The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1006: Missing fish (four more)

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Almost a full quarter of an hour later, the two major law-enforcement areas of the magic penalty domain finally succeeded in discovering the mystery of the bloodless ancestor, the endless blood sea, and successfully escaped from the endless blood sea.

For Ye Xin Fa and Bai Lang Fa, it is undoubtedly a huge victory to be able to escape from the methods of the Blood Demon ancestors. However, they will not understand. In fact, it took only half a quarter of an hour to escape. This is also a huge victory for the Blood Demon ancestor.

"Ha ha ha ha, Ye Xin protects the law, this protects the law now that you are really pleasing to the eye."

The white wolf guardian approached Ye Xinxin guardian for the first time, and laughed loudly. This time it is possible to get out of trouble so quickly. This is all due to Ye Xin's protection. If it wasn't for the other party to discover the secret of the blood devil ancestor, they might still be trapped in it.

"Okay, these are going to be said later. I still want to destroy this **** old guy first, in order to vent my hatred."

She waved her hand, where did Ye Xin protect the law at this moment to take care of the compliment of the other party? Before being calculated by the Blood Demon ancestor, it was time to revenge.

"God of Blood Devil, see what else you can do this time, although all use it!"

Turning his head, Ye Xin Hu Fa looked sneerly at the Blood Demon ancestor, his lance was tight, but he was ready to go all out. Seeing him like this, the white wolf guardian on the side also put on his posture. At this moment, the two set aside their personal grudges and were ready to unify.

"Well, I really don't know how happy the two of you are. Do you think I can't keep my father?"

When he heard Ye Xin's words of protection, the Blood Demon ancestor suddenly burst into laughter and laughed, while smiling, the sword in his hand freely netted a sword flower. "Two, we all have no complaints in the future. Recently, there is no revenge. There is really no need to fight for your life. Although the two have the advantage in number, the two want to stay with me, I am afraid they will have to pay a great price! "

With a strange laugh, the Gorefiend ancestor seemed to be calm at this moment, and when he heard his words, the two major protection methods on the opposite side frowned subconsciously.

Frankly speaking, what the Gorefiend ancestors said is indeed reasonable, although they have two people, the Gorefiend ancestor has only one, but once the Gorefiend ancestors are desperate, it is really difficult for them to stay with each other.

"Also, Blood Demon ancestor, I ca n’t see it this way. You hand over the boy to us before, and I swear by Ye Xinfu. As long as you hand over that boy, the grudges between us will be cancelled. Otherwise, your blood demon. Between my ancestors and my devil realm, there are endless enemies. "

The Gorefiend ancestors have a good reputation, and it is not easy to destroy them. Moreover, from the beginning, their goal was not the Gorefiend ancestors, but Yuan Feng, which was collected by the Gorefiend ancestors. To be precise, it is the defense means of Yuan Feng.

Obviously, in their hearts, they thought that Yuan Feng had been brought into the world of Dongtian by the bloodlords!

"Well? Surrender the young master?"

Hearing Ye Xin's words of protection, the Blood Demon ancestor couldn't help but hesitated for a moment, then realized that the two guys had thought that he had hidden Yuan Feng, and now they asked him for it.

As soon as his eyes turned, the Blood Demon ancestor did not explain it, but it directly assumed the fact that Yuan Feng was put away by him.

"Well, two, although my **** ancestor is not very famous, but this kind of betrayal and abandonment, it will never be done. Since the two want to keep me, then it depends on the two. Without that ability, there will be a period later !!! "

There was a strange laugh, and the **** ancestor said nothing, and his body changed directly.

"Want to run? How could it be so easy !!!"

With the previous experience, this time, Ye Xin's protection and White Wolf's protection have already locked the Gorefiend ancestors with heart and soul. Now, when they see the Gorefiend ancestors trying to escape, they both smiled coldly and talked. Is a flash of stature, directly sealed the direction of the **** ancestor to escape.

"Bloodlord, since you don't know current affairs, don't blame us for more bullying! White wolf protects the law, do it!"

There is no speculation for a long time. The disregard of the Blood Demon ancestors has completely stirred up the anger in their hearts. At this moment, only the blood of the Blood Demon ancestors can heal their anger.

"Well, destroy this old guy, let's divide the baby on him!"

The white wolf guardian did not say naturally, but when he started to shoot, he actually did not forget to make a distribution in advance, as if this time he would be able to leave the Blood Demon ancestor.

