The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1030: Shao Yang Protection Law (three more)

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The three of He Tufu were prepared, even though Heiqing had already taken great care, but he and the other two were still not fooled. At the last moment, he left enough power to protect himself. Blocked the sudden attack of the three members of Hei Qing Hu Fa.

In the final analysis, the three members of He Tufu Law still don't believe in the Heiqing Guardian Law. The friendship between them has never reached the point where they can trust each other. This is not like the previous Dark Rain Protection Law and others. The previous Dark Rain Protection Law was because it is proficient in the mysterious array, which has developed to the final situation.

It is a pity that although He Tuhufa and the three have been extremely careful, under Yuanfeng's serial calculations, in the end, they still failed to escape the fate of being trapped.

Of course, this is really no surprise to them. Who would have thought that the three members of the Black Protector would actually count them, and they also hid the three members of the Dark Rain Protector in the cave world. The six major protectors have made plans. Even if the three are prepared, they are absolutely invincible!

Moreover, this is not all. The most terrible thing is the final mystery. Even if they are hit hard, they will definitely have a chance to escape one and a half, but when the last big burst comes out, they will never have a glimmer of hope again.

Whether it is the powerful Ho Tu law, or Xiao Ding and Meng Xun law, the final destiny is of course the same. When Yuan Feng shot, all three obediently became Yuan Feng's underlings, no longer before That lofty defense of the devil's penalty domain.

The process of conquering these three people is not difficult. In the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, Yuan Feng has absolute dominance, and with the assistance of the seven **** demon ancestors, even Ho Tufa and Xiao Ding and Meng Xuan are the three No matter how powerful a person is, he will inevitably escape the clutches of Yuan Feng. By now, Yuan Feng has undoubtedly become the real big devil in the magic world.

The blood curse is really overbearing. This magical technique that can directly control the lives of others in his hands, no matter who gets it, can definitely achieve extraordinary results. The Blood Demon ancestor could have made a name for himself with this skill, but his luck was a little bit worse, and Yuan Feng was conquered in the middle.

It can be imagined that if there is no Yuanfeng, then one day, the bloodlord ancestor will slowly take control of a certain Dongtianjing strongman, and then just like Yuanfeng now, he will grow the team of Dongtianjing strongman until he let The whole world of Mo Luo is terrified. Of course, if you change the Blood Demon ancestor, the efficiency must not be so fast.

Looking at the team that is growing again, Yuan Feng has now completely calmed down. When he conquered the law enforcement of the three magical penalty domains, he was excited by the novelty, and when he conquered the law protection of the six magical penalty domains, the novelty was rare. By now, he has completely controlled the protection of the nine magic penalty areas. Obviously, at this moment, he should have more other ideas instead of wasting time on meaningless excitement.

"Nine, of the 22 law-enforcement powerhouses in the magic penalty domain, except for the White Wolf and the Ben Lei Law, half of them are under my control. The next time, I will accept them when I see them. Still hit the iron while it's hot, it really has to think about it. "

He controlled half of the power in the magic penalty realm. In fact, he was already very satisfied. Counting the Blood Demon ancestor, at the moment, he has a total of ten cave-level subordinates by his side. If he returns to the realm of law at this moment, he is almost the same as the man of the house.

"Nine of you, who can tell me more about the last trio?"

After a short while of thinking, Yuan Feng suddenly looked pale, and stood in front of a large row of magic circle defenders.

With the addition of He Tuhufa's three people, this team is really too big, even when Yuan Feng himself looks, he will have a kind of natural surprise.

"Master, let me just say, this last trio has a better relationship with his subordinates."

It wasn't the others who spoke, but He Ho's protection law that was added last.

His previous experience didn't cost him much. Except for Xiu Wei's reduction of two levels, his injury was not a big deal. With the help of six other people, he has now recovered to the same level. As for the repair of losses, it will inevitably be restored within a short time.

Moreover, there is one point that He Tufufa did not say to others, that is, after repairing the fall, he felt that the bottleneck of the Four Heavens Heavenly Cave clearly had a slight feeling of looseness, and he did not know this. When you go back to practice, do you have a chance to impact the realm of the cave heaven and earth?

"Okay, then let's talk about it for you!"

For the protection of the nine magic penalty areas, Yuan Feng does not have any distant or close relationship. Although the nine guys have slightly different time to accept, they are all the same to him, all of them are little ants in his hand. Just play as much as he wants.

