The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1058: Origin of the eighth (three)

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After swallowing the black magic crystal provided by Yuan Feng, Chu Tianyu has completely entered the state of cultivation. For him, getting the ice magic crystal provided by Yuan Feng was his great opportunity, and this time With this black poisonous magic crystal, it is foreseeable that this will also be a turning point in his life.

At the beginning of this magic crystal, Chu Tianyu would not wake up for a while and a half, and during this time, Yuan Feng did have to sort out his situation and think about how he would improve his strength next.

After recovering Chu Tianyu, his mission has been completed. As for the mission entrusted to him by the Star Palace, he apparently has no intention of performing it. If he had just set foot in the Moro realm, he would not have the same idea now, but after understanding more and more of the Moro realm, his concept has completely changed.

Either the French phase or the Moro world, these are not his world. Perhaps, one day, he will return to the Tianlong Dynasty and live his own little life.

Of course, it is okay to return to the Tianlong dynasty, but before that, he must make himself stronger, even if he does not provoke anyone, but only if he has the ability to protect himself.

Although the power comparable to the triple sky of Dongtian Realm has made him a very strong and powerful man, this realm is obviously not enough. At least, if let him meet the strong man who surpasses Dongtianjing Quadruple Sky, then he will probably have a hard time coping.

Chu Tianyu's changes are in his eyes. Frankly speaking, for Chu Tianyu's cultivation surpassed him, although he did not feel jealous, but naturally, his heart was somewhat unconvinced. Moreover, although Chu Tianyu did not elaborate, he believes that the master of Chu Tianyu is definitely not too easy to meet. If he wants to bring Chu Tianyu back to the Tianlong Dynasty, it is unlikely that he will.

He didn't want to let himself be controlled by others everywhere, so if he wanted to let everything be up to him, then improving his strength was absolutely the first.

"Hey, the power of Dongtian has no effect on my cultivation at present, and without the assistance of Dongtian, my cultivation can't get up at all. This annihilation of the fivefold realm will last for a long time. It's time! "

Ascension is not to say that promotion can be promoted. Yuan Feng is very clear that his true martial arts skills are too high-level magic skills. This thing wants to upgrade to a level, in addition to using special methods, then it is necessary to Little bit of accumulation. According to normal circumstances, if he wants to go from the annihilation level five to the annihilation level six, I am afraid it will take years to say less.

"It seems that we have to start from other aspects ......... Xiaoba !!!"

After a little hesitation, Yuan Feng finally thought of it, but it was still his Super Warcraft pet Xiao Ba. His own strength is already difficult to be improved in a short time, but there is definitely a lot of room for Xiaoba's growth.


"Squeak !!!!" Between the thoughts, Xiao Ba's figure suddenly appeared in the space of the mysterious array, and shouted happily. And its appearance was naturally startled by Yun Mo Xi.

However, when Xiao Ba was met with Yuan Feng's Warcraft pet, Yun Mo Xi would be surprised.

In her opinion, Yuan Feng is a freak, let alone a Warcraft pet. Before that, Yuan Feng released eight cave realmies in an instant. Compared with that, the Warcraft pet in front of him was simply worthless. A mention.

"Hey, little guy, you should have been digested for a while now, the next time, you are going to have a big meal. Don't let me down!"

Recruited Xiao Ba, Yuan Feng gently stroked the little guy's tentacles, with a smile on his face.

"Squeak !!!"

When he heard that there was a big meal to enjoy, Xiao Ba was naturally agitated. He ate very well some time ago, but he has reached the state of perfection in the annihilation state, but after this period of digestion, the energy is early. It has been digested by it, and now it is obviously ready to move towards a stronger state.

"Come out all !!!"

After Xiaoba was called out, Yuan Feng moved his mind, and then his eight cave realms immediately appeared in shape. Next, to help Xiao Ba improve his strength, they still need these people to help, at least, to help Xiao Ba improve his strength, at this moment, they still keep it!

"See Young Master !!!"

The eight strongest men appeared, and the first time was to greet Yuan Feng to Yuan Feng, everyone was obviously from the heart of respect for Yuan Feng.

They cooperated with Yuan Feng before and completed an initiative that was almost impossible to complete. Everyone knew in their hearts that the reason why they were able to complete such an initiative was Yuan Feng's credit.

If the people in the Six Caves Realm are fighting with a real sword, then eight of them will say that they will kill six people. Even if they can defeat the six, there may be some!

"Let's stand up and talk!" Yuan Feng was glad to accept the salute of the eight strong men. As his strength became stronger and stronger, these people in the cave world were undoubtedly more and more ordinary in his eyes. .

