It wasn't until Xia Qing kicked him in the abdomen that he knocked him down and flew out. He didn't think clearly about why his knife, which had always been invincible since the robbery, couldn't even penetrate the opponent's skin.

Now, the only people still standing in the alley were Xia Qing, who had been robbed, and the tall, thin man who was still standing at the entrance of the alley.

You guy... are you kidding me...

When he saw his two companions being knocked down in an instant, his face turned blue.

If he just left the two of them and ran outside, maybe Xia Qing would let him go because he was too lazy to chase.

However, his eyes fell on the two fallen people, and he hesitated whether to escape.

As a result, the precious opportunity to escape was wasted on hesitation.

Looking at how skilled you are, you must have robbed many people. There may be many young ladies, boys, girls, young, or old...

Xia Qing moved slightly and came to the tall and thin man.

what do you want to say in the end……

Even though he knew what this man said was right, the tall and thin man always felt that if he admitted it now, he would suffer unimaginable torture.

This... is the first time we have gone out to rob. I swear to be good in the future. Please let us go!

He knelt down on the ground without hesitation and rubbed his forehead against the ground, trying to usher in a turn.

However, the next moment, the tall and thin man raised his head while Xia Qing was not looking at him.

As a man, no matter how powerful he is, as long as his lower body is knocked down, he will definitely be in agony!

With this thought in mind, the tall and thin man immediately punched with all his strength!


Xia Qing, who had long noticed the tall and thin man's little movements, raised his foot and stepped on the tall and thin man's arm on the ground, crushing it hard.


The heart-rending screams of pain echoed in the alley and were endless.

If you had just maintained your posture, I might have been merciful, but unfortunately, you have proven your stubbornness to me. Xia Qing said with a smile.

Does it hurt? But even so, I won't lift my foot. Xia Qing continued to crush it with her foot and changed directions from left to right.

Ah ah ah ah ah!!!

All that could be heard was screams, and tears and snot were caked on the tall, thin man's face.

Is it painful? But even so, I still can't lift my feet.


Xia Qing's expression remained unchanged until the bones of his arm were crushed and completely destroyed.

Then, he raised his foot and kicked the opponent directly to the wall. Under the sudden attack, the latter immediately lost consciousness.

Ignore one of your arms and be a good person in the future. Otherwise, if you meet someone you can't afford to offend next time, your attack will be no easier than mine. Xia Qing smiled plainly and shook her head gently.

Xia Qing was telling the truth. In this world, basically few people with high combat effectiveness are good.

Get out of my way, get out of my way! That guy over there is really blocking the way!

Xia Qing, who was about to leave the alley and return to the passing crowd to continue looking for the person she was looking for, had just reached the entrance of the alley when he suddenly saw a girl with long blond hair looking back and walking quickly in this direction. ran over.


The blond girl smiled like a kitten and walked back and forth between the gaps in the crowd. She held a glowing object in her hand, and her whole person exuded the atmosphere of a job done.

Then he bumped into Xia Qing because he didn't look ahead.


Ah! The girl's body was too petite, and the target of the impact was Xia Qing, so the girl fell to the ground after the hard impact.

The girl has red pupils that appear to be strong-willed. When she is in pain, she can see cute tiger fangs when she opens her mouth.

The first impression you get is that of a defeated dog, ah! No, it's tsundere.

But her appearance makes her look cuter than the average person when she smiles.

The girl, dressed in shabby and dirty clothes, raised her eyes and glared at Xia Qing angrily, and then got up from the ground as if she remembered something.

Don't you have eyes when you walk?

I should say this. Xia Qing's mouth twitched involuntarily.

Damn it, you—— The girl with long blond hair reaching her waist looked up at Xia Qing. Although she wanted to teach him a lesson, she had more important things to do at the moment.

Don't let me see you again!

After saying these harsh words, the blond girl rushed into the alleyway.


A big question mark seemed to appear on Xia Qing's head.

Although I knew who this girl was, it was a wonderful experience to be scolded like this. I felt like I wanted to hear it again.

Thinking of this, Xia Qing's heart couldn't help but tighten.

Wait... Could it be that I am a childish person? ?

Xia Qing shook her head quickly to clear away the distracting thoughts in her heart.

Xia Qing, who was about to leave, turned around. Suddenly, a flash of silver flashed before her eyes, and her body shook slightly. Xia Qing heard the cry of pain from a girl again.


Chapter 3 All kinds of coincidences

After bumping into Xia Qing, the girl fell to the ground with tears in her eyes due to pain.

She quickly raised her head and looked at Xia Qing.


Before the silver-haired girl could speak, Xia Qing interrupted.

Before the silver-haired girl could speak, Xia Qing interrupted her.

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