"Master, the remaining trio, the leader is Shao Yang's law-protection, in addition to the ancestor's protection law and the sky-protection law, these three are all in the realm of the cave heaven and the quadruple heaven. Vulgar, because the Shao Yang Hufa has control of a pure Yang sword, which has inherent coercion against me and so on, it is because I do not want to provoke it. "

He Tufufa actually knows more about the situation than others. His practice time is longer than others, and he has joined the magic penalty domain earlier. It belongs to the earliest batch of people who joined the magic penalty domain. Not to mention the matter of the magic penalty domain, even if it is the whole thing of the Mo Luo world, he knows more than others.

"Oh? The sword of pure sun? People of the Moro tribe can still use that kind of spirit soldiers?" After hearing He Tufu's words, Yuan Feng couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and he was a little puzzled under his heart.

After coming to the Mo Luo Realm, almost all of the spirit soldiers he saw were evil soldiers, but he had never seen a masculine soldier. Obviously, such a spirit soldier must definitely suppress the strong in the Moro realm.

"Young Master, Shao Yang protects this person and acts more cautiously than his subordinates. The level of savvy is almost unimaginable. If you want to calculate this person and his team, it is not easy!"

Speaking of which, in private, he has some friendship with Shao Yang's law-protection. Because of this, he can have a deeper understanding of his prudence with Shao-yang's law-protection.

"Young Master, He Tufu Law is true. This Shao Yang is very careful. His subordinates have a little personal relationship with him. If Young Master wants to count him, he must be fully prepared."

This time, Xiao Ding was protecting the law. Like He Tu, he was completely subdued by Yuan Feng at this time, and the whole person became abnormally perverse as if he had changed a person.

"Young Master, Shao Yang Hufa is a little mysterious. In fact, his subordinates also have some personal relationships with him. To put it plainly, his subordinates once owed him a favor, and he has not yet repaid it."

The Rain Guardian also stood up at this moment, his face was a little bit authentic. Originally, he wouldn't let anyone know about these situations, but now Yuan Feng asked, and he naturally wanted to tell them one by one. Moreover, the people present are truly family, but there is no need to hide it.

"Oh, master, my subordinates have some friendship with Shaoyang Hufa ..."

"This ... Shao Yang Hufa has also helped me once, and I owe him ..."

The whole scene suddenly became a bit hilarious. Except for Hei Qing and Ye Xin, the rest of the seven people opened their mouths, and the terrible thing was that seven of them had Shao Yang's protection. Some connections, in addition to having a good relationship with the other party, are that the other party has taken steps to help them.

Speaking of which, these are the secrets between each of them and Shao Yang's protection, but at this moment everyone took out the secret to share, but the situation suddenly became a little abnormal.

"This ...... who is this Shaoyang protector? Who is the nine of you, seven of whom are in love with him, and one is with him? This guy is really not easy!"

Yuan Feng's complexion was fickle, and the whole person's mind was turning, thinking about the trickiness in it. Obviously, this Shaoyang protector has secretly made so many people secretly, even if it is not bad intention, it is definitely conjecture.

Many of the defenders present were completely stunned. They all thought that they alone had a relationship with Shao Yang's protector. Now, it seems that Shao Yang's protector seems to be good to each of them.

Obviously, this Shao Yang protection method is to deliberately associate with each of them, and to help out intentionally, and finally won their favor. If there is no problem with such people, it is really weird.

"Funny guy, it seems that no matter how much effort it takes, you must catch this person and then subdue it for your own use. Maybe you can get an unexpected harvest from this person!"

Picking a corner, Yuan Feng was curious about Shao Yang's protection. To say that a person has a wide range of friends, this is understandable, but it is difficult to make too many friends between the powerful heavenly realms. This situation of Shao Yang's protection is absolutely not normal.

"Everyone, think about what method you can use to trick this person and the two people around him, or let us take the initiative to find them, and then draw three of them closer to our team."

With a positive look, Yuan Feng was directly facing the nine guardians who were present, and the old blood ancestor who had been with him.

There are many people and powerful people, and these guys are all mature and sophisticated, and there must be a lot of ideas in their stomachs. With the wisdom of so many strong people, no matter how difficult it is, they will be able to capture this Shao Yang protection method.

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