Let's take action together after we understand the situation on the island.

Xia Qing nodded.

Ah, please give me some advice.

After that, that night, the ship unfortunately encountered a storm. The ship bumped up and down and swayed left and right, just like a lonely boat in the vast ocean.

Other than that, no major problems occurred, except that the ship needed urgent repairs after arriving at [Carmilla Island].

Of course, these things have nothing to do with Xia Qing and others who got off the ship.

[Carmila Island] is a volcanic island larger than imagined.

If we estimate it based on the map within the Earth, it happens to be the location of Hawaii Island. I don't know if it's a coincidence or not.

By the way, [Carmilla Island] is the abbreviation of this place, and the official name is [Carmilla Islands].

Chapter 90 The former’s inscription

As the name suggests, the Kalmilla Islands are surrounded by various small islands connected to the island where Xia Qing is currently disembarking.

The islands are calm and there are many small islands that can be crossed on foot at low tide.

Would you like to go hunting together tomorrow or the day after tomorrow~?

Larcu asked.

Okay, see you then.

Xia Qing waved to them both, and then parted ways for the time being.


While murmuring like this, Xia Qing glanced at the other three brave men who were expressing their gratitude to the crew on the island port land.

Judging from their embarrassed looks at the moment, you can tell that they must have been bumped around like a rubber ball in the cabin last night, so they were not asleep at all. The dark circles under their eyes were like rare animals.

It also became shaky when walking, as if it would fall to the ground softly if someone touched it lightly.

Aren't you too useless?

Xia Qing...you are so weird...

I thought the ship was going to sink!

I never want to go on a boat again...

Tianmu Lian and others immediately retorted.

Indeed, last night's storm made people on the ship panic, but in the end it was nothing.

I heard from the captain that they had been sailing on this sea for decades, and this was the first time they encountered such a severe storm. It was probably affected by the disaster wave.

Fortunately, there was no sudden collision with an iceberg. If the Titanic scene happened again at the right time, Xia Qing would feel confused about the world.

After the shipwreck, I started living on an uninhabited island. Isn't it lucky that it turned out like this?

You can also choose to teleport back. Of course, if you didn't mark it before, you'll have to swim back.

Xia Qing chuckled.

However, the three brave men couldn't laugh at all after hearing Xia Qing's joke.

I don't understand anything about teleportation at all... Please stop joking.

It's over, I don't have a mark!!

Huh? What are you talking about?

Kitamura Motoyasu looked confused. He had no idea what teleportation was about.

What? Don't you know, Yuanyasu? I thought you all knew it...

What the hell are you talking about?

By the way, at the end of the previous banquet, the Queen specifically proposed that the four brave men exchange information. However, before Xia Qing gave a reply, these three people rejected it.

It will lead to the current situation. Generally speaking, it is completely asking for trouble.

Ignoring Kitamura Motoyasu and the others who were arguing with each other, Xia Qing turned around and walked towards the interior of the island.

Anyway, let's go to the hotel early today. It would be a shame to waste time.

I understand, Lord Xia Qing.

Raphtalia nodded.

Speaking of which, before going to the hotel introduced by the queen, shouldn't it be better to stop by and greet the nobles who manage the island...

Although this is a border, it is also a land that people frequently visit, so the manager must be a person of considerable status.

Welcome, the brave men of the Four Saints and all the other lords who are traveling with us.

While Xia Qing was still thinking, an uncle came over holding a small flag like a tourist guide.

This old man with a plain and elegant appearance was wearing a Merromager military uniform.

I am Count Habenbrugge, who was entrusted by the queen to land on the Carmilla Islands.


Xia Qing nodded.

We will gradually get to know each other in the future.

Please take care of me.

The remaining heroes hurried over to say hello after exchanging information with shocked expressions.

Then, brave men, I will tell you the history of the Carmilla Islands from the beginning.

We're not here for sightseeing.

Tianmu Lian said seriously.

Yeah, yeah, the Four Holy Warriors passed down from ancient times also started to train themselves from here...

However, the count ignored Tianmu Lian's words, and while explaining himself, he led everyone into the island's market.

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