Of course you have doubts. This is to test whether there is a container corresponding to the witch... that is, to test whether the container has the strength, quality, and most importantly the qualifications to contain the witch's soul!

Xia Qing nodded pretending to understand this unspecific explanation.

Otherwise, this guy will say more nonsense that has no meaning.

It seems that this incident will be related to Emilia.

Xia Qing thought so.

——Then, then, then! Then, then, then! Let's go! Go test it! If this device can be used, let the witch come to this world again! This is what we have been waiting for for hundreds of years to finally complete everything. Opportunity for a seat!”

If the witch Satira comes to the world, the person who is the container will...

I will die nobly! But this is an honor! I would like to exchange it if I can! If giving this body can satisfy Satila, I can endure it no matter how many times it comes, no matter how painful it is, I just hope that I can welcome it Come and meet again!”

This ceremony will use Emilia as the carrier.

Really, it will disappear...

Xia Qing looked at the dancing Petichius with slightly narrowed eyes, a hint of coldness flashed in his deep black eyes.

The black pupils were dyed purple, and the dark flames rushed into Petichius' eyes that revealed madness, but disappeared in an instant.

The latter only felt that his eyes were a little itchy, and he could only regard the strange scene that happened at that moment as an illusion, but this illusion that was regarded as an illusion was also an illusion created by Xia Qing for the other party.

This is, illusion nesting doll!

Will you still be in contact with your superiors during this period?

Xia Qing asked.


Petichius replied.

Did the witch instruct this operation?


Xia Qing smacked his lips.

Well, you've never met me.


After comprehensively punishing the members of the Witch Cult who had seen him, Xia Qing's eyes returned to deep black.

Xia Qing did not continue to participate, but walked in the direction of Roswaal's house.

He was waiting. Since he had the aura of a witch inexplicably, he would naturally attract the attention of other witches.

Besides, I made a promise to Emilia that I would go find her, so I can’t break my promise.

Xia Qing passed by a village and saw the rising smoke. Then he looked at the sun that had risen to the middle, indicating that it was already noon.

Walking through a path in the forest, Xia Qing came to the noble residence, Roswaal House, surrounded by mountains and trees.

Just seeing the mansion from a distance made Xia Qing feel much better.

But the thought of seeing Roswaal's clown made him feel less good.

It's really troublesome.

Xia Qing took a deep breath of fresh air in the forest path.

Then he walked towards the gate of the mansion.

Soon, Xia Qing came to the door and attracted the attention of two girls wearing blue and pink maid uniforms who were cleaning the courtyard.

Chapter 12 The Witch’s Covetousness

After being noticed, Xia Qing entered Roswaal's house as she wished, but the maid with short blue hair seemed a little hostile to him.

Is it because of the witch...

Xia Qing, who didn't even know where the witch's aura came from, felt miserable.

On the night he was assigned a guest room, Rem did not come out to look for him with a meteor hammer.

However, there was another existence trying to pull Xia Qingla into a dream.

In this world, only people like Reinhardt, who are full of blessings, can withstand that kind of pulling power.

Of course, Xia Qing does not belong to this world.

Huh...who is it?

Xia Qing murmured silently, and then let the other party pull her into a dream with great interest.

The light filled his consciousness, and Xia Qing's consciousness was liberated from the body and was attracted into a space that did not exist in reality.

At that moment, all the sounds in the world disappeared, and instead, the blinding light enveloped the consciousness.

Everything gradually returned to calm, and then Xia Qing opened her eyes.

What comes into view is the vast grassland blown by the breeze. Green grassland stretches everywhere.

The endless grassland is danced by the wind, like a green ocean.

On a sunny day with dark clouds, the sunlight pouring in shines like a gem.

The cyan color of the sky and the green color of the earth continue continuously, and they meet slightly in the distance of the distant horizon. and lack of reality

It matches the sense of dream world and makes people feel that the eternal silence is there.

A vast, clear, empty space.

In this world, there are some heterogeneous entities.


In the center of the grassland, Xia Qing stood here and looked back. What he could see was a stable hillside, where he could walk to a slightly higher hill.

There is a small garden on the hill, and the ground is covered with bright flowers.

Next to these flowers stand umbrellas and white tables that receive sunlight.

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