The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1040: Fight if you don't agree (one more)

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With the confirmation of He Tu's law of protection, Yuan Feng knew that the so-called Jin Mao rat in his hand would never let it go to others, and if someone wanted to grab his thing, it would be a delusion.

Playing with the silver mouse over and over again, Yuan Feng really had a feeling that he looked more and more like it. Although it is not clear what kind of ability and means this little guy has, but the strength of this little guy's celestial realm and the fact that the three great defenders are fighting for these two points are enough to prove its extraordinary.

Being pinched in his hand, the Jinmoo naturally tried to escape, but unfortunately, how strong his physical body is, and the blockade of the power of space, even if the little one is capable, Can only be obedient.

"Squeak !!!"

A pair of small eyes stared at Yuan Feng, the Jin Mao rat made a poor call, and it was extremely humane, showing the color of praying, as if begging Yuan Feng to release it.

"Well, little guy, you can't blame me. You found me by yourself, and you bit me first in restlessness, and now you want to leave, that's no good!"

Looking at the Jin Mao rat pitifully posing to himself, Yuan Feng was unmoved. World of Warcraft in the cave, wisdom is no different from a human warrior, he cannot be deceived by this little guy.

"Hisse !!!"

It seemed that he understood Yuan Feng's words, and the Jin Mao rat simply put up a poor expression, and suddenly stared at Yuan Feng angrily, and issued a hissing warning sound, as if he was telling Yuan Feng, It, it will definitely make Yuan Feng regret it.

"Ha, both hard and soft, you guys are really humane, unfortunately, I do n’t eat soft, and I ’m not afraid of hard either, so you just stay with me for the time being !!!!!! ! "

A slight smile at the Jin Mao Rat, Yuan Feng suddenly thought, the power of space went directly to the whole body of the Jin Mao Rat, sealed all the places that the other party could seal, and then indiscriminately put the little guy into the cave world. .

What's more, this little guy is nothing more than Dongtianjing. He is a lot worse than him. Now it falls into his hands. How can he give the other party a chance to stand up?

There are a lot of masters in the cave world. To be safe, Yuan Feng directly orders everyone in the cave world at the same time that he collects the jackmouse, and everyone seals the jackmouse. In this way, no matter how powerful the little guy is, he can only let Yuan Feng handle it.

"Bold, sir, what does this mean? Why do you want to put away Jinmoo?"

When Yuan Feng said that the Jin Mao rat seal was stolen by the laughter, the three major protection methods on the opposite side suddenly looked cold, and everyone's face was full of anger.

They were all waiting for Yuan Feng to throw the Jin Mao Rat over, but they did not expect that Yuan Feng ended up collecting it by himself. Such a move clearly did not intend to give the Jin Mao Rat to them!

"Sorry for three people, Shicai heard the three said that the Jin Mao rat is not an individual, but since this little guy finally found me, it is because of me, so, Please give it to three people. "

In Yuan Feng's thoughts, this Jin Mao rat ran away, and eventually fled to his hands. This is obviously a kind of fate. In this case, it seems that he came to take this Jin Mao rat, but it is It couldn't be more appropriate.

However, Yuan Feng didn't know. The reason why Jin Mao Rat found him was that he actually wanted to borrow his body to avoid the pursuit of these three guys for the time being. In the view of Jin Mao Rat, Yuan Feng, the annihilated person, is just the most suitable carrier for it to hide. If it was not because Yuan Feng's body was too hard, then it would have successfully entered Yuan Feng. In my body.

Of course, after all, no matter what the original intention of the Jin Mao Rat, it eventually found Yuan Feng, which is undoubtedly a fate.

"Have you already thought about it? You need to know that this is my turbulent territory. Above my site, everything that is not owned by me must belong to me. I hope that you will not be fooled and tempted for the benefit of the moment.

Luo Yi's complexion was already gloomy and was about to drip water, and while talking, his body had already had a cold killing wave around him, apparently he was ready to start.

Yuan Feng has given them the answer by action. Obviously, the only way to get the Jin Mao Rat back is to fight with Yuan Feng. As for talking, it is obviously useless.

"This ... Anyway, this little guy, I won't let three of them."

Leaving his mouth shut, Yuan Feng gazed at the three opposites slightly.

He really does not want to meet the strong man in the magical realm, but does not want to be the same thing. In fact, he is not afraid of the strong man in the magical realm.

If he is not mistaken, all three in front of him should be the strongest of the Heavenly Realm and the Fourfold Heavenly Realm. Such a practice is even stronger than his real strength. However, even so, it did not reach the point where he was afraid.

