The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1043: Omen (four more)

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Having conquered two major protection methods and killed one at the same time, Yuan Feng's shot this time not only showed his mighty strength, but also showed his fierceness. At least, from this day, no one will dare to show the slightest resistance to him.

After arranging other people's tasks, Yuan Feng separately approached Ho Tufa and asked the other party some questions.

The question I want to ask at this time is, of course, the question about the Jin Mao Rat.

"He Tu, is this little thing called a Jin Mao rat? Right, tell me, what kind of ability does this thing have, so that the three cavemen have been chasing for so long?"

Holding the silver mouse in his hand, Yuan Feng asked curiously to He Tufufa aside.

At this moment, the Jin Mao rat passed the seals of many powerful men, and it was absolutely impossible to run, but the little guy seemed to be very dissatisfied with being caught in Yuan Feng's hands, always grinning at Yuan Feng's teeth, obviously Vice threatened Yuan Feng's expression.

Although this time said that he had solved the troubles of the three major protection methods of the magic Jiyu, but he got it after betting on his safety. You know, when he used his body to resist the attacks of the three protection methods. At that moment, at that moment, he didn't even know if he would be hurt by the three.

It can be imagined that if he did not finally choose to take risks, then at this moment, it is likely that the whereabouts have been exposed, and the culprit of all this can be said to be the silver mouse in his hand.

Once upon a time, the World of Warcraft in Dongtian Realm, for Yuan Feng, was simply to retreat from the existence of three houses, but nowadays, he can be restrained by one hand. The change of world affairs is really too fast.

"Master, do n’t look down on this little thing, but in fact, the Jinmoo is one of the most spiritual Warcraft in Warcraft, and it is an absolute inheritance of Warcraft. Once they are born, they are destined to achieve the cave Regrettably, it is a pity that the quantity of this thing is scarce and scary. It is definitely something that has never been seen for thousands of years. "

At this moment, He Tufu Law fully utilized the advantages of his knowledge and knowledge, and spoke out the relevant information of Jin Mao Rat 151, while talking, his eyes could not help flashing a little admiration. You know, the Jin Mao rat is not only rare, but also very cunning and strong in hiding, but who can think that Yuan Feng can catch such a rare spiritual thing when he hurries casually? This is not just simple luck.

"Legacy of Warcraft? Doomed to achieve the cave world from birth? Turns out this little guy is so amazing !!"

After hearing the words of He Tufu Fa, Yuan Feng couldn't help but change his face. He was really surprised by what He Tufu Fa said.

He naturally knew the inheritance of Warcraft, but he did not expect that the original World of Warcraft could even be passed down. I have to say that the silver mouse in his hand really made him look amazing.

"Master, don't be fooled by the appearance of this little guy. In fact, the body of the Jin Mao rat is not only so small. This little guy shrinks his body to such a small size, it is just to make it easier to escape, and The fur of this guy should actually be a brocade-like color. This silver is just a disguise. "

Knowledgeable and knowledgeable is knowledgeable and knowledgeable. What He Tuhufa said was obviously not what Yuan Feng could understand. This time, he has gained a lot of knowledge.

"That's the case, what do I say, how can this silver mouse be called a Jin Mao Rat?" A flash of relief flashed on his face, and Yuan Feng realized why this little thing was called Jin Mao Rat. .

"Squeak !!!"

It seemed to be very dissatisfied with Yuan Feng's look. The Jin Mao rat suddenly made an angry cry, while yelling, its body color suddenly became colorful, just like brocade. It looks very beautiful.

"Well, it's good, it's worthy of your name." Yuan Feng couldn't help wondering when Jin Mao appeared, and then he looked at He Tufu again, and continued: "He Tu, talk about the specific capabilities of this guy. I heard you said before that this thing seems very useful."

Everything that looks good is secondary. What he wants is practical. If the Jin Mao rat can only be used for viewing, then he would prefer Xiao Ya to swallow this thing, and maybe try to hit the cave heaven.

"Young Master, Jin Mao Rat is extremely rare. As for the ability of this thing, maybe Young Master heard another name of this Jin Mao Rat and should be able to guess."

He Tufufa sold a prince at this moment, and did not directly answer Yuan Feng.

"Oh? Another name? There are other names for this thing?" Listening to He Tufufa, Yuan Feng had a spirit right away. He really didn't know that there were other Jinmao rats. first name.

