This is already an objective phenomenon. Women either don’t know how to drink, or they have a good drinking capacity.

Therefore, at the wine table, many men understand the truth and do not fight with women for drinks.

Haha, the girls are all drunk, little brother, you can't lose!

Larcu filled Xia Qing's wine glass while urging him to drink.

At this time, screams of beatings came from the noisy crowd.

Because this phenomenon attracted a lot of attention, even Xia Qing turned around and looked away.

It seems that two adventurers who had a conflict over an arm-wrestling contest were fighting over special treatment from the girls.

Miss Yui, are you worthy of me?!

Are you going to deny it if you lose?!

There were a lot of boos from the crowd.


Seeing this scene, Kawasumi Shu ran out to dissuade them.

Everyone, please listen to what I have to say——

As soon as he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the adventurer.

Who do you think you are!!

“Stop fucking and mind your own business!!”

The two adventurers who were fighting just now were surprisingly unanimous at this moment.


Kawasumi was speechless. He had always been respected by various people because of his status as a brave man. How could he have ever been reviled like this?

No, in fact, Kawasumi has almost no reputation since arriving in this different world.

Because of a certain self-deceptive sense of justice, Kawasumi Shu has been carrying out anonymous activities to deal with local villains and nobles, this kind of activity of hoeing the strong and supporting the weak.

He would not leave his name behind in all the things he solved, which resulted in the Hero of the Bow not being well-known outside the world, and in the end he ended up with an end that was almost unknown to everyone.

What happened next was that Kawasumi fought with the adventurers for these reasons and caused damage to the tavern.


Half an hour later, Xia Qing and others left, no longer wanting to stay in the increasingly noisy tavern.

How much can this island increase LV hiccups~~ More, more, inside, go to stronger hiccups~~~

Raphtalia, who had drunk nearly twenty bottles of wine, put a carefree hand on Xia Qing's shoulder, moved her face closer to Xia Qing, and talked endlessly about her thoughts, although she didn't know her. Now what exactly does it mean.

Hiccup~~ You two... you really have a lot of hiccups~

Larcu, whose face was a bit shaky when he was drunk, said with a happy face, and then shouted.

I...I can still twist!! Ula!!!

Larcu had apparently gone beyond being drunk and had become so drunk that he could not even speak clearly.

Okay, okay, Larku, it's almost time to go back.

Tilis dragged Larcu away as if coaxing a child.

Then, we'll be here tonight. It's almost time for us to go back to the hotel. Let's meet again tomorrow if we have a chance.

Well, see you tomorrow.

Xia Qing nodded.

Well, but... you two are so awesome, especially Mr. Xia Qing. He obviously drank so much, but he didn't even look drunk at all.

Maybe it's because I'm too drunk.

Xia Qing then said foolishly.

It seems like he's not just a good drinker, huh~

Saying this, Tilis smiled and left with Larcu.

Then, Master Xia Qing, let's go back to the hotel, hiccup~~~

Raphtalia burped and patted Xia Qing's shoulder, her slender arms just hugging Xia Qing as if she were a pillow.

Ah, it's so troublesome...

Philo and Sakura followed behind.

Xia Qing slowly walked back to the hotel while being restrained by Raphtalia's random hands.


The next day, the morning light gradually became better, a ray of early sunshine slowly rose from the east, and the morning fog gradually became thinner.

It seems that because this is an island and is surrounded by the ocean, you can often feel the gentle sea breeze just by going out.

The appointment with Larku and others was to go hunting together tomorrow, so there was nothing special to prepare.

All we have to do today is to find a good place to level up and gain experience points just like yesterday.

Because there was a way to switch weak shields to attract monsters to attack, Raphtalia and the others no longer need to actively attract hatred.

Chapter 95 You must attack this taunting follower first

As long as Xia Qing's weak shield is opened, he will be targeted by all monsters like the brightest star in the night sky.

This is [Taunt]. To put it in simpler terms, it means You must attack this minion with taunt first.

Wow! A lot of monsters are running towards you, Master Xia Qing!

Raphtalia exclaimed after seeing a large number of monsters coming towards her with great momentum.

The range that can be attracted is about thirty meters. Those monsters that turned around and ran away when they were hunting yesterday also rushed towards Xia Qing because of their wrong judgment.

If this method is used in a place with many adventurers, it will undoubtedly be suspected of stealing monsters. If it is in the hinterland of the island, in an area that ordinary people cannot set foot on, there will usually be more and higher level monsters in such places. , it will have better results when used again.

After all, ordinary adventurers would not dare to venture deep into the center of the island, because the average person's level is only 40. It is too dangerous for adventurers who have not been selected.

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