"You guys really don't know how to deal with it. Since you want to compete with us, it depends on whether you have this ability. Two of us, let's destroy this person first."

I've already talked about this, and the other ones have no meaning. For the three of them, it is the top priority to defeat Yuan Feng first. As for who will eventually return to the Jinmao Rat, then they will think of a way That's it.

Although the three did not see the depth of Yuan Feng, they could feel that Yuan Feng's strength should not be above them. To deal with a person who is weaker than them, they have some confidence. .


When the words of Xiang Yanfa fell, the other two did not have any objection at all. At about the same time, the three of them shouted a killing word, and then they surrounded Yuanyuan together.

In terms of unifying the outside world, the people in the magical field never have any differences, not to mention the fact that the three of them still have common interests at the moment, it is even more unnecessary to think too much.

"Ha, are you three more bullies?"

Seeing that the three strong men surrounded him, Yuan Feng was not too frightened, instead he laughed a long time, his face was full of eagerness.

"Boy, you're asking for everything. Even if we bully less, how can you treat us?"

"Why do you spend so much with him? Kill him and see what else he has to say, come on!"

First, Yuan Feng was surrounded, and the three law-enhancing powerhouses in the three magical spheres no longer talked, and recruited their own spiritual soldiers, just to greet Yuan Feng's body.

"Also, since you want to play, I'll stay with you to the end !!" When the three strong men rushed to kill him, Yuan Feng didn't hide, he raised his hand, and his hand appeared bloody. With a long knife and a long knife in his hand, the whole man's face was exposed with a bit of fierce color, and his eyes flashed a strangeness.

"The kid is dead !!!"

No matter how much the three major protection methods, seeing Yuan Feng recruited a long sword, a pair of enemies want to use a posture of one enemy, three eyes flashed a taunt of sarcasm. Obviously, they do not believe that Yuan Feng has the strength of one enemy and three.

The protection methods of these three major magical realms are comparable. Therefore, almost at the same time, the three people's attacks came to Yuan Feng's body together. Each person's attack can be described with great force and strength. .

"I block !!!"

Yuan Feng's gaze just happened to be the strongest of Luo Luo's guards among the three, while the other two appeared on his side and back.

When the three were attacking and their bodies, Yuan Feng seemed to have not seen Luan Shen's protection and attacks on strict protection, but he let himself be attacked by the two's attacks, but he concentrated on blocking them. The attack of Luo Yan's protection law.

The three strong men all use long swords. This sword Luo Luo protects is directly cut to his neck, it seems that he wants to behead him with a sword, while the other two people, Luan Shen protects him directly. In the back of the heart, the law of strict protection is to insert the sword in his side ribs from one side. Everyone's attack can be said to be a terrible attack.

When seeing Yuan Feng just greeted the slash of Luo Fu's protection law, but completely ignored his two spiking, Luan Shen Law and Xiang Yan Law were a little stunned. However, just after a slight twitch, their faces showed excitement. In their opinion, Yuan Feng ignored their attacks, it was like trying to die!

"Boy, since you want to die, then we will complete you !!!"

The three major protection methods all have a short sacrifice, but they are restored instantly. Seeing Yuan Feng's response, the attack in their hands was a subconscious increase.

"I am chopped !!!" The attack by Luo Yan's protector came first, and at this time, Yuan Feng's **** sword was raised up, just to meet the opponent's sword.

"When!" The swords intersected, and a clear metal transfer sound was issued, and as the voice spread, the force of the two people who should have bounced back did not appear, it was almost a trick. Suddenly, the two of them actually used a sticky tactic at the same time, firmly sticking each other's spirit soldier to their own spirit soldier.

"Luan applies for the law and protects the law strictly, it's up to you !!!"

A sword stuck to Yuan Feng's sword, and Luo Yan's protection method drank suddenly, yelling at the other two.


As for the reminder of Luo Yi's protection, the other two responded with a low-drink. Almost at the same time, the two soldiers stabbed Yuan Feng's body together.

Seeing that Yuan Feng had been unable to dodge, the faces of the two major law-protectors both showed an excited look. They believed that after they were stabbed with a sword, even if Yuan Feng was not dead, he would be hit hard.

"Ding Ding !!!"

However, when the two were waiting for the scene where Yuan Feng was pierced by a sword, the two weird sounds were the color of excitement on their faces, and solidified directly there.

"Why ... what? What happened?"

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