublesome!"

When Yuan Feng and Shao Yang Hu Fa came to the bottom of Tianlian Demon Palace and saw the two teams facing each other on the side of the palace, his eyes flashed, but the order had already reached the minds of his subordinates.


Sure enough, when the idea of ​​Yuan Feng was just born, the two teams confronted each other and came forward to the two of Yuan Feng and Shao Yang to protect the law, preventing the two from getting closer.

They couldn't explore the Tianlian Demon Palace now, and naturally they didn't want their opponents to explore. Therefore, at this moment, they can only continue to grow their opposing teams. In the end, no one shot.

Twenty or so people came close to Yuan Feng and Shao Yang to protect the law, and immediately after they appeared, the two teams identified the identity of Yuan Feng and Shao Yang to protect the law. Obviously, judging from the clothing and dress of the two, as well as the vulgar atmosphere of the man who belongs to the world of Mo Luo, it is undoubted that the person who came is Mo Luo.

Shaoyang Hufa has lived in the Moro world for countless years, and he has been infected with all the characteristics of the Moro people. Although Yuan Feng came late, his imitation ability is extremely strong and he will not be seen by others. Disguise.

"Huh, the smashing of the Mo Luo world, don't think about breaking the rules. This palace is something that our Lord Lord sees. Whoever dares to touch your finger, will not cut it."

After confirming the identities of Yuan Feng and Shao Yang to protect the law, one of the men on the side of the French Realm who looked almost like Dongtianjing Wuzhongtian snorted and sang proudly.

Whether it is the French Realm or the Mora Realm, it is clear that the Tianlian Demon Palace is not so easy to break, so there is no cruel person to stay and watch the Tianlian Demon Palace. After all, since everyone can't get in, why waste a lot of manpower on it? Leaving a few people behind is actually pretty good.

"I am, you scum of a different world. This day the refining demon palace is above the land of my magic world. What kind of system do you robbers want to take as their own?"

Opposite the French Realm, a dozen of the strong Mo Luo world obviously do not like to listen to each other's words, so, wait for Yuan Feng to speak, and among the strong Mo Luo world opposite, someone immediately came forward to fight back.

"Broken, dare to say that we are robbers, do you want to die?"

The two teams became tense in an instant, but in the end, no one started. Obviously, at this moment, everyone knows that it is time to save strength.

"Well, who are your star masters on the opposite side? What is he worth? This is Mo Luojie, your **** star master is a fart for us, do it !!!"

When he heard the conversation between the two teams, Yuan Feng couldn't help showing a smile on his face. During the talk, he suddenly raised his hand, and then the surrounding space shuddered, one by one. Body shape, suddenly came over from a distance.

"A robber in a different world, die!"

"Kill !!! Kill these guys, and take revenge on the ancestors of the Moro world!"

With the order of Yuan Feng, more than a dozen Dongtianjing strongmen suddenly came out, and directly killed a dozen people in the Star Palace.

"Here's a helper? Hahaha, this little brother is domineering, everyone shots together and killed these robbers."

"Kill, kill these robbers."

When seeing more than a dozen Dongtianjing strong shots, all of the people who originally met with the stars of the Mo Luo world all shot one after another. For a moment, the side of the Mo Luo world occupied an absolute advantage. More than a dozen people naturally fell into extreme passiveness.

"Shao Yang !!!"

After the start of the melee, Yuan Feng didn't hesitate. He waved at Shao Yang to protect the law, and the two avoided the battle group. Under the guard of other people, they directly approached the Tianlian Demon Palace.

This time, they really came to the front of Tianlian Demon Palace. Judging from the situation in front of them, no one could stop them from attacking.

ps: Rolling flowers, Xiaoyan needs power support! !! !! Thank you brothers and sisters! !! !! The first half of the year is almost over, everyone should have flowers in hand! !! !! please! !!

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