A barricade made of countless spikes was quickly deployed in front of the checkpoint.

It was obvious that he wanted to hinder Philo and Sakura's progress.

But despite this, Philo and the others did not show any signs of slowing down.

Eh? Why don't you slow down? Isn't this dangerous!?

Melty reminded quickly.

You underestimate Philo and the others too much. This kind of roadblock can be easily eliminated.

At this moment, three other brave men came out from behind the group of soldiers.

They are Kitamura Motoyasu, Amaki Ren, and Kawasumi Shu, and next to them, there is a figure wearing a black robe.

Even though most of the other person's face was covered, one could still tell from her graceful figure that she was a woman.

Hey! Xia Qing! You have no way to escape, so you should go to jail to atone for your sins!

Kitamura Motoyasu shouted.

Main has already told us that you killed her father. Now that the queen is away, the people of the church can only temporarily take care of the civilians. And the culprit is still at large. We will never tolerate it!

Kawasumi Tree also echoed.

It's your turn, Lian, please say something.

Hearing Kitamura Motoyasu's urging, Amaki Ren scratched his head.

Ah, um...actually I don't know the situation quite yet. These are just one-sided words. If you believe it like that, isn't it a bit——

Ma Yin has already cried to us, hasn't she? It must be true!

Kitamura Motoyasu said angrily.

Do you know how pitiful she is after losing her father!

As if to match Kitamura Motoyasu's words, Maddie, who was wearing a black robe, immediately covered her face and started crying.


Tianmu Lian also frowned and lowered his head to think.

In short, Xia Qing, I will not let you escape like this today no matter what!

Seeing Tracy McGrady crying, Kitamura Motoyasu, who suddenly became proud, immediately raised the spear in his hand and shouted loudly.

Hearing these words, Xia Qing couldn't help laughing.

Escape? You don't think I came here to escape, do you?

Hmph! Isn't it?

Kitamura Motoyasu snorted coldly and said.


Xia Qing was too lazy to talk nonsense and walked out of the carriage directly, looking up at the clear blue sky.

the weather is nice today.

As he muttered like this, Xia Qing moved his muscles a lot.


The sound of friction between bones sounded, which seemed to have an invisible deterrent, causing Kitamura Motoyasu and others to take several steps back.

Scenes from the past clearly emerged in their minds, and they were memories of being beaten up that they could not forget.

Thinking of this, the three of them couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

I am no longer the same as before. After training for so long, I have become stronger! I will never lose to this guy!

Kitamura Motoyasu slammed the spear in his hand on the ground and said with high spirits.

Xia Qing, just die. The shame of that time has been deeply engraved in my DNA. I must take revenge this time!!!

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed out like a golden lightning, the spear in his hand streaking across the stream of light!

Air gun! Then... the synthetic skill, Air Flame Gun! !

Faced with the sudden attack, Xia Qing was not afraid at all. The moment the spear in Kitamura Motoyasu's hand was about to pierce his chest, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the barrel of the gun like lightning. At the same time, he raised his leg and kicked Kitamura Motoyasu's chest. Skills are also easily dodged.

“Uh poof————!!”

The latter was immediately in pain. In terms of strength, he was no match for Xia Qing. Even though his hands were tightly grasped, he was still kicked out. He drew an arc straight through the air and finally crashed into the wall of the stone castle. among.


Seeing this scene, Kawasumi Shu and others were stunned and couldn't close their legs in surprise.

This is too outrageous...


Xia Qing threw the spear that he had taken away on the ground. The spear immediately dissipated into little bits of light and returned to the hands of Kitamura Motoyasu in the cave of the castle.

Anyway, this kind of identification thing is of no use.

When Kawasumi Shu and others were hesitating whether to launch an attack, Maddie, who was wearing a black robe, winked at the soldiers.


Then, with the stopped carriage as the center, a cage made of magic appeared.

Al? What is this?

Raphtalia, who had not yet stepped off the carriage, looked at the cages that suddenly appeared around her in confusion.

It was a cage made of lightning with a length and height of forty meters.

Hmph, I finally caught you, Xia Qing. As long as I get rid of you, no one can stop me!

Maddie's bright lipsticked lips curled up into a sneer. She extended her index finger with her right hand to the corner of her eye and made a face with her tongue sticking out at Xia Qing.

At this time, Melty grabbed Philo and Sakura, who were about to break through the cage.

This is a magic item called a trapping thunder circle. It is a trap that traps both the user and the target.

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