The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1047: Extinction Law (four more)

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When he first arrived at Moyao Yuan, Yuan Feng received an unusual reception. To this, he was amazed, but could not help but be speechless.

After walking through so many realms, although he has been hindered by different strengths and strengths, but not yet like this time, when he has just reached the edge of the magical realm, he is directly strengthened by the cave realm of the magical realm. The person found out.

Frankly, he didn't feel that he was doing something bad, and even if he did something bad, he shouldn't be discovered just when he arrived in the magical realm. Obviously, there must be something unknown in it. Spoiled.

With the sudden killing of the Dongtianjing strongman, Yuan Feng said nothing, but went directly into the depths of the magical realm. No matter who intercepts it, it is absolutely impossible to stop him outside the Capricorn Zone. This time, even if he fights all the way, he must pass through the Capricorn Zone.

"I flee, I flee, see if you chase me!"

With the decided Yuan Feng, he simply didn't want to do anything. He just kept on moving and moving towards the depths of the Mochi domain. Each move would be a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles. The extreme of levels.

At this speed, not long, Yuan Feng has left the edge of the magical realm and penetrated into the core of the magical realm.

After moving for almost a few minutes, Yuan Feng stopped abruptly, because at this moment he found out that it seemed that he had escaped for so long, and no one came after him at all.

"Uh, this ... the guy didn't catch up?"

Having stopped her body shape, Yuan Feng turned her head and glanced behind her, and released her mind to look into the back. Unfortunately, after watching for a long time, he did not see the strong man who had attacked him before.

"What happened? He attacked me for a while and then ignored it?" With a sloppy expression, Yuan Feng suddenly sinks his mind into the world of Dongtian, and connects with the eight big cave realm.

"Did you just see who attacked me? But did anyone recognize that guy?"

In order to make everyone in the Dongtian world better respond to the sudden situation outside, Yuan Feng has always delegated the right to look outwards to the hands of the people. Therefore, the Badadong Heaven Realm can see anything happening outside. Situation.

He just glanced at it before, and didn't see what the guy who attacked him looked like, and even if he saw it, he could never recognize it, but the eight cavemen in his body were different. With so many people, he didn't believe that no one knew him.

"The young master, the subordinates feel that the person who attacks the young master is somewhat familiar. It seems to be a casual strongman who is always active outside the magical realm. However, it seems that this person should not appear here. "

When Yuan Feng's words fell, Luan Shen's law was the first one to answer, and frowned back. In fact, he was very sure that this person should be a perennial activity outside the magic Jiyu, but he has not been subdued by the Lord of the Magic Jiyu, but when he saw the other party here, he was not sure.

"Oh? Couldn't this guy not be able to protect the magical domain?" After listening to Luan Shen's words, Yuan Feng raised an eyebrow, and his eyes flashed with doubt.

If this person is not a law-protecting figure in the Capricorn Realm, then it is really not appropriate.

It is a pity that no one in the audience can answer this question of Yuan Feng. No matter how strong they are, it is impossible for them to recognize every law-protecting figure in the magical realm. Is a talented person a magic person? Of course, they do not dare to guarantee the protection of the law.

"Forget it, this person didn't come after him. It seems that he should have no intention of embarrassing us, and in all likelihood he is watching something outside, and it is inconvenient to leave the post."

Seeing everyone one by one started silent, Yuan Feng also waved helplessly. He speculated that the reason why the previous person did not chase him should be because the other party could not walk away. You must know that he had heard the other party's shout before. It seemed that the other party was performing the task of blocking the magical realm, so naturally there was no way to leave.

"Is there anything happening in this Capricorn Realm? Why block the entire realm?"

Looking around, Yuan Feng was able to perceive that the space around him clearly had a feeling of turbulence. The feeling was like the original devil domain, and it was clear that there was a sign that the strong heavenly realm was active.

"It will never be directed at me. Even if the strong men in this Capricorn Realm are no matter how strong they are, it is impossible for the Prophet to be unknown. It seems that something happened in this Capricorn Realm, and it is necessary to block the whole line."

Although it is not clear exactly what happened, Yuan Feng believes that there is definitely a different situation happening in the magical realm at this moment.

