The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1008: Escape (two more)

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In this world, no one is immortal. Although the powerful Dongtian realm is tyrannical, but before reaching the supreme realm, they have to undergo various tests, and death is definitely theirs. The most taboo word.

No one in Dongtian Realm is willing to suffer the death blow in such a realm. It is really difficult to achieve Dongtian. If he hangs up in this realm, it will definitely result in death.

However, not wanting to die is one aspect, but whether or not they will die is not what they can do.

The powerful white wolf protector, a super strong who has been tens of thousands of years in the world of magic and magic, but at this moment, it is impossible to escape the advent of death. Perhaps, he once thought that he would die, but he never thought that he would He will die on his own place, and still die in the hands of a young man who has not yet reached the cave.

At the last moment of life, the white wolf guardianship is really full of unwillingness, but unfortunately, all the unwillingness, with the cutting of the red Xiao sword, instantly vanished.

When the stunned sword was cut off, Yuan Feng used all his power to spur the power of the Chixiao sword to the maximum limit. This sword was like opening up a world. In front of this sword, Any life will be harvested, and any obstacles will be broken!


Few people have seen the scene when Dongtianjingqiang was chopped. Yuan Feng has never seen it, and the blood ancestor has never seen it. However, they have not seen it before, but now they can see it.

"Well !!!"

When the Chixiao sword was cut off in the air, the body of the white wolf was cut directly. Yuan Feng could feel that his sword seemed to be chopped on a special space, and that special space was no doubt It is the Dongtian World of Dongtianjing Power.

Ordinary spirit soldiers, naturally, cannot cut through the caves of the cave heavenly powerhouse. However, ordinary spirit soldiers do not work, but Chixiao swords do nothing. When he was in the Three Realms at the beginning, when the Chixiao sword came out, the flood and wasteland would be cut to pieces, not to mention the body that was shaped by a powerful caveman.

The destruction of the cave world by external forces is absolutely different from the situation where the cave force is drained by a trace. The force of the cave was drained by a trace, but for the time being, it lost the strength to support it. As long as a large amount of the force of the cave returned, it could still support the cave.

But external force destruction is not the same. Yuan Feng's sword directly destroyed the foundation of the cave world, which made the cave world lose its stability. This is almost the same situation as the strong cave world directly burns the cave sky.


The power of the cave sky was chaotic, and a big explosion came directly, but everything in the world of the white wolf protection cave sky, no matter what kind of treasure, is turned into fly ash at this moment, and the fly ash is also turned into, A white wolf guard was split into two halves.


Yuan Feng's body is the closest to the guardian of the white wolf. Unexpectedly, the huge energy aftermath crashed directly on his body. At this moment, he was sturdy against the other side.

The appalling energy wave directly caused Yuan Feng to spit out blood, and his body folded several times in the large array of space before finally stopping.

"Good guy, is this the power of the caveman of the caveman explosion? Really enough!"

Standing firm, Yuan Feng quickly ran Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong and quickly repaired some of the damaged parts of her body. It was almost a few breaths of work. The injury just recovered was immediately recovered.

Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong not only has super strong defensive power. Similarly, this Xuan Gong has an unimaginable effect on the resilience of warriors. As long as it is not a very fatal injury, it won't take long to recover.

"Little Lord!!!"

When Yuan Feng stood firm, the Blood Demon ancestor appeared to him immediately, shouting in panic.

At this time, the **** ancestors were ragged, **** cloaks had been blown up, and the whole person's face was dripping with blood, which looked very miserable. There is no way, he just caught off guard just after the explosion of the White Wolf Guardian, but fortunately, at the last moment, he used space means to avoid the energy aftermath, otherwise, he would be more embarrassed than he is now.

"I'm fine, it's just a shock from the energy wave. It doesn't matter."

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Feng calmed down his writhing blood, and during his talk, his face was restored to normal ruddy again, and he could not really see the slightest injury.

"His ...... this ..."

When he saw the situation of Yuan Feng, the blood-devil ancestor was shocked and couldn't believe his eyes.

He had just personally taught the explosive power of the White Wolf Guardian, and even if he was such a powerful wave of energy, if the reaction was slower, he would have to suffer an unimaginable blow.

However, Yuan Feng, who is closer and has completely withstood the impact of energy waves, is just like an okay person, except that his clothes are a little shabby and his body is not in the slightest wrong. This scene really made him unable to recover.

