As the current queen, Mirelia walked up to Xia Qing who was standing on the river bank and asked aloud.

Yeah. Xia Qing nodded.

Twenty seconds more.

Everything that can be done has been prepared in advance. The other heroes are already waiting on the sailboat offshore [Carmilla Island]. The next question is where they will be teleported.

For the sake of caution, the army is currently waiting on small boats in the nearby river. Because it is a small boat, it is not as big as a sailboat. After all, this place is not close to the ocean, so no large ships have been built.

But despite this, if they take a small boat, even if they cannot be teleported directly to the large sailing ship by then, they can still buy them time to board the large sailing ship.

I saw Mirelia’s hand holding on to the port railing on the shore and keeping it very close.

Is this your first time participating in the wave? Xia Qing asked.

Hmm... Mirelia nodded in response.

But, at any rate... I have also participated in the waves of other countries, and I know the contents of the battle very well~

A smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and the charm of a mature woman made her smile look very charming.


Xia Qing said softly.

you do not believe?

how come.

Xia Qing shook his head.

Mirelia immediately let out a hum.

In that case, let's boost the morale of the knights and soldiers as soon as possible while there is still some time!

Then, the queen raised her right hand and used magic to amplify her voice so that everyone could hear it.

Everyone! Let this wave subside with minimal damage!

Chapter 102: Wave of Disaster!

Everyone! Let this wave subside with minimal damage!


Under the Queen's order, the emotions of the soldiers suddenly became high.


Finally there were only ten minutes left.

The question is whether to be teleported to the island or to the sea.

Mirelia murmured slightly worriedly.

At sea, it will definitely be a tough battle for these soldiers who have never fought a naval battle.

Xia Qing said.


It would be difficult to move around in the sea, and it would be even more difficult to hit monsters with a sword, so you would have to use other weapons.

As for Philo, she can swim on the bottom of the sea like a penguin. It feels like she can defeat monsters as long as she goes on such a rampage.

In the sea, there is no distinction between the ground and the sky. Monsters will attack from all directions, so you must pay attention to your head and feet.

At times like this...if Sister Sadina could also come, the battle might be easier.

Raphtalia murmured to herself slightly nostalgically.

Who is that? Xia Qing asked, turning his face sideways.

The fishermen in our village are people like my sister.

Is she a good swimmer?

Not only that, she is also the best swimmer in the village.

Are they the same kind of demi-human as Raphtalia?

No...she is an aquatic orc.

So that’s it, swimming is a special skill.

I hope I can meet such a person in the future. would be nice if we could meet.

Raphtalia said sadly.

We will definitely meet you.

Xia Qing patted the girl on the shoulder.

Then, he glanced at the countdown with only two minutes left, and shouted to the soldiers on the ship.

If you are transferred to an island, you will immediately spread out to protect the residents of the island. If you are at sea, you will immediately go to support the brave men on the sailboat. Do you understand?


Then, Xia Qing looked at Raphtalia and Filo.

This is the third wave of disaster. It will definitely be more dangerous than before. You should be more careful then.

Well, I understand.

Raphtalia nodded quickly.


The remaining time has turned to zero.

In the blink of an eye, the scene changed, and everyone felt suspended in the air at this moment.


That was the sound of a large sailing ship.

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