The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1075: Initiative (four more)

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Tian Lian Mo Gong appears, which is a huge opportunity for the powerful people in the magic world.

After the original war, Tianlian Demon Palace disappeared for no reason. Many powerful people thought that the Demon Palace was destroyed along with the superpowers at the time, but now it seems that the Demon Palace has been hidden Under dry snow.

Everyone knows that if you can enter this magic palace, you will definitely get the treasure in the refining magic palace. As a super power coming from another world, what level can the treasure in the refining magic palace reach, even they These people are hard to imagine.

Of course, although I don't know what level the treasures in Tianlian Demon Palace are, it should be enough to help them impact the supremely good environment.

Therefore, when the major domain masters gathered around the Tianlian Demon Palace, each of them quickly released their own subordinates in the cave world and began to study the entire Tianlian Demon Palace.

Tian Lian Mo Gong is right in front of her eyes, but for this giant, they have been taught long ago, and want to get treasure from Tian Lian Mo Gong, that is not something you can get.

The eighteenth domain master, everyone brought their own Dongtianjing subordinates. At this time, no one will pay attention to how many other domain masters bring, and will not have the heart to study the overall power of other forces. Everyone put their energy on the Tianlian Demon Palace, and wished that they could be the first one to find the breakthrough of Tianlian Demon Palace and successfully enter it.

Almost all of these cavemen who are present at the scene have experienced the original war, so they are naturally no strangers to the Temple of Heaven. With such an opportunity now, of course, they are all cherished, and they are all thinking of being a lucky one.

For the major law-protecting powerhouses, they are even more hopeful that they will benefit from the Tianlian Demon Palace. Their requirements are not so high. Not to mention the impact on the realm of creation, even if they can achieve the great completion of the cave heaven, they I'm already satisfied.

The territory of the Eighteenth National Congress, the number of Dongtianjing people in each domain must be more than twenty. In some special domains, the number of strong Dongtianjing people has reached thirty or forty. On average, each domain The number of people in the country should be around thirty.

That is to say, at this moment, in this cold and dry snowy area, more than 500 cave heaven strongmen have gathered. This time, almost all the strong forces of the Mo Luo world have already gathered here. .

However, when there were more than 500 super powerfuls like this, when they were scrambling around the Tianlian Demon Palace, they looked like a group of little ants around a magnificent mountain, but they looked so small.

The Tianlian Demon Palace was built by countless strong men of all ages. This thing is truly inaccessible, and fire and water do not invade. Even if all the people present are shot together, it is absolutely impossible to break the palace with brute force. For one thing, they don't even need to try.

Everyone is doing their own thing right now. No one cares about the situation of other people, but they are completely indulged in the situation and cannot help themselves.

Tianlian Magic Palace is too strange. Even if no breakthrough can be found, just studying this palace can actually make them gain a lot.

Everyone is busy tirelessly, but the masters of the Eighteenth National People's Congress will not know. Among them, there are some people's eyes clearly flashing a strange light ............

Capricorn Field, the mysterious space of the underground world.

"What? Heaven refining the magic palace?"

Yuan Feng, who had waited for a long time, finally waited for the news from the subordinates of Dongtianjing. However, when he heard the news, he almost seemed to be trampled on the tail, and suddenly bounced off the ground.

"Tian Lian Mo Gong, will this magic palace be alive? This, this is really a super treasure!"

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Feng tried to calm himself, only to find that no matter how deep he breathed, his violent heartbeat was difficult to calm down at all.

Before I learned that there is a treasure in the world of Mo Luo, he thought what kind of baby would be. After a long time of trouble, it turned out that Tian Lian Mo Gong reappeared in front of the world. Undoubtedly, the appearance of Tian Lian Mo Gong is definitely more precious than any heavy treasure.

"Brother Yuan Feng, what's the situation? What surprises Brother Yuan Feng into what he looks like?" Yuan Feng's violent reaction left Chu Tianyu aside. He still knows Yuan Feng relatively well. Under normal circumstances, Yuan Feng will definitely not be so disoriented. I can imagine that this time I'm really encountering a baby.

"Brother Tianyu, do you know Tian Lian Mo Gong?"

Hearing Chu Tianyu's question, Yuan Feng took a look and suddenly asked. If Chu Tianyu had heard of Tian Lian Mo Gong, then everything would not need to be explained, and if Chu Tianyu had not heard of it, then naturally it would not even need to mention it.

"Tian Lian Mo Gong? What is it?"

