Hey! How could you attack your companions like this!

Kitamura Motoyasu shouted angrily.


Kitamura Motoyasu is a guy who absolutely trusts the people around him. He was unhappy about Kawasumi's being beaten, so he immediately flew over to find him. He was really loyal.

Ah, it's none of my business.

Tian Mu Lian waved his hand and made an innocent expression.

Oh, that's how it is.

Xia Qing nodded.

Then the restless Amaki Ren just breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly turned around.

Do you think it'll be okay if you say this!



Ahem, then, before arriving at the hotel, let me tell you what to pay attention to and how to move around in the [Carmilla Islands].

The count's explanation summed up these things.

The monster habitat on Carmilla Island is now activated, accelerating the life cycle of monsters.

Since the sharply increasing number of monsters are still multiplying and multiplying, the situation on Carmilla Island will not be optimistic if there are no adventurers or brave men to fight against it.

However, what is tantamount to a disaster for the aborigines here is a great opportunity for adventurers and brave men to improve their LV.

Therefore, if the braves and adventurers can eliminate those monsters as much as possible, the lords here will naturally be very happy.

You don't have to do the same thing as making way for other adventurers. The important thing is not to interfere in the battle between other adventurers, so as not to cause unnecessary commotion.

Even if a brave man touches everyone's cake, even if we can't defeat him, we will never give up!

The adventurers said this when they were on the ship.

If you really do this, it would be as shameful as an adult taking a child's candy.

Next, it’s about how to move between a bunch of islands.

The common means of movement within the archipelago is small boats, and ferries appear to ply the various islands on a regular basis.

It is said that in the worst case, it will be fine if you use a tourist.

The residence prepared by the queen is the most luxurious on the island. To describe it, it is like a five-star hotel in this world.

Luxurious construction, clean atmosphere.

The walls are made of marble-like stone, which is as smooth as water and has a bright luster.

I saw several animal statues at the totem pole before, still serving as water sprayers in the center of the pool here.

Walking in the corridor covered with luxurious velvet carpets, Xia Qing couldn't help but have some illusions. The decoration here was similar to modern ones in many places.

The luggage was kept at this hotel, as was Philo's carriage.

After throwing Raphtalia's luggage into the room, Xia Qing returned to the hotel entrance to meet up with Raphtalia who was stopping here.

Let's go.


Raphtalia nodded, her hand tightening on the hilt of the sword tied around her waist.

It is worth mentioning that Tracy McGrady, who was supposed to jump out and make noise at this time, will come to the island when the next ship comes into port, but it will probably have to wait until tomorrow.

I haven't done anything like hunting monsters in order to increase my LV for a long time.

Raphtalia said with some nostalgia.

Yes, it seems like we have returned to that time again. Only the increasingly beautiful Raphtalia can make me feel that time is really passing by.

Xia Qing said in a calm tone as if he was talking about ordinary things.

What are you talking about, Master Xia Qing!

As expected, the girl's face turned red because of these words.

So cute.

Two fingers stretched out and pinched the girl's baby-fat cheeks.

The blush-covered cheeks radiated heat as if they were about to evaporate, and the girl's eyes turned in confused circles.

—————————————————————————————————————————————— ——————

Stop the boat and dock, and set foot on the island full of monsters.

Violet monsters, magenta frogs, yellow beetles, cactus bugs, and other weird monsters all live here.

However, based on current observation of the combat effectiveness of these monsters...


Raphtalia shouted and pulled out a red blade towards the magenta frog's belly.


A message indicating increased experience points appeared above the girl's head.


Indeed, it was a small monster that was killed in one blow, but its experience value was unexpected.

I originally thought that it was only 3 EXP, which was at best a little stronger than the Balloon Monster and the like, but it was able to provide such an amount of experience points.

Chapter 92 Harvest

Raphtalia, who killed the monster named Magenta Frog with one blow, also tilted her head in surprise.

You are so weak, but you are able to gain this level of experience points.

This is probably the effect of activation.

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