The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1084: Touching fish in muddy water (one more)

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The non-phase demon ancestors of the Moro Realm suddenly appeared. This is a big bad news for the powerful men in the Realm of Stars and the Realm of Law. The original good situation, because of the appearance of this one, instantly became Passive situation.

However, for these, the strong men in the French astrology world and the celestial palace have no time to feel them, because even when they are not ready for battle, the strong men in the Moro realm have already begun.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

A powerful momentum rose into the sky. On the side of the Mo Luo world, the eighteenth domain masters all showed their strongest power. The appearance of the no-magic ancestors brought them endless. In particular, they also understand that this is a battle for revenge for those innocent Moro people. Therefore, even if this battle ends with their opponents, they must use up all their power.

Eighteen major domain leaders took the lead, and other law-enhancing powerhouses in the Moro realm were also deeply infected. Almost all of them at the scene participated in the original war. Naturally, they clearly calculated how horrible those guys in the Mo Luojie and Tianlian Demon Palace. Now that they have the opportunity to avenge themselves, they must not miss it.

"Kill, take revenge on the tribe that died !!!"

"Everyone puts down the mustard and kills these invaders along with the Lord Wuzu !!!!"

"Kill and kill, with or without Lord Mozu and your domain masters, the Mo Luo world will win !!!"

Hundreds of Dongtianjing powerfuls, under the leadership of the Eighteenth Great Domain Lord, were like a torrent, directly rushing towards the powerfuls of the French Realm and the Astral Palace. In an instant, various Various attacks flew up and down, and some people who were caught off guard by the French Realm and the Astral Palace were unavoidable.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

On the side of the French phase, the twenty powerful breaths are almost a little slower, and then they are detonated. Then, the twenty tall figures are facing the strong men of the magic world. Welcomed up.

"Everyone should panic. Although there are few people on our side, the overall strength is far better than them, and we all face it !!"

On the side of the French phase, a middle-aged man in white was the first to stand up and shouted loudly.

This time, almost all of the elites who came here from the French Realm are here. The per capita level is indeed better than the Moro Realm. In addition, there are twenty great strongmen in the cave, but there are only eighteen on the opposite side, which is their absolute advantage.

"Kill, it's time for everyone to slay monsters and demon monsters! Kill these unseen guys!"

They are all super strong in Dongtianjing. Everyone ’s response is extremely fast. When someone heard a reminder, everyone was instantly energized and directly greeted the strong in the magic world.


Hundreds of cave heavenly strong men collided with each other suddenly. In an instant, the entire dry snow region was shaking like an earthquake, and at this moment, this white and snowy world was staged. An unprecedented scene.

The Moro Realm has an advantage in terms of numbers, but the French phase realm has the advantage of personal strength. After averaging, the strengths of the two sides are almost the same.

On the contrary, it is the side of the French phase, because there are two more characters at the main level of the government, and they obviously have to occupy the initiative more.

However, when the battle started, the French side could clearly see that many people did not use their full strength, even with a touch of doubt on their faces.

Before the words of Wuxiang Mozu, they all heard in their ears. Some people may not pay too much attention, but many people still think hard.

The so-called revenge of Wuxiang Mozu may not have any problems for some strong people in the French realm, but those strong people who have not been completely brainwashed by the Astrological Palace are keenly aware of the situation. Therefore, for this battle, they will naturally not do their best.

Leaving aside other unknown circumstances, it is very intriguing that everything happened only at the right time. Obviously, the two strong men in the Star Palace did not come to annihilate the Moro Realm, because if they were to annihilate the Moro Realm, they would not just need to have these people in front of the ownership of the palace in front of them. left.

With all kinds of doubts, even on the side of the French Realm, even a few people at the main level of the government control their power within a very conservative range. They do not seek to kill the enemy, but to protect themselves.

Hundreds of Dongtianjing powerfuls began to confront each other. Naturally, the front of the entire battlefield was stretched out all at once.

Dong Tianjing's strong shots will have to cover a distance of tens or hundreds of miles at any time. If you don't pull the distance apart, everyone will naturally hurt innocent people when they get into a fight, and they will also be bound by their hands and feet. Therefore, when everyone chooses an opponent, they will naturally stray from others and open up a small battlefield of their own.

