It refers to the type who only speaks big words and likes to send people to their deaths from thousands of miles away.

Xia Qing explained.

I see.

After hearing this, Liuli reluctantly nodded in understanding.

To put it simply, you are obviously weak but you still like to steal the limelight, right?


Xia Qing nodded slightly.

It's almost time to chat. Our time is limited, so let's end this battle quickly.

While speaking, Liuli opened the two iron mountains in his hands and waved them forward like flowing water.


The girl was so fast that others could only see a black afterimage.

The iron fan's attack came to Xia Qing in an instant, but this simple attack felt like slow motion to Xia Qing.

Xia Qing saw the right moment, raised her arm, grabbed Liuli's slender right wrist, and then used her toes to kick the knee of her right leg that was walking in front!


Liuli suddenly screamed in pain, and then she felt that her right hand was moved behind her back without any resistance, and her body was pressed down by Xia Shan's hand.

Damn it... so much strength...

The girl bit her lips tightly, her crimson eyes showing reluctance.

Not only is he stronger than her, but the series of reactions just now have completely surpassed Liuli.

Little sister Liuli, let me help you!

Larcu approached quickly, brandishing his scythe.

Flying Big Wheel!!

As the sickle was swung, a wind blade struck towards Xia Qing!

Gently tilting her head to avoid it, Liuli's figure became illusory at this moment, and the grabbed wrist actually penetrated from Xia Qing's hand.

After retreating several meters away, Liuli shook his painful right hand and opened the iron fan.

Ronbu Hakusha Type: Cracked Tortoiseshell!

This skill is slower than the previous attacks, but the attack power is undoubtedly much higher, and it still has a slight directionality.

Lord Xia Qing!

Raphtalia shouted in panic, and then quickly jumped towards Xia Qing.

Filo is here to help too!

Directly changing his body, taking the form of Philo the Pelican Queen, Philo spread his wings under Mirelia's sparkling eyes, and flew out of the deck.

Miss Liuli!...There is really no other way!

Tiris took out the gem and threw it at Raphtalia.

The power of gems everywhere appears here in response to my request. My name is Tilys Alexandrite! My companions, pray for...the final shine. Use you as the cornerstone to open up our future!

Pyroxene·Shrinking Explosion!

Facing Tilis' magic, Raphtalia quickly jumped away to the right.

Immediately afterwards, a deafening explosion announced that Raphtalia's decision just now was correct.

Seeing that the magic just now had no effect, Tilis frowned.

A gem was wasted... but it delayed the arrival of reinforcements...

From Raphtalia's current position, there was still some distance to reach Xia Qing immediately, and Philo in the sky was also forced to avoid the gem thrown out by Tilis again.

Pyroxene·Shrinking Explosion!

Bang~! !

The violent explosion blew up a large area of ​​seawater, and crystal water splashed in the air.

Tilis did not stop, but continued to chant magic.

The power of the omnipresent gem appears here in response to my request. My name is Tilys Alexandrite. My companions, wake up the sleeping frozen mist and defeat the people on the other side!

Pyrose Fubuki!

At the same time, Xia Qing was on the side.

Liuli opened the big iron fan. Judging from this posture, it should be a sweeping move.

The perfect shape·the reverse shape of hail, snow, moon and flowers!

The petals of the cherry blossoms flying in the wind combined with the biting snowstorm turned into blades as thin as cicada wings and flew towards Xia Qing.

Larku also attacked Xia Qing from the right.

Big round dance attack!

Facing attacks coming from both sides at the same time, Xia Qing looked at the scene with a calm expression, and then took a deep breath.

The originally black eyes transformed into samsara eyes in the blink of an eye.

The world of dreams...

In an instant, the world in the eyes of Liuli and Larku changed instantly with Xia Qing's low murmur.

Chapter 106 The End

Damn it, what kind of place is this?

Larcu, Tilis and Glass were forcibly pulled into an illusory world.

The blood-red sky, the desolate land, without any buildings, flowers, plants and trees, only the gentle breeze blowing by.

Why did you come here suddenly...

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