Scratching his head, Chu Tianyu's face flashed a little doubt, and asked slightly curiously.

"Well, it seems that Brother Tianyu still has come to the Moro Realm for too short a time. After I hurry, I will let other people help you explain the matter of Tianlian Demon Palace. Right now, I will think about how to act."

Yuan Feng didn't have time to elaborate on the other side. After all, the matter of Tian Lian Mo Gong involved a lot, and it wasn't clear at a short while.

"Shao Yang, come out and talk !!!"

After ending the conversation with Chu Tianyu, Yuan Feng was moved by his mind, and Shao Yang's body protection in the sky was recruited by him alone.

"Well? What's the command of the young master?" Shao Yang's law protection was a little unknown. So he was just taken back by Yuan Feng for a short time. He was recruited again at this moment. Naturally, he felt a little curious.

"Shao Yang, tell you the good news. Tian Lian Mo Gong is here again."

Picking the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng did not hesitate. He directly told Shao Yang to protect Falun Gong's current situation.

Shao Yang protects the law is the person of Tian Lian Mo Gong. No one knows Tian Lian Mo Gong better than the other party. He called this guy out now. He believes that he will be able to get a lot of useful information here.

"What? Young Master, you ... what did you just say? I, am I right?"

When Yuan Feng's words fell, Shao Yang Hu Fa suddenly turned wild, rushed forward, grabbed Yuan Feng's shoulders with both hands, and asked incredulously.

"What I said, you should have heard it clearly, as if you didn't hear it wrong." With a slight smile, Yuan Feng's eyes were low, and he signaled that the other party could let him go.

"This ... God help me too, this is really God help me too, Tian Lian Mo Gong, I finally wait for you to appear!"

He let go of his hand suddenly, Shao Yang's protection method was so excited that he couldn't add any more. At the bottom of his eyes, there was even a gleam of clear tears, which is unimaginable for a powerful caveman.

No one can understand how hard Shao Yang had to wait to protect the law. At the beginning, all the people in the Tianlian Demon Palace had died in battle. Only he survived by himself, and the reason to support him was to find the Tianlian Demon one day. Palace, and into the magic palace, get the treasure left by seniors, and finally achieve invincible realm, revenge for all.

At this moment, he finally waited for Tian Lian Mo Gong to appear. Although he can't help himself now, at least, he can see his familiar home.

"Shao Yang, don't be excited first, this day the refining demon palace is still far away at this time, and at this moment, the eighteen major domain masters of the magic Luo world, plus hundreds of law-protecting figures, are around Tian Lian Mo Gong will do research, maybe he will enter Tian Lian Mo Gong. "

She waved her hand, Yuan Feng motioned to the other side to calm down, and then she said quietly.

"Entering the magic palace? The young master is more concerned. The heavenly refining magic palace is the treasure of my Shao family. How can these people get in? Young master can rest assured that they can never enter."

After stabilizing his mind, Shao Yang's face could not help showing a proud look, and his tone was unusually firm.

If Tian Lian Mo Gong was so easy to enter, it would have been taken away by now. If you want to enter Tian Lian Mo Gong, you will need the blood from his Shao family. Second, you can break it by force. However, the power required to break the heavenly refining magic palace is definitely not available in the magic world.

"Well, I can rest assured that you have this sentence. In that case, we can pack our bags and prepare to go to the dry snowy area where the Tianlian Demon Palace is located!"

This is what Yuan Feng asked for, and what he was most worried about was that he had n’t waited for him to reach the place where Tian Lian Mo Gong was located. Those pesky guys had already opened Tian Lian Mo Gong, and then went inside to put all the babies first. Take it one step away. In that case, I'm afraid he can only command those on the scene to work.

However, the strength of those few people is average, want to grab a treasure among the Yunyun strong, I am afraid there is little hope.

"Brother Tianyu, we can leave here. No one will stop us for the next journey."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng first collected Shao Yang's protection, and then smiled at Chu Tianyu.

At this moment, all the strong men of the Moro kingdom went to Kurong Snowy Field. On this way, he could hurry as much as possible, without worrying about being late. Just on the way, he could think of what to do after Kurong Snowy Field. How to act.

That's the eighteen major domain masters, plus hundreds of super strong Dongtianjing. If you don't pay attention to a little strategy, let alone get a baby, even if he can come back, I am afraid to say something else.

However, in any case, his hand controlling Shao Yang's protection is equivalent to controlling the key to enter the Tianlian Demon Palace. The initiative is in his hands. He can slowly think of a solution until he reaches the goal. So far.

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