The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1001: Unlucky (three)

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For the Blood Demon ancestor, everything he sees today is almost like a nightmare, leaving him unable to understand it and unable to imagine it.

Before arriving in Dongtian, it was the unprecedented achievement of the Dantian World. This is absolutely unprecedented, and a person's Dantian has seven super-large xuandongs, which is something he never even thought about.

Obviously, from this day on, Yuan Feng's position in his heart has definitely changed inexplicably. At this moment, he didn't really feel annoyed and regretful about the matter folded in Yuan Feng's hands.

Leaving aside Yuan Xuan's Xuan Zhen method and the method of learning the blood curse magic skill at that moment, Yuan Feng's body structure alone made him take 11 million clothes.

The next time, the **** ancestor obediently stayed in Yuan Feng's cave world, and did not dare to move. Yuan Feng has already said that he stayed there honestly during this time, and for Yuan Feng's so-called honesty, the blood ancestor's understanding is that he can't move and the atmosphere can't breathe.

If it was said that he obeyed Yuan Feng only because his blood was in the hands of Yuan Feng, now his fear of Yuan Feng is from the inside out.

He doesn't know what Yuanfeng's future will look like, but from Yuanfeng's weird Dantian and seven big caves he has never seen before, once Yuanfeng is promoted to Dongtianjing, it will definitely be a Unimaginable terrible existence.

Having said that, one thing he was really curious about. Normally, the warrior's Yuandan annihilated, turned into a mysterious cave, and finally the mysterious cave broke, replacing Dantian to achieve Dongtian, but Yuanfeng's Dantian has become an independent cave world, and he has seven big caves. He is I really don't understand what kind of changes will happen in Dantian when Yuan Feng hits the cave heaven in the future.

However, not only did the Blood Demon ancestors fail to understand it, in fact, even Yuan Feng himself did not know what would happen when he achieved great achievements.

The martial arts of Zhenwu are too bizarre. No one has practiced such terrible exercises in the realm of law or the realm of magic. In the days of the Tianlong dynasty, some people in the royal family of Montenegro practiced it. Unfortunately, those practitioners To pass the martial arts skill, it is nothing more than to open up three or four Qihai, and the ultimate achievement is nothing more than the border of Dandan. It is almost ten thousand miles away from the cave heaven!

Yuan Feng didn't think about opening up the sky himself, but those things were useless. Only then, when he started to try to level up, would he naturally understand what he was going to do.

After the Blood Demon ancestors were brought into Dantian Space, Yuan Feng didn't think too much. At present, his only goal is to hurry through the magic penalty domain, and then continue to the next realm and reach the magic heart realm earlier.

He is also full of dreads about this **** world. Although he destroys the Triple Realm, he now has a true Qi foundation that is comparable to the Dongtian Realm's Double Heaven Power, but this thing is almost a decoration. When Dongtianjing is a heavy person, it can't exert much power.

Therefore, if he can, he really does not want to encounter the strong man in the cave world while in the devil's punishment realm.

Of course, the world is unpredictable, and it is nothing more than his good wishes to not encounter the strong man in the cave, but what will happen in the end, that is not what he can control.

In the following time, Yuan Feng fully adhered to the purpose of sulking and no trouble, and almost always hurried through the sky over the magic penalty area.

In his current state, although the speed can't be compared with the space movement of the caveman, he can fly at full speed, which is extremely impressive.

By flying to the extreme, Yuan Feng's entire person almost turned into a flash of lightning, arbitrarily standing in the sky above the magic penalty area, no matter how fast he was, because there was no fluctuation in the force of space, it would not cause the cave heaven Induction of the strong.

This martial art of riding a wind wing is to accompany him through a journey that he most needs it, but really, to the present state, the help of a wind wing is really not much.

Today, he has no rivals under Dongtian Realm, and those above Dongtian Realm can't compare with others, and it can be said that at this moment, it seems to be a bit of a rib. Of course, martial arts can only be used for a short time, just like the original shadow strength. As the practice continues to improve, those means are destined to fade out of sight.

Anyway, at the moment, Yuan Feng still needs to take advantage of the speed wing speed bonus to make his best effort to cross this area of ​​the magic penalty area earlier.

Fearing to be found, Yuan Feng was flying at a high altitude, and during the few days before his rapid flight, it was quite peaceful along the way. This situation undoubtedly made him secretly pleased.