"Yes, the name Jinmao is the real name of this kind of Warcraft, and they have another name called the treasure hunt rat!" With a slight smile, He Tu Hufa finally said a name that made Yuan Feng's eyes shine.

"Treasure hunt rat? You mean, this thing can find treasure?"

With a look of joy, where could Yuan Feng not hear the treasure hunter's ability at the moment? After a long time in trouble, this little guy who was pinched in his hand turned out to be a precious treasure hunter.

There are many special World of Warcraft in the World of Warcraft. They have different talents and will have a lot of strange and strange abilities. Just like Yuan Feng's familiar Nether Dragon Beast, the space movement method of that thing is simply unbeatable. The skill of housekeeping is incomparable to human warriors.

As soon as the name of the treasure hunt rat emerged, Yuan Feng immediately knew the value of this brooder.

"Young Master Yingming, this Jin Mao rat can indeed find treasure, and it is the most sensitive World of Warcraft to the baby. If the subordinates have not guessed correctly, this little guy's cave world must be filled with all kinds of Natural treasures, there will even be a lot of treasures left by the super strong, and the young master can catch it, it is simply a super harvest. "

Speaking of which, He Tufu's eyes have been somewhat lightened. Looking at his posture, it seems as if he can't wait to split the Jin Mao Rat in the hands of Yuan Feng and see if the other party ’s cave world is hidden. what!

"This ......... is there such a thing?"

When He Tufu's words fell, Yuan Feng's eyes were suddenly full of bright light, and once again looking at the Jin Mao Rat, he had become completely different. After a long time in trouble, this little guy who looks very inconspicuous is still a mobile treasure house!

"Squeak !!!"

The Jin Mao rat can obviously understand the dialogue between Yuan Feng and He Tu Hu Fa. Now, when you see Yuan Feng and He Tu Hu Fa, they look at it with such eyes, the little guy can't help but watch in Yuan Feng He He Tufu's body glanced up, and he was full of vigilance. And it's such a response, there is no doubt that there are no silver here.

"Ha, it seems that He Tu is right. In your cave world, there should really be many babies!"

The Jinmao's reaction was just to confirm the speculation of He Tufu's law. At this moment, even Yuan Feng had an urge to open this guy.

"Young Master, there is a little rumor about Jin Mao Rat. His subordinates only heard it a little, but it is true and false. His subordinates have no way to verify it.

Just as Yuan Feng looked at the Jin Mao Rat with amazement, He Tu Hu Fa suddenly looked pale and spoke to Yuan Feng again.

"Well? What else? Whether it's true or not, say it first and then screen it."

Hearing He Tufu's words, especially the hesitant expression on the other side, Yuan Feng was a little curious. It is obvious that He Tuhu Fa can express such an expression, and it also writes an extraordinary situation.

"Yes, his subordinates obey." After bending over to Yuan Feng, He Tufu Fa seemed to be caught in a memory. After a little thought, he continued, "Small master, according to legend, the Jin Maoshu never appeared easily Body, in addition to picking them up in its old nest, if you see the Jin Mao Rat outside, then it means that there will be a super treasure in the near future. "

There was a look of longing on his face, and He Tu Hufa seemed to have seen the scene of Chongbao's life now, and the whole person was faintly excited.

"What? The super treasure is here? What kind of treasure will it be?"

These four words spoken by He Tuhufa no doubt made Yuan Feng feel a little excited. Ordinary baby, it is difficult to arouse Yuan Feng's interest, but the four words of super heavy treasure, the effect is completely different.

"It ’s natural that the subordinates wo n’t know what it is. However, according to rumors, the emergence of the Jinmao rat must be a sign that the super treasure is about to be born. Level. "

He Tufu was not too sure. After all, these situations he knew were just rumors, but whether they were true or not, he had never tested them.

"Are there such a thing? The treasure that can make the domain master's power enthusiastically seems to be an extraordinary baby!"

His complexion changed, and Yuan Feng was also looking forward to it at this moment. He believes that He Tufu Fa will not be targeted. Since the other party said so, there are probably such rumors.

"Is it true? As long as this little guy can be tamed, everything should be solved?"

Gaze flashed, Yuan Feng suddenly realized a problem. Since it is rumored that the Jin Mao Rat is a harbinger of Zhongbao's present life, as long as he can subdue the Jin Mao Rat, he should be able to ask the little one to understand.

Of course, aside from the present affairs of Chongbao, just because a lot of treasures are hidden in the cave world of Jin Mao Rat, it has made him have to subdue this little guy, and then looted it.

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