"Very good. It's best to have trouble. As long as the target is not me, the more chaotic the better. In this way, I can touch the fish in the muddy water and leave the magical realm while chaotic."

His keen sense of smell has made Yuan Feng feel the fault of the Mochi realm, but no matter what is wrong, it has nothing to do with him. His task is to find a way to cross this realm.

"The kind of transparent film mysterious enchantment before should be a unilateral enchantment. It is easy to enter from the outside, but it may be difficult or difficult to go out from the inside.

Thinking of going through the magical realm, Yuan Feng naturally thought of the film enchantment that had passed by before. Although it ’s just a simple walk through, Yuan Feng can feel that the thin layer of film is definitely not that simple. Now think about it, the eight things of East and West is a unilateral enchantment, and he came in easily. But I want to go out, I am afraid it will take some time.

"No matter how much it is, I have just entered the realm of magic, and it's too early to walk from the opposite side. Maybe by the time I get to the other side, the mysterious enchantment has disappeared."

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng no longer thought about it, and continued to sprint forward.

What Yuan Feng didn't know was that while he was walking quickly into the depths of the Mochi Realm, the person who had just met him at the place where he had just rushed in had not been idle.

"Good guy, this knife is really sharp, and it seems to be at least a character in Dongtianjing Triple Sky."

In the area where Yuan Feng was standing before, a middle-aged man looked at Yuan Feng's direction of escape in disbelief at this moment, and his eyes were full of dignity.

As a secretly controlled power of the Lord of the Capricorn Realms, his strength has reached the realm of the cave heavenly quadruple sky. The area responsible for guarding this direction, however, did not expect to encounter this situation.


In the time of thought, the middle-aged man recruited a jade card. When the jade card appeared, he hesitated a little bit, and then said to the jade card loudly: "Extermination Master, I have a cave heaven. People from the Triple Sky entered the realm of magic, and it is estimated that in most cases, it was sent by the realm of magic to support the guy, and the extinct adult was asked to inform others. "

The voice of the middle-aged man is very respectful, even humbly. It sounds like he is a little worried about being blamed by the other side, and he bends his waist subconsciously as he speaks.

"Hey, that guy is not weak. If I chase it down, I can still catch it, but if I let him go because he chased him, I'm afraid there is only a dead end!"

After the news was passed, the middle-aged man sighed for a long time, then flashed in shape, disappeared in place, and continued to guard the area he was responsible for.

This time the Demon Domain Lord personally ordered the entire blockade, and even sent out the nine dark guards he secretly controlled, showing how much the Demon Domain Lord's determination was made. If he had let that guy away because of his negligence, it would be absolutely dead.

When the news of the middle-aged man spread, a distant palace, an old man shrouded in a thin mist, suddenly opened his slightly closed eyes.

This is a weird old man. The old man is covered with white mist and covered with gray linen robes. On his face, deep wrinkles are like a messy field plowed, making the old man It looks terrifying.

Under the old man's gray robe, two long gray eyebrows almost fell to the ground. Not to mention, these two eyebrows give the old man a hint of immortality.

When the old man's eyes opened, it was full of chaos, there was no black and white color at all, how to look at it, this old man is like a dead man.

However, it is this old man who seems to be dying soon. If he goes out, he will definitely make people who know him frightened and how far he will run. Nothing else, just because he has a loud name-extinction!

The extinction law of the Lord of the Capricorn Realm is one of the few caverns in the entire Moro realm, and there are few rivals under the domain master.

Opening his eyes, the extermination protection method reached out and took out a jade card, and his mind sank directly into the jade card. Then, his brows frowned slightly.

"Hum, want to save people? How easy is that." After reading the information in the jade card, the old man hummed, and then gave a light to the jade card, and then said, "Everyone listen, increase Search for it, as long as you meet someone in the cave world of the non-my magical domain, kill without amnesty !! "

Indifferently commanded, the old man closed his eyes gently again, but did not command too much.

At present, the situation has not yet reached the point where he is dignified. In contrast, he still focuses on cultivation. Of course, if it doesn't work, then he doesn't mind shooting it himself.

Anyway, now he is not afraid of those domain owners, even if he shot, what can the domain owner master him?

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