The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1012: Not Dongtian, better than Dongtian (second more)

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In the quiet underground space, Yuan Feng sat down there as if it had become a rock, with no movement at all. And in this state, he has kept it for no less than three minutes.

No one can imagine his mood at the moment, not even he knows how to describe his mood at the moment.

Starting from the practice of an ordinary person, along the way, too many strange things happened to him. However, even if all the strange things are added together, I am afraid that what is happening now is definitely more strange.

"This ... isn't it a dream?"

For a long time, Yuan Feng, dumb, finally recovered his glory, but even if he recovered, his eyes were still full of shock and incredible.

"How can there be such a thing? My seven mysterious caves, even ... are spitting out the power of the cave?"

What shocked Yuan Feng was naturally the change of the seven mysterious caves in his Dantian. Not long ago, when his practice broke through to the fifth stage of the annihilation, his seven mysterious caves began to spit out. The power of the sky, this scene, is like Tian Fang Ye Tan, making him hard to believe.

The mind sank into Dantian space. At this moment, there is still a trace of energy in the seven mysterious caves escaping outwards, and these energies are nothing else. It is the power of the cave that can only be condensed by the strongest in the sky!

Throughout the ages, only the strongest in the heavenly realm can exert the power of the cave. This is no doubt a thing. Never heard of a warrior who destroyed the realm can condense the power of the cave. It can be said politely that it is absolutely impossible for those who destroy the realm to condense the power of the sky.

However, there is absolutely nothing absolute in this world. At this moment, the energy released by the seven major cave days of Yuan Feng is definitely the power of the cave. This point, Yuan Feng can be 100% sure.

"The power of Dongtian is really the power of Dongtian, crazy, this is crazy!"

Feeling the power of the huge cave that has been scattered into his own Dantian space, Yuan Feng was really scared at this moment by the changes of his seven big caves.

Previously, the movements of the Seven Mysterious Caves made him worry that his practice would be wrong, but what he did not expect was that his own Seven Mysterious Caves would have such a change.

At this moment, the caves of the Seven Mysterious Caves are still slowly dissipating, and the moment they dissipate, they will slowly merge into Yuantian's Dantian In the space, at this time Yuan Feng suddenly noticed that I did not know when his Dantian space had already undergone earth-shaking changes.

"My Dantian space is absorbing the power of these caves?"

With a sudden change of expression, Yuan Feng suddenly realized that at this moment, his Dantian space was no longer as fragile as before, but had completely become a very solid space world, that level of stability, It is almost necessary to catch up with the entire world of Mora.

"Dude, is this or my Dantian space? When did it become so endless?"

Looking at the distance from Dantian Space, Yuan Feng found that at this moment, his Dantian Space did not know how many times it had grown. The boundless appearance made him think of the time he had entered. The cave world of the strong cave world.

"Where is this Dantian space? This, this is just a world of cavemen in the sky!"

Yuan Feng has seen several people in Dongtian World. Originally, his Dantian space could only be regarded as a very small and special space, but now he believes that his Dantian space is in scale and stability. Definitely not weaker than the cave world of Yunlong Guardian that he had seen before.

"Dongtian World, my Dantian, turned into Dongtian World? Did I directly cross several realms and directly promote Dongtian Realm?"

According to common sense, when the body is shaped by the sky, it means that the cultivation has reached the realm of the sky, and the Dantian space of Yuanfeng is definitely the scale of the world of the sky, so, subconsciously, he has this. Guessing.

"No, no, the people in Dongtian Realm are the evolution of Xuandong, and eventually evolve into the Dongtian world. It is not the expansion of Dantian space that supports the Dongtian world. This is definitely not the case of being promoted to Dongtian Realm."

Shaking his head sharply, Yuan Feng's eyes subconsciously looked at his seven big caves. At this moment, the seven big caves are still running quietly. The heavy exercises are several levels away from the cave exercises.

"Obviously it is the state of annihilation, but what is going on in this cave world?"

His head was dizzy. At this moment, Yuan Feng was really tangled by the situation in his body.

"Blood old !!!"

After thinking about it for a long time, Yuan Feng's mind finally found the **** ancestor who was also in a bun.

