The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1021: Action continues (three)

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Chapter 1021 The Action Continues (Chapter Three)

The hustle and bustle of the Jiuqu Yellow River was completely quiet at this moment.

At this moment, in this large array of space with little loss, the host of the large array is standing with a smile on his back, and in front of him, the four super strong are lined up like four. Like the most loyal servant, waiting for his command.

Whether in the realm of law or in the realm of magic, the strongest in the heavenly realm are the super beings that really stand at the very top. However, at this moment, such superpowers are all in the hands of someone. As long as he is willing, he can take the life of the other party at any time.

"There are four here, including the enchantment of Mission Hills in the Mochi Realm. Nowadays, there are as many as five people in the cave world under my control. All of this is really as unreal as dreaming!"

Once upon a time, the strong man in Dongtianjing was a pronoun that could not be provoked. In the face of a strong man of this level, he only had to pat his face on the ground, letting people step on it lightly. When it comes to Dongtianjingqiang, the first thing he thought of was how to escape from the other side.

However, to this day, his Dantian space has unexpectedly evolved into the Dongtian world, making him himself reach the realm of the triple heaven of Dongtian. Moreover, he now has five powerful cavemen who can be called casually in his hands. This feeling is absolutely beyond description.

Before coming to the Mo Luo world, he never thought that there would be such a result in front of him. Everything seemed to be a gift from heaven to him.

In front of the four, three of them are the realm of Dongtian Realm Triple Sky, and the other is the realm of Dong Tian Realm Triple Sky. Although the three newly received guys have not been restored to their optimal state, this is not a problem. Just give them some time and they should be able to recover soon.

"Hei Qing, Ye Xin, and Zi Ye, the three of you are now my Yuan Feng. From now on, I hope you can serve me wholeheartedly. If you do well, I will give you three unexpected Good, but if anyone dares to go negative, I will kill it immediately. "

Looking at the three super-subordinates who had just been conquered, Yuan Feng knew that there were certain things to say, and he wanted to make the three guys realize that by now, they had no superiority. In other words, in his hands, the person who caves in the heavens completely kills if he wants to kill, and there is absolutely no concern.

"The young master is more concerned. Since the three of us have surrendered to the young master, everything should be considered as the young master. Otherwise, the young master would take my life even if he took away."

It wasn't the others who spoke, it was the strongest black engine protection method among the few.

Although it was the last one to be subdued, the strength of Hei Qing's protection law is undoubtedly the strongest. Therefore, it is natural that he should be represented by him at this moment.

At this moment, the black engine protection method has not seen the slightest difference in his face. Although he felt that it was difficult to accept before being subdued before, once the result is determined, it is difficult to accept the fact, he can only Accepted with gritted teeth.

It is not easy to practice to the present state. In any case, he will not choose to live with his own life.

Nowadays, their lives are in Yuan Feng's hands, and if Yuan Feng has three longs and two shorts, they are bound to die, so they have no choice but to serve Yuan Feng wholeheartedly.

"I am also willing to work for the young master.

"The same is true of the subordinates. As long as the young master orders it, the subordinates will definitely complete the task even if they die."

Hei Qing protects the law and expresses his sincere heart, and Zi Ye protects law and Ye Xin protects law is no exception. Such things as loyalty cannot be represented by others.

"Very well, the three of you can have such awareness." With a smile of satisfaction, Yuan Feng looked at the cultivation of the three, and his brows could not help but frowned slightly. Come to me, and then you begin to restore your strength, and strive to restore your strength to the best in the fastest possible time. "

Dong Tianjing's strength is not enough for him. If he wants to make the next plan, these three guys must restore their strength to the best state.


The three did not hesitate, and in the course of speaking, they handed over all the star crystals on their bodies to Yuan Feng, leaving none of them alone.

Having said that, they don't really need these things very much. Since Yuan Feng wants them, they should hand them over.

"Well, next time, you will restore your strength in the cave next to you. When your strength is restored, I will give you the task."

All the stars who had handed over the three were put away, and Yuan Feng couldn't help showing a smile of satisfaction. These three people are all big money, and the number of star crystals in each person's hands is over 100 million. In this way, he will arrange the mysterious array in the future, and he will not worry about the lack of sufficient array materials.

The words fell, Yuan Feng directly transferred the three out of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, allowing the three to enter the cave to restore strength.