According to his calculations, it took the ancestor of the Blood Demon to travel through a realm for almost a month, and if he was flying so fast, I would probably spend less than five or six months. Therefore, although the rush of the first few days has been smooth, Yuan Feng's heart is always vigilant.

As time goes by, Yuan Feng's uninterrupted rush is almost two months in the blink of an eye. In the two months, he really did not stop for a quarter of an hour to rest, as if it were fundamental I don't know if tired.

Dong Tianjing's qi foundation of the double sky, frankly speaking, such power will not really make him feel tired.

In two months, he had already walked through a small area of ​​the magical penalty zone, seeing that he would reach the central core of the magical penalty zone, and the closer he got to this range, the more careful Feng Yuan became.

In the current range, it is even more undetectable, because in the current area, he has completely lost his way back, and now he wants to go back, it is just like rushing past.

On this day, Yuan Feng, as usual, quietly stuffed her head while hurriedly adjusting her interest rate at any time, and her heart was very calm. In the course of his two-month rush, he actually gained something. At least, this endless forward flight made him more patient.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

However, just as Yuan Feng was rushing on the road like this, from afar, a loud sound came from the distant sky. The sound was not big at first, but it was getting more and more. The clearer.

"Buzz !!!!"

With the continuous sound of explosions, Yuan Feng could feel that the space around the tens of thousands of miles seemed to be constantly shaking at this moment, and each shock was like a small earthquake.

"Uh, this energy fluctuation ...... not good, it is the strong man in Dongtianjing who is doing tricks !!"

Listening to the sound of ears, I felt the kind of energy fluctuations around me. Where Yuan Feng didn't understand yet, it was clear that the strong man with the cave world was fighting!

"Ye Xinpifu, your people want to encroach on the site of this law of protection all day. I did not expect you to sue the wicked today. You actually hit the site of this law of law, and I will not abolish you today."

"My hey, White Wolf, old thief, your man killed Beni Fa's favorite seventy-first son. Beni Fa is here to recover justice, and, based on you, also want to abolish Ben Fa. This is simply a big joke. "

"Less this lame excuse to use the title to play, you Ye Xinlang wolf ambitions, who knows the entire devil domain? What seventy-one son is simply farting, where do you have so many sons?"

"Well, Ben Hufa's children are all over the Mo Luo world, do you know the fart? Anyway, today Ben Hufa is going to get justice for my baby and die !!"

Just when Yuan Feng felt the energy wave coming, then when he wanted to avoid it, the scolding sound came to him, and the time between speaking, one looked middle-aged, one looked The two men who were very old had already reached his eyes.

There are two men in this old one, with shocking energy fluctuations all over their bodies. The two of them have **** swords in one hand and the black lance in one hand. Between you and me, they are everywhere. There are many cracks in space, and that kind of power is truly earth-shaking.

Obviously, the two of these hands are definitely the law-enforcement strongmen in the magical realm cave heaven, which can also be heard from the dialogue between the two.

"The two big caves are fighting with each other? This and this can even be hit by me? Is there anything wrong?"

Seeing the two super powerhouses, he had already reached the area where he was speaking, and Yuan Feng was really speechless.

This was really a fire at the city gate, and the fish was pondering. He was still thinking that he had hurried for two months and did not encounter any abnormalities. There should be no problems on this road. After all, if it was discovered, it should have been discovered long ago.

It's a pity that this has just been thought about, and his good luck is over.

In the time spent talking, the battlefield of the two cavemen of the Heaven Realm has moved to his immediate vicinity, and everyone's shots can be described as shocking. At this moment, he has no time to hide at all.

"Bless me, I hope these two gods will never notice me!"

There was a secret prayer in his heart, Yuan Feng flickered, and hurried to let go of the area where the two powerful men battled, hoping that the two would continue to fight in the distance and ignore him as if it were air.

It is a pity that although his ideas are good, his ideals are full and the reality is somewhat backbone.

"Where's the boy? How dare he prevent us from fighting and die for me !!"

Just when Yuan Feng gave way to the battle of the two strong men, and just moved to a short distance, the middle-aged man in the two caves in the battle, suddenly drank aloud. The spear trembled at random, but actually speared a spear and stabbed directly at Yuan Feng.

ps: Brothers mighty, let the flowers float! !! !!

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