At this moment, the ancestor of the blood demon stood in Yuanfeng's Dantian space, watching the changes in front of him sillyly, until Yuanfeng's voice sounded in his mind, he still could not get back to God. feel.

"Xue Lao, this ... what the **** is going on here? My Dantian space will not really become a cave world?"

Anyway, the Blood Demon ancestor is a strong man in Dongtianjing. He can't understand things himself, maybe the Blood Demon ancestor can understand or not.

But this time, he was doomed to be disappointed.

"Less ... Young Master, his subordinates and subordinates don't know what the situation is, but Young Master's Dantian Space has truly and truly become a world of caves."

The Blood Demon ancestor is also tangling. From the situation of the Yuantian Dantian space at this time, this space is the Dongtian world of the Dongtianjing strong, at least, his own Dongtian world is like this. Even the scale is almost the same as the space world in front of us.

However, looking back, when he saw Yuan Feng's seven huge caves, he was a little uncertain. After living this long, he has never heard of the fact that Dongtian World and Xuandong will appear at the same time.

"Really ... really become the world of the cave?" After hearing the answer from the Blood Demon ancestor, Yuan Feng couldn't help tearing the corners of his mouth fiercely.

The five-fold state of annihilation turned out to be a hole in Dantian. He couldn't understand it anyway.

"Young Master, Young Master doesn't prevent him from trying to move space. If real space move is possible, then whether or not Young Master has been promoted to Dongtian Realm, at least this world of Dongtian is absolutely true."

The ancestor of the Blood Demon reacted quickly, and hesitating for a moment was the key to thinking of the problem immediately.

"Yes, yes, first see if space can be moved. If space can be moved, what is the realm?"

Being reminded by the Blood Demon ancestor, Yuan Feng suddenly looked stunned, and immediately responded.

At the moment, what state of cultivation he really is is not important at all. What is important is what changes in the body have brought to him.

Thinking of this, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated, the mind directly withdrew from the special space in the body, returned to the sea of ​​consciousness, a little stability, is to start to feel the outside space.

The strong man in Dongtian Realm will have a unique perception of space, and he will also have a wonderful connection between his world and the outer space. It is because of this wonderful connection that the strong man in Dongtian Realm, To move freely through space.

"Jiuqu Yellow River Array, give it to me !!"

This is just a little bit of underground space. He wants to understand the space, naturally it is to understand the normal space of the Moro Realm, not the space of the formation of the Jiuqu Yellow River.

For the time being, the Jiuqu Yellow River array was temporarily closed. Yuan Feng took a deep breath, and then subconsciously spread his mind toward the surroundings. At the same time, it spread, as well as a special one in his physical world Force field.

"Well? This space ..."

When the mind is in the surrounding space, Yuan Feng has a feeling. At this moment, he seems to have become a part of the space. When the mind is released, it is like exploring the special space in his body. In other words, at this moment, his physical space seems to be a unified entity with the outside space.


The situation in front of him almost made his heart beat indiscriminately. He knows best that this feeling at this moment is definitely something he has never experienced before, and he also believes that a warrior below the cave would never have this unique experience.

"Woohoo!" A few breaths were taken, Yuan Feng worked hard to calm himself completely, and then he took a few steps behind him and came to the wall of this underground space. .

Standing tightly against the wall, Yuan Feng's gaze looked directly at the opposite wall, and the two walls were separated by a distance of ten meters in front. His goal was to face the front arm below.

"Is the space moving? What kind of situation is that?" Staring at the opposite wall, Yuan Feng subconsciously wanted to reach below the opposite wall, and just when his mind was just born, his body, It was a sudden light at this moment, and then he felt the flash of light in front of him, and when he appeared again, he had already turned to face the wall.


Standing still again, Yuan Feng could not help shaking her body a little, and then slowly stood still.

However, when he stood firm and looked back to where he had stood before, there was a trace of excitement and it was difficult to restrain his face from climbing.

"Space move, I can really move space !!!"

The excitement is full of words. At this moment, no matter what kind of realm he cultivates, his ability is definitely the ability that can be possessed by the strongest in the heavenly realm.

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