The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1032: Righteousness (one more)

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When the four words of the refining demon palace came out from the mouth of Shaoyang Hufa that day, all the people in the scene except Yuan Feng, who was a fake Moro, were all shocked, one by one. There are weird expressions on it.

"Tian Lian Mo Gong? What a memorable name!"

"Tian Lian Mo Gong, is Shao Yang's protection method related to Tian Lian Mo Gong?"

"It won't really matter, heaven refining the magic palace, but that's a taboo word, a taboo force!"

All the law-enhancing powerhouses present at this moment are staring closely at Shao Yang's law-protection in front of them, waiting for the opponent's next. At this moment, they were curious to know what Shaoyang Hufa mentioned when referring to Tian Lian Mo Gong.

"Tian Lian Mo Gong? What is it? He Tu, first tell me about Tian Lian Mo Gong."

When seeing the expressions of all the law-protection figures, Yuan Feng's eyes flashed with a hint of curiosity. Obviously, this so-called Tianlian Demon Palace is definitely not an ordinary force.

"Yes, young master!" He Tu Hufa stepped forward after hearing Yuan Feng's question, and after thinking for a moment, he frowned, and began to explain, "Young master, this day refining the magic palace, but A force that appeared in the Moro Realm many years ago. This force appeared very suddenly. At that time, the Moro Realm was still a thriving scene, not so dark and cold as the people in the Moro at that time. There is absolutely no cruel killer like now. "

He Tufa was obviously caught in the memories, while explaining to Yuan Feng, his eyes still showed an unusually complex look from time to time.

"Eh, there is such a thing?" After hearing He Tu's words of protection, Yuan Feng couldn't help but look dumbfounded, and his eyes were full of mistaken colors. It sounds that the reason why the magical world will become so cold and dim at present seems to have a direct connection with the refining of the magic palace this day, and a force that can change the world of one party is definitely not an ordinary force.

"In the beginning, although the Mo Luo world was also very brave and fierce, it was rarely seen as a cannibalism, and everything was different because of the emergence of Tian Lian Mo Gong. No one knows that Tian Lian Mo Gong is When it appeared in the world of magic, no one knew where the masters in the refining magic palace on this day came from. It can be said that the refining magic palace on this day appeared as if it were out of nothing. "

He Tufu Fa experienced everything in the beginning, and for Tian Lian Mo Gong, he believed that he would never forget.

"Well? According to what you mean, refining the magic palace this day isn't the native force of the Mo Luo world?"

With an eyebrow raised, Yuan Feng heard the strangeness of the refining magic palace for the first time. If he didn't understand it wrong, refining the magic palace this day seems to be an external force.

"Yes, the Heavenly Refined Demon Palace was not formed by the people of the Moro Realm. At first, when this power called Tianlian Demon Palace appeared, it was not noticed by the powerful people of the Moro Realm at first. When the palace master and many strong men under his palace began to dominate the Moro realm, and wanted to control the Moro realm in their own hands, the strongs of the Moro real just realized that this power was actually a force. Such a terrible giant ... "

He Tufu Fa completely entered the situation, without having to ask Yuan Feng at all, he explained it by himself.

At the beginning, Tian Lian Mo Gong descended from the sky, and after this world, it directly compiled and slaughtered the strong in the Moro Realm. That period was the darkest period in the Moro Realm.

Tian Lian Mo Gong wants to take control of the Mo Luo world. Of course, the strong men of the Moro tribe will not agree. In the end, the Moro people began a short union and started a super war with Tian Lian Mo Gong.

Fortunately, those who experienced that battle are all super powers in the Moro realm. Today, except for the Dongtianjing strong, few people below Dongtianjing have experienced the original super war.

It was the battle with Tian Lian Mo Gong, which originally did not have the dim Mo Luo world as it is now, and has become as dark and icy as it is now. Moreover, in that battle, the strongest cave in the sky, I am absolutely There are no fewer than hundreds of people, and in this case, the strong men of the Moro Realm and the Tianlian Demon Palace each account for almost half.

Of course, the battle of the people in the ordinary cave heaven does not seem to be able to change a big world. It is said that the reason why the entire Mo Luo world will become the same now is because the original Tian Lian Mo Gong Palace self-exploded. Ending up with a super power of the mo Luo world, this makes the mo Luo world become what it is now.

In this way, the temporarily refining magic palace of heaven finally disappeared under the siege of countless strong men in the world of magic and Luo, coming fast and disappearing fast. However, although the Tianlian Demon Palace has disappeared, the influence of this force on the Mo Luo world is really too big.

Since that war, the Moro kingdom has been completely immersed in darkness, and the whole world is also full of coldness. The Moro people have also changed their temperament, and they have been drinking like blood, becoming a existence like Warcraft.