"Xie Shaozhu !!" The eight big men are just like rehearsal. Every sentence was very neat and neat. The voice dropped, and the eight stood up one by one, forming a confrontation with Yuan Feng.

"What? This ... this is ..."

The eight strong men all stood up, and when the eight people stood up and looked at Yuan Feng, everyone immediately discovered the little eight on the side of Yuan Feng. Others saw the little eight, and the eyes flashed. After a faint gleam of light, and even a faint of doubt, however, Shao Yang's protection method among the eight people suddenly exclaimed, the whole person seemed to have been struck by lightning, and his body trembled slightly.


The fierce reaction of Shao Yang's law-enforcement method naturally made everyone in the audience, including Yuan Feng, all slightly surprised. Everyone was curious, why did Shao Yang protect the law suddenly have such a big reaction.

"Shao Yang, is there anything wrong?" Yuan Feng's brow frowned slightly, he could see that Shao Yang's law-protection was definitely what he found, and then there was such a violent reaction, and now, Shao-yang's law-proof eyes , Apparently staring at Xiao Ba. In other words, it was precisely Xiao Ba that made Shao Yang's law-defying method abnormal.

"How, how is that possible? Magical beast, this, this is clearly a magical beast ..."

Shao Yang protects the law as if he hasn't heard Yuan Feng's problem. His gaze is still staring at Xiao Ba in front of him, while muttering to himself, he subconsciously approaches the past, and seems to want to touch Touched Xiao Ya's body.

"Squeak !!!"

Of course, Xiao Ba was not very happy about the sudden approach of Shao Yang's law protection. When he moved his tentacles, he made an attacking gesture and even issued a warning cry.

"Little Eight !!" Seeing Xiao Ba's attack on Shao Yang's law-protection, Yuan Feng couldn't help raising his hand and stopped the little guy's movement. Then he took a step forward and came to Shao Yang's law-protection, blocking the other person's look. Xiao Ya's gaze.

"Shao Yang, what are you doing?"

Gaze flashed, Yuan Feng's tone could not help a little bit more, apparently feeling dissatisfied with Shao Yang's sudden loss of control.

"This ... the Lord is angry!" Hearing Yuan Feng's applause, Shao Yang Hufa changed his face, and returned to God from his loss. He just followed his own mind and walked away, even forgetting that he is not what he used to be.

"Why? Are you familiar with my Warcraft companion? And, what about the magic beast you just said?"

Yuan Feng was not angry at the other party's sudden loss of control, because at this moment, he had more curious things to figure out.

"Hey, the subordinates are out of shape. Do not hide the master. The master of warcraft pets is very similar to the town of warcraft magic beasts that I used to build the magic palace. Almost admit it. "

With a sigh of sigh, Shaoyang Hufa took another look at Xiao Ba, who was covered by Yuan Feng, and his eyes were full of disappointment.

"Eh? Town Palace Warcraft, Magic Beast? Shao Yang, tell me about the so-called Magic Beast, is that guy similar to my Warcraft companion?"

Shao Yang was very disappointed in protecting the law, but at this moment, Yuan Feng suddenly came to the spirit, and the light in his eyes became as if it were the essence.

The true origins of Xiao Ba have always been things he was curious about. At the moment, when listening to Shao Yang's words, he suddenly discovered that the source of Xiao Ba, or the source of Xiao Ba's predecessor, seemed to surface.

"Small Master didn't know. At the beginning, I had a powerful Town Palace of Warcraft in Tianlian Demon Palace. It was very powerful. It was not only covered with tentacles, but also had the ability to produce Warcraft troops. Unfortunately, Later, during the war with the magical world, the magical beasts and the powerful men of the magical world battled in the different dimensions, but never appeared again. "

While talking about this, Shao Yang's law-enforcement can't help but be filled with emotion, apparently feeling sorry for the town of Warcraft on the other side of Tianlian Demon Palace.

"This ......... is there such a thing?"

When the explanation of Shao Yang's law protection fell, Yuan Feng was stagnant, and suddenly heaved a surging wave.

After hearing Shao Yang's explanation, where did he not understand the situation? Apparently, the magic beast in Shaoyang's mouth is the weird Warcraft that was originally sealed in the underground world of Montenegro!

"It turned out that, after a long time in trouble, Xiao Ba turned out to be the so-called World of Warcraft with no delusion !!!"

At this moment, Xiao Ba's identity finally came out. It's no wonder that Xiao Ba's abilities are extremely strange and his ascension speed is amazingly fast. It turns out that this little guy came from a stronger world.

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