Speaking of this time, the Jiuqu Yellow River Array is running. He has not collected the power of Dongtian from the three, but he did not intend to return the power of Dongtian to the three guys.

Even if the power of these caves is returned to the three, it is nothing more than speeding up the recovery of the three. However, the situation today is no different from a few days.

Although he can no longer improve his cultivation through refining the power of Dongtian, these powers of Dongtian are definitely a great complement to Xiaoba, maybe he can help Xiaoba to attack the realm of Dongtian Too! In addition, Dahei was left by the Blood Demon Palace, and he didn't know if he could break through to the cave world before he returned. If the other party failed to break through, the power of these caves would be precious.

"Blood old, you also take advantage of this period of time to continue to recuperate, the next time, blood old does not have to work so hard."

After explaining the three members of Hei Qing's protection law, Yuan Feng glanced at the Blood Demon ancestor and smiled indifferently.

I have to say that this time when he came to the Mo Luo world, the Blood Demon ancestor should be regarded as his nobleman. It can be said that his life has changed because of the Blood Demon ancestor. For this, he should not Think of it as a servant.

"Thank you, Master, for your concern. There is no big problem for your subordinates. You can saddle the horse for the Master at any time."

The Blood Demon ancestor did not think of himself so seriously, Yuan Feng's strength, he already knew a lot, frankly, to this day, he has completely served.

"Ha ha, the blood old man can have this heart, it is already pretty good!"

He nodded in approval, Yuan Feng said no more. To this day, he has mastered the means of space shifting, and he is not worse than the Blood Demon ancestors. Therefore, after the matter of the Devil Realm has ended, the next journey may not necessarily require the Blood Demon ancestors. too much.

Did not remove the Jiuqu Yellow River Array at this place. The next time, Yuan Feng and the Blood Demon ancestors were stationed here temporarily, waiting for the three of Hei Qing to protect the law to restore their strength.

This area is now the safest place. After all, the person in charge of the entire area has now become his subordinate. Even if someone asks about this, the three will Carry it down for him.

In the following time, the three members of the Black Engine Protection Law all honestly restored their strength. During this period, the other magic law domain protection Law did not ask about the situation here. After all, everyone was looking for their own, did not Always remember others.

The three members of the Black Engine Protection were just sucked away from most of the power of the cave, and were not beaten back to the annihilation all of a sudden, so this recovery is actually relatively fast, almost less than a month, except for Black Engine In addition to the improvement of the protection method, the other two people have recovered to their peak state.

After waiting for another five or six days, the final black engine protection method also completed the restoration of strength. In this way, the three strongest players changed back to the strongest state. Yuan Feng's next plan can also be implemented. Already.

In the large array of space, Yuan Feng once again gathered his four cave heaven realms and started a new round of planning. Obviously, this time, he did not intend to stop, but obviously wanted to do a big vote.

Unlike the last time, only he and the Blood Demon ancestors. This time, they have five people in total, and three of them are still the people in the devil's domain. In this way, the next action is obviously easy. More and much simpler.

"Hei Qing, talk about the current situation in the magic penalty domain. If you want to come to the whole magic punishment zone at this moment, you should try every means to find the **** old people, and the strong ones are definitely not in the minority!"

I can think of it with my toes. It is definitely not just the three people who have been conquered by him in search of the Bloodlord. In other places, there must be strong men in action.

"Without concealing the lord, all the law-enforcement powerhouses in the entire magical punishment area have already acted. The 22 law-enforcement powerhouses in the magical punishment area, except for the already-defunct white wolf protection law, and those who can't get out of town. In addition to Ben Lei's law protection, eight of the remaining twenty people are responsible for keeping the border around the periphery. The remaining twelve people are divided into four groups of three, each responsible for an area of ​​the devil's area. Right now, the three of us This group has abandoned the dark cast to follow the young master, and there are three groups of people who should still be searching for the whereabouts of the Blood Demon ancestor. "

The sound of Hei Qing's protection method was so loud that he told Yuan Feng about the situation in the Devil Circumstances, and when he heard these explanations, Yuan Feng's face flashed a flash of light. Obviously, the magic The current situation in the penalty area is simply his most ideal state.

ps: There was a problem before the website, but it was said that it was repaired, but Xiaoyan just could n’t get up, and I was sad. This chapter let the editor help a lot. Hey, it ’s too much to affect my mood. If I ca n’t go up in the future, Have you ever been swollen? !! !!

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