Of course, it is precisely because of the war that the resources of the Moro kingdom were almost exhausted, which made Moro people often have to find ways to leave this world and go to other worlds for development.

In short, everything in the Mo Luo world can be said to be inseparable from the original impact of Tian Lian Mo Gong.

It is a pity that although the original war was won by the Moro people, even in the end, the Moro people did not know where the Tianlian Magic Palace came from.

No way. At the beginning, the super powers of Tianlian Demon Palace had banned all of their people. As long as someone explored their memory, they would directly explode. In this way, the Moro people simply did not Tian Lian Mo Gong has no way. Having said that, the tradition of the Moro people's self-explosion has a direct relationship with the original Tianlian Demon Palace.

He Tufa has practiced for a long time. All these situations were experienced by him personally, so it is not only true to tell, but it also contains complex emotions.

The rest of the people did not say anything, they all quietly listened to the explanations of He Tufu Fa, but everyone who experienced the changes of Tian Lian Mo Gong felt the explanations of He Tufu Fa were incomparable, as if once again Back to the gloomy days.

Of course, unlike others, when hearing He Tuhufa's story about these ancient secrets, Shaoyang Hufa's face turned cloudy and sunny.

When He Tuhufa heard about the tyrannical **** of Tianlian Demon Palace, Shaoyang Hufa's face naturally revealed his proud color. However, in the end, when He Tufu Fa said that Tian Lian Mo Gong was eventually perished, the eyes of Shao Yang Fa Fa were suddenly filled with pain and hatred.

"Dear guy, there are still these unknown situations in the Mo Luo world! Tian Lian Mo Gong? After a long time in trouble, the reason why Mo Luo Jie turns into this is actually brought by this day."

When the explanation of He Tuhufa fell, Yuan Feng's face was full of emotion. Now it sounds that the Moro people who looked like the original were not an unforgiving race. Perhaps, before the Tianlian Demon Palace did not appear, the Moro Realm was also a prosperous and prosperous world!

Unfortunately, no matter what, he will never see the original Mo Luo world!

"Tian Lian Mo Gong, who ruled the entire Mo Luo world, sounds a bit similar to the celestial palace of the French realm!"

Eyebrows suddenly raised, Yuan Feng suddenly realized a problem. Tian Lian Mo Gong finally failed without fail, but now it seems that if the winning side was not the Moro tribe, but the side of Tian Lian Mo Gong, then the current Mo Luo world seems likely to be like the present Is n’t the French Realm the same?

"Star Palace, Sky Refining Palace, Eh, isn't there any connection between the two?"

Eyelids shuddered, for some reason, Yuan Feng at this moment always felt that the refining of the magic palace on this day seemed to have a deep connection with the heavenly palace of law.

Of course, this was just a little bit of his intuition for a while, but it had no basis.

"It should be that I think too much. The French Realm and the Moro Realm are incompatible. Even if both the Star Palace and the original Tianlian Demon Palace occupy a sky character, there should be no connection."

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng set aside this seemingly unrealistic idea, and stopped thinking about it for the time being.

"Speaking of which, it seems that the people of the Moro Realm always want to leave the Moro Realm and go to other worlds for development. This is also excusable!"

I have to say that after understanding the history of the Mo Luo world, Yuan Feng had some different understanding of this so-called horrific killing race. Perhaps the people in the French realm seem to be a little too absolute about the deep hatred of the Moro realm.

Yuan Feng was even thinking about a problem at this moment. Even if the Mora people were spread to other worlds, would these people really cause wind and rain in other worlds? Is it true that everyone in the Mo Luo world will set off a kill on a land like the Tianlong dynasty like the original night owl protection law? If not, then why would the French realm stop the Mora people from leaving the Moro realm to develop in other worlds?

You know, even the realm of law always sends people to the major worlds. Is there really no problem with such behavior?

"Forget it, right or wrong, it's not what I can judge. I still do things according to my own heart. Everything just needs to be worthy of my conscience. As for other things, I don't have that energy to manage."

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng really didn't want to continue thinking about it, because he knew that the more he thought about it, the more problems he would have to tangle with, and the more terrible he was, he was very worried that he would finally come to it. The conclusion will be the conclusion he is very reluctant to see.

"Shao Yang protects the law, tell me about your relationship with Tianlian Demon Palace. If I'm not mistaken, your status in Tianlian Demon Palace should not be too low."

Looking back, Yuan Feng looked directly back at Shao Yang's protection, and asked quietly.

"The master of Tianlian Demon Palace is his father."

Regarding Yuan Feng's question, Shao Yang Hufa responded without any hesitation. However, Rao Shi Yuanfeng was already mentally prepared, but when he heard the answer from the other side, he was still shocked. a bit.

ps: The background of the big story is about to spread. Rong Xiaoyan thinks about it and writes it carefully! !! Seeking flowers and motivation! !!

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