It seemed like just a slight kick, but the Tyrannosaurus flew away like a kicked ball.

Boom——! After landing with a sound, the Tyrannosaurus stood up tremblingly.

Then he turned around and whipped the giant Philo Pelican Queen in the face with his powerful tail.


After its tail was easily blocked by the giant Philo Pelican Queen with one wing, the Tyrannosaurus roared angrily and opened its huge mouth full of fangs, intending to crush its opponent.


The Giant Philo Pelican Queen kicks the Tyrannosaurus in the head.

The Tyrannosaurus rex spun backwards and fell to the ground like a toy.

The giant Philo Pelican Queen, pursuing the victory, kicked it in the belly again.

That huge floating in the air!

Hey hey hey hey hey hey!!!

The giant Philo Pelican Queen jumped unhurriedly and kept kicking the Tyrannosaurus into the air.

The consecutive questions that made it completely impossible to land were continuously issued with extremely fierce and fast momentum!

This alone can understand the strength gap between the two sides.


The combo ended, and the Tyrannosaurus that landed staggered to its feet again.

Then suddenly, a huge magic circle appeared in front of it.

You can use magic even though you're out of shape?

The giant Philo Pelican Queen takes a stance.

The tyrannosaurus seemed to be chanting, and after taking a big breath, it spit out a huge fireball.

The fireball spewed by the Tyrannosaurus flew towards the giant Philo Pelican Queen.

Tch, I'm so weak...

The giant Philo Pelican Queen stretched her hand-like wings forward, and the huge fireball was bounced away as if it hit a magic barrier.

Then, it holds a pair of wings with beautiful feathers in front of it.

Then, the giant Philo Pelican Queen turned into an afterimage and teleported behind the Tyrannosaurus.


Along with the sound of multiple tearings, the huge body of the Tyrannosaurus became more and more mutilated, with flesh and blood splashing everywhere.

It's now!

Suddenly, a ball formed by pure magic power hit the Tyrannosaurus. Even though the damage was not high, the Tyrannosaurus, which was already like a candle in the wind, was still killed with one blow!

In the body of the Tyrannosaurus that fell to the ground immediately, there was something emitting light.

After the giant Philo Pelican Queen glanced at Xia Qing, who had snatched the last blow, she stepped forward and picked up the radiant stone.

It's been a long wait. Are you okay, Shield Hero-sama?

The huge bird's head faced Xia Qing. Although it didn't open its beak, a sound came out.

looking for me?

I have a lot to say to you, but the way I am now is a little rude, please wait.

After saying these words, the giant Philo Pelican Queen closed her eyes and concentrated, and at the same time, her size became smaller and smaller. Soon she wrapped her body with two wings... and opened her wings.

Standing there was a girl with the same figure as Philo, with wings on her back.

Her hair is silver, with a hint of sky blue mixed into it.

However, there are three blond hairs on the head, which are impressive.

Red eyes. It feels like Philo doesn't seem so domineering in comparison.

With his straight facial features and comely face, he is neither better nor worse than Philo.

The outfit is a red and white dress.

Chapter 70 Among the ruins

Since Philo wore blue and white clothes when he was human, one can't help but compare him to Philo.

Let's start by introducing myself...the current queen who governs this world, Fitoria.

The girl in front of her nodded politely. Her actions were contrary to her tone, and she felt a little childish.

On the surface, he is just talking like a human, but he looks like a child trying to pretend to be an adult.

But in fact, if they knew her age, no one would think so.


Raphtalia was stunned.

Is it the name of the legendary Philo Pelican? I heard my parents tell me about it before.

Fitoria nodded.

That's right. When the wave came in the past, the Philo Pelican was cultivated by the four holy warriors who were summoned and was later said to be a legend.

In the past... I don't know how many years ago, did you inherit the name of your ancestors?

In the past and now, this name only belongs to Fitoria, right?

Fitoria, who tilted her head slightly, told her calmly.

Tilting his head also looks very majestic. With the same movements, Philo felt like a naughty child in comparison, but she was a child to begin with.

So that means you have lived from the distant past to the present?

Raphtalia asked in surprise.


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