The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1066: Warcraft aspect (three)

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The huge palm print was photographed in the air. At this moment, the powerful Jiuqu Yellow River array has no resistance at all, and it is directly photographed into powder with the entire cave.

Everything happened between the electric light and flint. From the two cave heavens and the fifth heavenly man being conspired to the extermination protection decisive shot, this is almost a few breaths of work, but this is just a few breaths In the meantime, many things can no longer be undone.

The entire cave no longer exists, and even the cliff where this cave is located has now become dust and stones, scattered all over the place.

The thick dust slowly dissipated, and when the dust settled, there was a huge gap in the cliff, and in this gap, there were no other things except the debris in the sky. s things.

"where is the guy?!!!"

In the huge cliff gap, the extermination protection method stood in the air at this time, his face was full of anger, and under the cover of this anger, his eyes were filled with incredible.

Just under his eyelid, a few kilometers away, he actually saw his two caves under the heavens, and was counted by the enemy, and disappeared instantly, not even a trace of breath left. Frankly, at the moment of Shicai, he was really frightened.

However, it was his godlike work, and by the time he shot again, everything had changed.

"Brush brush !!!" As the extinction law came to the gap, the other five strong men also followed, but only when they were all together, except for the sand and stones in front of them, there was no figure at all. That situation, like everything that happened before, simply doesn't exist.

Everyone's complexion is not very good-looking, and the number of extinction methods is the most important.

"How is that possible? People? Why not even one person?"

The spirit of extinction and protection is sweeping around, but unfortunately, no matter how he sweeps, within hundreds of thousands of miles, there is no trace of life, the feeling is like a person in a cave before Disappeared out of thin air.

Leaving aside the enemies who only glanced aside, at the very least, he just sent two cavemen of the Heavenly Realm and Five Heavenly Heavens into the cave, but after a while, even these two people disappeared. This scene, He couldn't accept it at all, and felt a deep chill.

"Extermination of adults, it seems like ... there seems to be a detached power of the sky, this breath ...... seems like ..."

Behind the Extinction Guardian, a man who looked quite old in the cave heaven and earth fifth heaven suddenly wrinkled his nose, sniffed in the air, and then turned pale, facing the Extinction Guardian Road ahead.

"Eh?" I heard someone reminded that the extermination protection method was also a shock, even if he took a sharp breath, then his whole face was completely changed.

"It's the broken breath of Dongtian, and there's a ... suffocation !!!"

Extinction protector's face changed for a while, Shicai only explored the breath of the living person, and also felt the energy fluctuations everywhere, and did not feel the air here carefully, but now he felt it, and found that this In the space, there is obviously a strong cave-like power rippling, and there is a kind of unwilling death when the strong fell.

The most terrible thing is that among these breaths, he smelled a familiar breath, which is the breath belonging to the two major protection methods of the magical realm, that is, the free power of the cave in this space, and the deadly Suddenly, it seems that it is from the two strong men he just sent.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible !!!"

The face changed drastically. At this moment, the law of extinction finally realized that the enemies they faced now seemed more terrible than they thought.

The scene suddenly became unusually quiet. Everyone was a superpower. As long as they probed carefully, there was almost no sense of what happened.

"Huang Ji's Law Protection and Yin's Law Protection ... Aren't they dead?"

A few big holes in the heavenly realm have stared at each other, seeing from each other's eyes thick and incredible. Although they are unwilling to believe in such a result, the fact is in front of them. The huge force of the cavernous air floating in the air, as well as the strong vitality and suffocation, are undoubtedly like what they prove!

"Find it, find it for me, whether it's Huang Ji and Yin Yin, or that little hybrid in Demon Realm, find them all for me!"

The extermination protection method is really angry this time. The Mojo Realm has lost six holes of the Heavenly Realm Three or Four Heavenly Powers. If it loses two holes of the Heavenly Realm Five Heavens Powers, then he can really be angry with the Devil. The lord of the black land gave thanks for his death. You know, their goal this time is just a little guy in Dongtianjing.