"Huh, I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

His eyes flashed, but the Blood Demon ancestor was not afraid. The sword in his hand was slammed out, but he directly fought with two powerful cavemen in the sky.

Judging from the fighting situation, the Gorefiend ancestors were naturally not the opponents of the two strong ones. At first, the three were deliberately effortless, and more of them were tentative. Every trick and style is contained in the power of the sky. As long as it is cut on the blood demon ancestor, it is enough for the other party to drink a pot.

The Gorefiend ancestor was pretty good at first, but as the two major protections increased their attack strength, he obviously felt overwhelmed. For some of the two's attacks, they were almost worthy of avoiding, or were able to resist. It's all about parry and no fight back. If he really fights like this, he will definitely lose in the end.

"Two people, why bother with each other? * Anxious me, no one will die together."

The Gorefiend ancestor was exhausted, and while fighting, his body landed downwards, a performance that was already overwhelmed.

"Down together? Well, if you have that courage, just give it a try."

Dongtianjing's cherishment of his life is absolutely unimaginable for ordinary martial arts. To the ancestors of the blood devil, the two do not believe it at all. Between words, they fall down with the blood demon ancestor. As if to really kill the Blood Demon ancestor here.

"you guys………"

The Gorefiend ancestor seemed a bit bitter, but in the end, he couldn't say anything. He could only wave the Spirit Sword in his hand, and could stand the two offensively. Of course, while resisting, his figure was approaching an open space without any traces. Obviously, the two major protection methods on the opposite side did not notice.

"It's almost, it's almost !!!"

Although there is already some physical exhaustion on the surface, in fact, at this moment, the ancestor of the blood demon does not know how excited he is.

Fighting and retreating, his acting skills can be said to be impeccable, and almost another few minutes passed, the shape of the blood demon ancestor finally retreated to a relatively open space, and when retired to this place However, he no longer continued to retreat, as if he was going to make the final decisive battle with the two major defenders, and suddenly he cheered up.

"You two are so bullying, ancestor I fight with you."

The sword went down with his hands, and the Gorefiend ancestors finally began to struggle. When they saw him, the two main protection methods were both uplifted and dared not to have the slightest intention. While besieging the Gorefiend ancestors, they were vigilant. The blood monster ancestor dog jumped off the wall, but all the attention was paid to the blood monster ancestor.

"Om !!!"

The battle lasted for a few breaths, just before the Blood Demon ancestors began to desperately, and the two major protection methods put almost all their energy on the opponent's body. In the space of more than ten miles, a very subtle Space shocks are suddenly transmitted.

This space vibration is extremely subtle and ordinary martial arts can never be sensed. Of course, for the cavemen, even the slightest space vibration will not escape their perception.

"Well? Is there space fluctuation?"

Almost at the same time, the two law-enforced powerhouses in the two magic squares felt the slightest fluctuation. However, when they felt this wave of fluctuations, the reactions of the two powerhouses were: Slightly different.

"No, there are situations !!!"

Ye Xinhuo has always been alert. When he felt the slightest spatial shock, he didn't even want to think about it, almost subconsciously, his figure flashed suddenly, even the swordman who was cut off by the **** demon They all turned a blind eye, completely in danger of being injured, and moved away instantly.

This shift has almost a full range of thirty to forty miles, and such a range has obviously left the range encompassed by the space shock.


The white wolf guardian also felt the shaking of space, but when he saw Ye Xin guardian suddenly moved away, he was stunned by the actions of the other party and did not move the first time.

However, it is this slight effort that is destined to end him differently from Ye Xin's protection.


In the blink of an eye, an illusory light and shadow appeared out of thin air, covering the entire range of more than ten miles in an instant, and the white wolf protection method that had not been removed in time was naturally covered by light and shadow for the first time.

Of course, there is also the Blood Demon ancestor shrouded in it, but the vigilant Ye Xin protects the law and flees alone.

"No, there is an ambush !!!"

In the distance, the face of the White Wolf Guardian became gloomy instantly. At this moment, he could not see where. He and the White Wolf Guardian were obviously counted again. It's just that he wasn't clear how exactly this time was calculated and who was calculated.

"The right and wrong place should not be left for a long time, it is better to go to the rescue team first."

The space that suddenly became illusory in front of him made him smell the threat of death. At this moment, Ye Xinfu did not want to stay for a while, his body flickered, he just moved away, and he disappeared in a blink of an eye. trace.

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