"Good, good perverted body defense, monster, young master is a big monster!"

The more you know about Yuan Feng, the deeper the awe of the Blood Demon ancestors about Yuan Feng. Being able to use the body to resist the cave explosion of the triple heaven man is not the state he can imagine. He believes that even if he changes the super strong of the cave heaven and earth, he will never dare to use the body to hard Resistant.

However, he did n’t know that Yuan Feng ’s Nine Turns Xuan Gong has been practiced into four turns. The whole body is like a spiritual treasure. Moreover, as Yuan Feng ’s cultivation continues to improve, Nine Turns Xuan Gong also When the water rises and the ship rises, when the basis of true Qi reaches the double sky of the cave heaven, Yuan Feng's defense is no longer imaginable by ordinary warriors.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if Yuan Feng is standing here to let a cave man attack a heavy sky casually, it is absolutely difficult to cause him the slightest damage.

Of course, the prerequisite is that the other party does not use spatial means to send him to the turbulent space.

"Blood old, give up resistance, go back to my Dantian space for a while !!!"

Yuan Feng didn't think too much. The white wolf guardian is dead. In the next time, there is no need to help the Gorefiend ancestor. Besides, the Gorefiend ancestor is obviously injured now. It's better to go back for injuries.


Bent over to the ground, the bloodlord's ancestors were even more obedient to Yuan Feng's orders now. Without saying a word, it was honestly letting Yuan Feng put him into Dantian space, and then he adjusted his interest honestly.

"Well, a large formation of the Jiuqu Yellow River, such a terrible explosion, has not been able to break the formation, it seems that my Nine Songs of the Yellow River big array, but the Yunlong protection method in the Tianlong dynasty in the ninety-nine It ’s so much better to go! ”

Putting away the bloodlord ancestor, Yuan Feng glanced at the array space around him, but found that the entire array space was hardly damaged, only the cornerstones of the array, and the energy was empty at this moment. It will almost become an ordinary stone.

Obviously, the explosion of a triple-sky person in Dongtian Realm still puts the Jiuqu Yellow River Array to the test.

"The harvest season is here, a lot of the power of the cave, swallow the sky martial spirit, come out and clean the battlefield !!!"

Aside from all the thoughts, Yuan Feng's gaze was focused on the silvery lights in the entire space, and seeing these silvery lights, his tight face has finally revealed a smile.

"Om !!!"

As Yuan Feng's order was issued, the Devouring Wuling appeared in the space of Xuanzhen instantly. Apart from that, it was directly upwind, and then the whole Xuanzhen space was wrapped up, and all the silver in it was wrapped. Energy was collected without a trace.

The white wolf defending the cave sky was chopped by Yuan Feng, not that he burned the cave sky himself, and such an explosion was actually detonated by only a small amount of the cave sky power. Most of the cave sky power was scattered throughout. In the formation space of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, it did not dissipate for a long time.

Before dealing with the blood ancestors and the guardian of Guanlan, the Jiuqu Yellow River Array started the ultimate mystery, which absorbed the two's power of the sky into the deep space and wasted it. But right now, the power of these scattered caves will not be absorbed by space, and naturally will not disappear out of thin air. In this way, the huge power of the sky is naturally cheaper Yuanfeng.

When the devouring Wuling instantly swallowed up all the power of the cave, Yuan Feng did not have time to observe his own harvest. When he moved his mind, he swallowed up the Devouring Wuling directly, and between the flashes, he rushed out of the formation directly. In space, he raised all his hands and laid the foundation stones, then disappeared in place.

From the slashing of the white wolf protection method to Yuan Feng's collection of the mysterious array and leaving, the entire process took absolutely no more than a minute. At this moment, Yuan Feng demonstrated what is efficiency with practical actions.

There is no way, Ye Xin protects the law to escape, this is definitely a time bomb that can explode at any time for him and the Blood Demon ancestor, he must use the fastest speed, the shortest time to leave the place.

The wind wing was running to the extreme, and the whole body's breath converged to the point where it could no longer converge. Yuan Feng's entire person almost turned into lightning. In a blink of an eye, it appeared dozens of miles away. The speed is definitely not The short-distance space of a heavy man in Yayudong heaven has moved.

People are all born out, and in the face of great danger, the potential of anyone will be maximized. This is naturally no different from Yuan Feng.

In the time spent talking, Yuan Feng has come to the territory of the White Wolf Law Protectorate, amidst the bustling downtown.

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