The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1034: Subversion (three)

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For Yuan Feng, Shao Yang's law-defense was definitely a super unexpected gain for him in the domain of magic penalty.

If he did not meet Shao Yang's protection, he would never know the matter of Tian Lian Mo Gong, and for him, the matter of Tian Lian Mo Gong is really a major event that should not be known.

Faintly, Yuan Feng can feel that there are some connections between the Temple of Heavenly Refining and the Palace of Stars, but for these, he obviously needs further research.

After Shao Yang's law-protection revealed the identity of the master of the Tianlian Demon Palace and his ability to open the Tianlian Demon Palace with his blood, Yuan Feng did not continue to let the other party tell all the secrets in front of everyone. Obviously, there are some cases. It is really not suitable for everyone to know.

Leaving aside other people, Yuan Feng and Shao Yang Hu Fa started to be alone, and after only the two of them were left, there was some confusion, and Yuan Feng could obviously ask whatever he wanted.

"Shao Yang, tell me about the origin of you and Tian Lian Mo Gong. Since Tian Lian Mo Gong is not a local force in the Mo Luo world, then at least you should have your own roots, right?"

This is the issue that Yuan Feng is most concerned about. Perhaps, as long as the origin of the Tianlian Demon Palace is clarified, many questions should be able to come up with a clear idea.

According to other sayings about the law-protection, the origin of Tianlian Demon Palace has always been a mystery. Originally, they thought that this mystery has always become a mystery with the death of Tianlian Demon Palace, but the existence of Shaoyang's law-protection is obviously a Big variable.

"Young Master, forgive me, in fact, some things do not necessarily have to be clear, knowing too much, really is not necessarily a good thing."

Hearing Yuan Feng's problem, Shao Yang Hu Fa shook his head for the first time, with a little emotion. Some things have passed a long time, so long that he doesn't want to say more. If it wasn't for Yuan Feng * to ask, he really didn't want to bring up the matter of Tian Lian Mo Gong.

"It doesn't matter if it's good or bad. Right now, I just want to know, where does the Heavenly Refined Magic Palace come from?" He waved, but Yuan Feng didn't think too much.

As Shao Yang protects the law, sometimes he knows a lot, it may not be a good thing, but in any case, he doesn't want to make himself a messy worm.

"The young master really wants to know, so it ’s okay to talk to the young master next." Seeing Yuan Feng refused to stop, Shao Yang protects the law and knows that this time it is absolutely impossible to hide. In this case, he can only tell the truth. .

"In the endless world of stars, the world exists in steps. The young master should know that in the endless void, the Moro Realm is just one of countless worlds. Does the world parallel to the Moro Realm have any problems? Less, such as the French Realm, Holy Light Realm, Vientiane Realm, etc., which are relatively close to each other, the scale of these worlds was originally almost the same as that of the Moro Realm, but the original battle greatly damaged the Moro Realm. Slightly lacking in strength. "

Shao Yang Hufa unveiled his robe cloak at this moment, but revealed an extremely young and handsome face, and even his voice became very young. Obviously, he had always been pretending to be himself, not to show people the true face.

Yuan Fengdao did not feel anything strange about this change in Shaoyang's protection. In order to better hide himself, Shao Yang protects the law to make some disguise, but it is quite normal.

"Well, the Holy Light Realm? Vientiane Realm? There are so many worlds around here. It seems that the French Realm and the Moro Realm are not the only two worlds!"

The explanation of Shao Yang's law-protection made Yuan Feng open his eyes again, and frankly, this was the first time he knew about these situations. Although he had thought about them in the past, he had not been confirmed.

"It's weird. Since there are so many big worlds, and the scale and strength are not under the realm of law, why is only the realm of law helping the justice and suppressing the heavens? Is the other big world closed and self-sufficient? ? "

Through the introduction of Shao Yang's protection law, Yuan Feng's doubts grew more and more.

If the Mo Luo realm represents evil and the French realm represents righteousness, the French realm must restrict and restrain the Moro realm everywhere. What about the other big worlds? Is it just watching the excitement and being completely neutral? This explanation is obviously not very reasonable.

When he learned about the French Realm, the latter was the advertised suppression of the heavens and the worlds, but now it seems that the only real suppression of the French Realm seems to be the Moro Realm!

"Shao Yang, how much do you know about these big worlds around you? Like the world of law, the world of holy light, and the world of Vientiane, what do you know about these big worlds?"

Waved to interrupt the other party, Yuan Feng suddenly asked.