At this moment, where is the extermination protection method still so much control, originally wanted to stay Chu Tianyu jump alive, and capture it to the hands of the Lord of the Mojo domain, but now, as long as you can find the target, what if you kill?

"Boom boom boom !!!"

The huge handprints are like the meteorites falling from the sky. They took pictures of the cliffs and peaks and turned them into powder. This time, the extermination protection method really used its full strength.

Shicai destroyed the palm of the large array. He did not use too much power in order not to shoot the people inside, but now he can't control so much. As long as he can complete the goal, he will offend the domain master. It doesn't matter.

"Everyone, don't hesitate !!!"

The strongest in the world of Wudadong can also see that the law of extinction has gone violently at this time. If anyone dares to keep his hand at this time, it is to kill himself. So, in the blink of an eye, all five shot one after another and started a destructive search.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

Everyone no longer hesitates this time. They have always felt around, and can be sure that the target has not left this area. Therefore, the most direct way now is to destroy all the hundreds of miles. By then, they do not believe the target. Can continue to hide.

These six people are fully activated, and the destructive force is absolutely unimaginable. It is almost a few breaths. The cliffs and mountains with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles are not destroyed. In the middle, there are some cliffs. When it was destroyed, it was obvious that a special popping sound could be heard.

Obviously, the sound of these explosions should be the sound of the mysterious array deep in the cave, that is, in this area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles, it has been arranged a lot in advance. Mysterious array. It is a pity that no matter how strong the mysterious array is, in the face of such powerful players as extermination protection law, it can only be destroyed in a minute.

When I heard this shattered voice, everyone, including the Extermination Guardian, couldn't help grinning, and there was a feeling of indescribability under their hearts.

It seems that before they arrived, some people actually designed traps and waited for them to drill in! Moreover, judging from the current situation, they seem to be really doing a good job. At least, they seem to have lost two of the Super Heavenly Powers of Dongtian Realm.

Frankly speaking, up to this moment, the people present were still somewhat unconvinced that the two previous protection methods had really died.

"Damn, even this one dares to calculate, **** it !!!"

The method of extinction protection is getting more and more angry, but he is the superpower of the dazzling heavenly realm. Some people dare to count him. It is an insult to him. The other party ’s calculation is still under his eyes. The lives of two strong men. He really couldn't accept it anyway.

"Find it, find it for me !!! No matter who it is, this one is going to frustrate him today !!!"

What about domain master disciples? This time, even if the Lord of the Demons Realm stopped him, he would devour his life.


However, just when the extinct protection method roared angrily and scared the other five people out of their voice, a piece of ground about a hundred miles away from them suddenly exploded. As the explosion rang, a huge The hole appeared on the ground far away.


The bang from the distance made the six of them look subconsciously, and when the huge hole was found, the eyes of the six of them were all amazed by the shock.


They searched here, but suddenly a large hole appeared hundreds of miles away, and this scene naturally made a few people feel like they were scratching their heads.


Just as a few people were surprised, a loud roar of a beast suddenly came through the hole, and then, in this huge hole, one by one, World of Warcraft, was like a flood of a dyke, and was suddenly vomited by the huge hole Come out.

"Well !!!"

"Puff puff!!!"

"Well !!!"

One by one, the Warcrafts directly jumped into the sky, turned into sharp arrows and flew in all directions, and some ran away on the ground. In a blink of an eye, they entered some of the surrounding rocky beaches and some deserted dense forests.

In the eyes, there are all kinds of Warcrafts, large and small, and the cultivation of these Warcrafts ranges from the dandan realm to the annihilation realm. The weakest is the dandan realm, but the strongest is the full annihilation realm. Great complete level.


At the same time that there were countless Warcrafts running out of this hole, a ground almost hundreds of miles away from this hole also sent a loud noise. Then, exactly the same situation appeared in In front of several people who extinct Falun Gong, seeing this scene, the six strong men were a little stunned for a while.

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