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Chapter 68 Misty Forest

The very irritable giant dinosaur roared.


Damn it, if we fight here, the whole town will be implicated!

Raphtalia glanced at the house that had been trampled into ruins by the Tyrannosaurus, and spoke anxiously.

Melty's eyes widened.

Seeing this kind of monster, you are still thinking about fighting? Shouldn't you run away quickly?

This can't be blamed on her. After all, as a human, Melty can deeply feel the huge gap between her and that tall and terrifying monster.

To put it bluntly, it's like the gap between ordinary people and giants in Attack on Titan.

If it were in the modern world, this target-like monster would only be blasted to pieces by various thermal weapons.

But in this different world now, except for a few people with special powers, most of them are still at the fighting level of the Middle Ages, and can only fight with weapons such as swords, guns, swords and halberds.

It's better to evacuate to a farther place first.

Raphtalia suggested.

Master, hurry up!

Philo and Sakura both squatted down at this moment, letting Melty and Raphtalia climb on their backs.


When Philo and Sakura were running wildly, they discovered this moving object. The Tyrannosaurus, who had just woken up and was about to feast, was driven by instinct and took steps to chase after it.

We are being treated as prey, so let's stay away from the town with this momentum.

Xia Qing and Melty sat back-to-back on Philo, Melty sat in front, and Xia Qing sat back-to-back on Philo's back, so that he could better observe the scene behind him.

Being chased by such a super heavyweight enemy, even the ground felt like an earthquake.

Philo and Sakura were running so fast that they could barely keep a distance from the Tyrannosaurus. Until now, the Tyrannosaurus was chasing while destroying obstacles such as houses, so they were able to keep a distance. Without a house, it would probably be difficult to get rid of them.

Xia Qing, who was observing the target, could see something emitting a faint light near the chest of the tyrannosaurus.

If non-combat personnel follow, accidental injuries may occur. Sakura, take Melty and the others to the original house!

Xia Qing shouted towards Sakura.



As soon as Melty asked with a confused look on her face, Xia Qing grabbed her by the collar and was thrown directly onto Sakura's back.

Ahhh, damn it! You guy!!!

Melty, who was thrown into the air and landed on Sakura's back, was so frightened that tears welled up in her eyes, and then she looked up angrily and stared at Xia Qing.

However, her glare was completely ignored by Xia Qing.

Raphtalia, come over here!


Raphtalia stood up directly from Sakura's back and first put the Geel she was holding on Sakura's back.

At this moment, the dimly conscious Geel opened his eyes. He seemed to have not yet focused his eyes, thinking about Raphtalia's weak hand.


Kiel, although the situation is very serious, we must survive after we retreat., don't leave...

Kiel, it's okay. I just want to do what I should do, and... I will definitely find the flag and show it to everyone. Wait for me!

Raphtalia smiled, stroked Kil's hair, and nodded seriously.

Then he stood up directly, stepped on Sakura's back and jumped towards Philo.

After landing lightly on Philo's back, Sakura immediately turned around and headed towards the other side of the road.

Let's move the fighting venue to the forest, Philo!

Xia Qing commanded.


Riding Philo in a running state, crossing the streets and jumping over the walls, Xia Qing and Raphtalia headed towards a quiet forest far outside the city.

He's chasing Philo, very good.

Originally, he was planning to use magic to attract the Tyrannosaurus's attention, but now it seems that there is no need for it at all.

The Tyrannosaurus rex rushed towards this side with an earth-shaking momentum, spitting out white mist from its mouth, and saliva flowed from between its sharp teeth.


The running speed was quite fast, and he could even rival Philo who was sprinting. If he hadn't opened a distance first, he might have been caught up by now.

Lord Xia Qing, there seems to be a barrier over there!


That one is filled like mist. Legend has it that there is a breathing forest like the Lost Forest. There are weapons collected in ancient times sleeping there. The unit is not allowed to let people get close to it. There will be a magical mist shrouded there all year round... …”

Xia Qing looked in the direction Raphtalia pointed, and immediately noticed a thick fog blocking her vision.

Although it has a strong magical aura, it doesn't really count as a barrier.

As he spoke, Xia Qing raised his hand and manipulated the active elements in the atmosphere to tear a hole in the thick fog that surrounded the forest.

Philo immediately rushed into the gap in the mist.

Once inside the mist, I found that every plant and tree here was emitting a faint light. Those were the flowers, plants and trees growing in a place surrounded by magic.

Moreover, the shadow of Philo Pelican appeared in all directions.

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