"Are these big worlds around? Somehow they know something, like the Holy Light Realm and Vientiane Realm. These worlds are relatively peaceful, and there are very few big moves. It is the Fa phase, but this world is just a crazy dog. I do n’t know if there is a holiday with the Moro Realm, but I ’m always looking for troubles in the Moro Realm. Even people in the Moro Realm who want to leave the Moro Realm will be blocked by the guys in the French Realm. Because of these, the two major There have been wars in the world. The young master should have heard about it! "

When it comes to the realm of law, even an outsider like Shao Yang protects the law, he feels a deep disgust. In his mouth, even though the Moro realm does not represent justice, the realm of law is definitely not justice. That's it.

"Uh ...... this ..."

After listening to Shao Yang's words, Yuan Feng suddenly looked stagnant, but she was speechless.

If these words are not from the mouth of Shao Yang's protection, but from the mouth of the native people of the Moro kingdom, then he will not feel anything. However, saying something like this from the mouth of Shao Yang Hufa had completely different meanings.

Shao Yang's protection of the law will never like the Moro Realm, that is, between the French Realm and the Moro Realm, he should be regarded as a neutral attitude, and even because the Moro Realm destroys the matter of Tianlian Demon Palace, he may be The world will be more prejudiced.

However, even so, in his eyes, he still feels that the French realm is making troubles unreasonably. This situation makes Yuan Feng have to think about some more questions.

"Ahem, go ahead!" After a complete look, Yuan Feng also regarded himself as an outsider at this time, and did not regard himself as a person in the French realm. Having said that, he did not originally belong to the illegal realm, the legal realm, it was nothing more than his temporary resident.

"Below these worlds, such as the Mora kingdom, the French phase, and so on, there are many low-level ordinary worlds. These worlds are called the initial worlds. The number is extremely large. Unfortunately, these small worlds lack resources, even if they are No matter how talented people are, it would be nice to be able to break through to Dongtian Realm. By then, you will be promoted to Dongtian Realm, and it will definitely be difficult to make great progress. In such a world, the strong will never come to it. "

According to Yuan Feng's instructions, Shao Yang protects the law and then explains. Obviously, in his position, he naturally knew the existence of the initial world. However, in his explanation, the initial world seemed to be different from Yuan Feng's.

"Wait, Shao Yang, in your opinion, the initial world is a very low-level being. Will the people of the Mora world never go into that kind of world?"

Raising his hand suddenly, Yuan Feng interrupted the other party's words again, full of suspicion.

"Naturally, the kind of world has a strong constraint on the strong. Of course, no one wants to come to those places. The young master can look at it. Although the Moro Realm is already desolate, any strong person will choose to leave the Moro Realm. Going into the initial world? If someone really goes to the initial world, it is also a space disorder, and it is a last resort. "

Regarding Yuan Feng's problems, Shao Yang's law protection almost showed ridicule. To him, Yuan Feng's problems were simply ridiculous.


Ripped the corners of the mouth, Yuan Feng really froze at this moment. Shao Yang's law-protection will never lie to him, but if the other party's statement is true, how can the original night-time law-protection invade the Tianlong Dynasty?

"Isn't the original Nightmare protection method originally intended to invade the Tianlong Dynasty, but accidentally landed there?"

After turning his mind, Yuan Feng found that for many of the previous situations, he needed to think differently. Now think about it, as a strong celestial realm, it seems that there is really no need to go to a place like the Tianlong Dynasty to show off your power?

"Speaking of which, the strong men in the Mora realm have tried to leave the Mora realm and look for other weaker sibling worlds to grow and develop. Unfortunately, the crazy dogs in the French realm are always with Mora. The world is right. Even if some people want to explore, they will be stopped and destroyed by them. Some explorers are accidentally trapped in some initial world because of their destruction. "

Although I don't know why Yuan Feng is interested in these situations, since Yuan Feng asked, Shao Yang can only answer honestly. While answering these questions, his face could not help showing contempt. Of course, this disdain is obviously not aimed at Yuan Feng. As for the target, of course, it is the person in the realm of law.

"This this………"

Subconsciously scratched his head, Yuan Feng really felt like he was afraid to continue asking. Before he could ask the key points, he felt that his worldview had been subverted. If he had asked in the end, wouldn't he have to change all his thoughts all over again?

"French Realm ... French Realm, what kind of world are you in? How can I not understand?"

Gently patted the back of the head, Yuan Feng felt a bit confused in his thoughts. Obviously, from this moment on, his impression of the phase of law must be reorganized.

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