The two major house-level strongmen vacated by the French Realm are undoubtedly much more destructive than the average person. However, under the siege of the strong men of the Moro Realm, they are extremely powerful. Big tied up.

It is terrible to unite the Mora kingdom. The two strong French-legged realists were almost besieged by dozens of cave heavens, six or even seven or eight heavens. The figures at this level already have the power to kill them, so They cannot be underestimated at all.

"Dear world guys, let's go together. Today, my ancestor, I will kill you in the Mo Luo world, and take revenge for my people who died in the Mo Luo world!"

The strong men in Dongtianjing have already started fighting. At the same time, the first phase of the Wuxiang Demon ancestor, which has started, has now battled with the Samsung Lord and the Six Star Lord Wumen began to face to face.

"Huh, there is no magic, you don't need your bluff here. Today, I'll see how you can kill the two of us, open !!!"

Regarding the intimidation of the non-phase demon ancestors, Samsung Master Pride and Six-Star Lord No Mark are both expressionless, but regardless of whether the other party said or not, they actually did not want to deal with the non-phase demon ancestors alone.

"Brush!" Between the hands suddenly raised, a space crack suddenly appeared in front of the eyes, and between the words, Pride and No Trace were the first to enter the crack.

"Can I destroy you, I'll know in a while !!! I'll give you my life !!!"

It is not hesitant that the magic is out of phase, and after speaking, he followed closely and also entered the cracks in space. Obviously, the confrontation between the three of them must not be in the ordinary space of the Moro Realm. If it is conducted in ordinary space, then the strong cavemen around them must be severely tested.

In any case, the strong men on both sides did not want to affect their people and cause innocent damage during the fighting.

These three entered the space of different dimensions and began to fight, and this battle will obviously not be so easy to distinguish.

It seems that the state of Demon Phase is better than Samsung's Pride, but as the strong star star, the foundation of Pride must be above Demon Phase, and he also has a helper.

Although the invisible realm of the Six-Star Lord has fallen into the realm of creation, even if he is half-step into the realm of creation, he can still produce a lot of damage. Moreover, he still fell from the realm of creation, not without the strength of the realm of creation. By.

With Tian Lian Mo Gong as the center, the war spread to the entire dry snow region in an instant. Fortunately, Tian Lian Mo Gong appeared in the deserted area such as the dry Rong snow region, if it was replaced by one of the eighteen realms If you are in the realm, then this time, the Mo Luo world, I do n’t know how many people will suffer.

It is not so easy for Dongtianjingqiang to fall. They who are proficient in space means are actually more likely to keep their lives in this chaos. After all, when the danger is approaching, they can move to their teammates for help, and no one will watch their teammates die dead and ignore them.

The scope of the battle is getting larger and larger, and it has finally spread beyond the Ku Rong snow area. In this kind of battle, the entire Ku Rong snow area has become a mess.

At the time when the two worlds started the earth-shattering war, Yuanfeng stood there for a while, under the snow and ice, in the deep hole, it seemed that it would be difficult for him to recover.

"Dude, everyone says things change, but this time it's really a bit too fast!"

He was really frightened at the moment. Originally, the French army was under pressure, and the Moro kingdom was in danger. But no one expected that at the critical moment, there was even a master from the magic world, and it seemed to be more powerful.

After making up the gap of the super strong, the strength of the Moro Realm is obviously no longer under the French Realm. I am afraid that this battle will be deadlocked for a while.

"Okay, good, this one is a super good opportunity for me!"

After a brief shock, Yuan Feng suddenly returned to God, and the whole person was faintly excited.

Although it is said that the war between the Realm and the Mora is not a battle he hopes to see, since the war has begun, it is impossible for him to stop it, but it cannot be stopped, of course, it must be used.

Zhengchou couldn't approach Tian Lian Mo Gong, but he didn't expect such a situation. In this way, he could take advantage of the confusion, take advantage of the opportunity to approach Tian Lian Mo Gong, and then go inside and take what he wanted .

"Come out, how can such a lively scene reduce our participation?"

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Feng suddenly moved his mind. Then, in addition to the Blood Demon ancestor and Chu Tianyu, everyone in his cave world was called out by him.

Opportunity is right in front of him. This time, he will make a war fortune.

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