Well... I am responsible for attracting the monsters here for the time being. After all, my level is already relatively high, so the opportunity to upgrade still needs to be given to Raphtalia and the others.

I see, he is really a responsible guy.

Larku's favorability suddenly exploded, and he patted Xia Qing's shoulder and laughed heartily.

Are you going to fight with this scythe?

Xia Qing glanced at the huge scythe Larku was carrying on his back.

Of course, I am responsible for melee combat with the scythe, and Tilis is responsible for magic long-range attacks.

Tilis also spoke.

Well, I'm really looking forward to how much magic can be improved with this bracelet.

Then, I will lure those monsters here, and then Miss Tilis will be responsible for the long-range magic support, while Larku, Raphtalia and Philo Sakura will fight on the front line.


Larku and Raphtalia, who were given such a task, replied enthusiastically.

After the ship arrived at the island, everyone headed directly towards the hinterland of the island.

There were also some relatively weak monsters encountered along the way. Those monsters were easily killed by Philo before they even had time to attack.

By the way, Philo is currently fighting in his human form. Although his combat power is somewhat weakened, he has no problem dealing with the monsters here.

Chapter 98: Team up with the braves from another world

In front of everyone, there was a monster that had been defeated.

What should I do with this monster?

Larku pointed at the corpse of the monster in front of him.

Huh? Do you want to collect materials?

There are very few monsters suitable for collecting materials on Kalmilla Island, not to mention these are just miscellaneous fish encountered on the road.

No, I have other ways.

Larku said, holding his scythe in front of him, and then the scythe sucked the monster into it.

This is a function that every legendary weapon has. It can absorb monster materials into the weapon to obtain new forms or special effects.

Moreover, because Larku and the others are not related to the braves of this world, even if they team up with Xia Qing to level up, it will not affect their respective experience points at all.

And Tilis was talking to Philo.

Little sister Philo is indeed very strong.

Yeah, Philo is very strong~

Philo proudly puffed up his chest and spoke to Tilis.


Xia Qing shook his head, this child is really innocent.

As they continued to move deeper, everyone encountered a black rabbit-like monster named [Ye Rabbit Familiar].

Following this process, you will undoubtedly find the birthplace of the BOSS named [Ye Rabbit] and the monster in the deepest part of the island.

Leave it to me!

Tilis took the initiative to invite Ying.

The power of gems everywhere appears here in response to my request. My name is Tilys Alexandrite! Companions, become my power to destroy those who destroy them!

Tilis is chanting magic.

That is a mantra that does not belong to this world.

The hair of Tilis, who was chanting magic, gradually turned orange-red. Then, the bracelets on her hands began to shine, and a fire bomb was born in front of Tiris.

Pyroxene Ruby Flame!

The circular red flame serves as its core, and the orange flame rotating in the outermost circle leaves a crimson parabola.

The red flames releasing the beautiful brilliance flew towards the [Ye Rabbit Familiar].

The black rabbit that was hit was burned half to death, and after the flames receded, Larku waved the sickle vertically and raised the knife with his hand!

Flying Big Wheel!

The energized sickle rolled like a wheel, splitting [Ye Rabbit Familiar] in half.

[Ye Rabbit Family], who was still convulsing after the burn, was now completely dead.

What was the magic just now?

Raphtalia asked aloud.

Ah, it's because the bracelets made by Mr. Xia Qing are quite powerful.

Tilis replied with a smile.

Yes, I can understand it at a glance. It can make Ruby Flame have such power. Even if we spend all our money, we probably can't afford it. In short, thank you very much.

Larku also echoed.

Tilis's magic is a magic that works together with the gems she holds.

There's magic I've never heard of.

Well~ after all, that is the magic unique to my hometown.

Tilis scratched her cheek and said with memories in her eyes.

Then what are you saying, Tilis? Your magic is obviously————

As soon as Larcu finished speaking, Tilis quickly covered his mouth with her hand, and then whispered a few words in his ear.

Don't involve innocent people!

Larku nodded quickly knowingly.

Gee, it feels like a trade secret.

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