The people on the swamp border believe in the Shield Hero, who can be said to be the country's old enemy.

If the Shield Hero who is the object of their faith...that is, Xia Qing can marry the princess of Melomag, Melomag will become a country that hires saints.

Even if you don’t know what’s going on in your heart, at least on the surface it will create a friendly atmosphere with the people on the border of the swamp.

Even if he is a bit despicable and directly takes the initiative to entangle the Shield Hero, it will be perfect if he can give birth to a child.

After that, all you need to do is build friendly relations through diplomacy, and in this case, the Quagmire Border will become a de facto vassal state.

You have to use your own daughter for this, don't you feel heartbroken!

Tianmu Lian took a step forward and said.

Use it... No problem. Is there no political marriage in the world of brave men?

Although it did happen a long time ago, this is not an issue that can be ignored.

No problem. It seems that Melty has also established a good relationship with Iwatani-sama... Melty, please work hard to defeat the Shield Hero-sama.

the queen encouraged.

Ahhh! I hate it!

The queen's gossip made Melty's face turn red, she swung her arms randomly, and her eyes towards Xia Qing became evasive.

From a certain perspective, Xia Qing's face was indeed very attractive, and after being hinted at by her mother, Melty couldn't look directly at that face, for fear of falling for her accidentally.

Oh? I heard from the film that there is hope for Melty?

That guy is just favoring his own people.

Xia Qing complained.

However, Melty was furious.

What are you talking about! Do you mean I'm not attractive!? Ah...

What's wrong?

Xia Qing tilted her head, unable to understand Melty's sudden anger for a moment, but after thinking for a moment, her mouth grew into an O shape.

Oh~~~Do you hate being treated like a child that much?

Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!

Chapter 81 The trial of Tracy McGrady

Melty blushed because of the Queen's words about fingertip marriage, and her subconscious eyes towards Xia Qing became evasive.

Being involved in a political marriage at this age would be quite annoying for her.

Anyway, as long as Melty can be pregnant with Master Xia Qing's child, everything will be fine.

In short, what the queen is thinking in her heart should be that as long as she can gain a relationship between the royal family and the Shield Hero, it will be more beneficial to future diplomacy with other kingdoms.

As long as there are descendants of the Shield Hero on their side, the demihuman country that believes in the Shield Hero will also gravitate towards the side of Mellomag.

I wasted all the great opportunities before with my incompetent husband and daughter. Fortunately, there is still one person following Mr. Xia Qing.

The Queen looked at Maddie as she spoke.

If you had directly dragged Lord Xia Qing into your formation to nourish her for a lifetime, the throne of the next queen would already be in your possession.

Who wants to fight with such an evil and despicable guy!? Then I might as well die!

Maddie, who felt that she would not be able to escape anyway, spoke without hesitation.

Shut up! You are not allowed to say that!×4

Raphtalia, Philo, Sakura, and for some reason even Melty joined in to rebut in unison.

What are you doing? I'm just telling the truth. Being angry is evidence of approval!

Maddie shouted confidently.

That's true, so it's absolutely true that your purity has long since been lost.

I can't find that kind of evidence anywhere! Master Motoyasu, listen to me, I, I was threatened by the Pope to deceive you. I just don't want to die——

Upon hearing this, the queen gave her a cold look and told her to shut up her chattering mouth.

Maddie, if you lie, you have to keep lying until the end. But even if you can deceive the Gun Hero, you will never be able to deceive me... Originally, you have a habit of framing others from the past...

Then there was a lot of preaching to Maddie, but the other person just pretended to be listening, and everyone could tell at a glance that she was not actually listening.

He must have been lectured like this by the Queen so often that he must have become accustomed to it.

My sister is obviously involved in the conspiracy, but you don't defend her, and you even plan to take the opportunity to hand her over to the church. You probably think that this way, the throne of the next queen will be yours, right?

No, no!

Maddie tried her best to argue.

Lord Motoyasu, you believe me, right? I was just forced!


Kitamura Motoyasu, who had been betrayed for the first time, was speechless at the moment and did not even dare to look into Maddie's eyes.

The Queen looked at Maddie.

At this time, you are still lying. Do you think I can't control you anymore, so you just drift away?

I didn't lie! Everything I said was the truth!

Maddie tried desperately to squeeze out the tears, but in the end her face could only be seen scrunched up.

Then let your body answer whether what you said is true or false.

The queen gave instructions, and the knight grabbed Maddie's shoulders and held her down. A familiar magician from the castle brought an inkwell for registering slaves.

Then, the magician began the ritual for Maddie.

The Queen pricked her finger with a needle, squeezed out the blood, and dripped it into the ink.

But Maddie opened her pupils wide and struggled wildly.

No, don't! Let me go!

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